Skymet weather

Protect your car when its raining

Delhi, Friday, July 27  Driving and parking during rains can prove to be damaging for your cars. Four wheelers tend to develop snags in the engine, windscreen, etc. while wet footwear can cause slip off pedal that is very dangerous. So here are a few tips that can reduce the chances of damage to your car:

  • Get your car covered -You should adequately cover your car with an insurance policy or if the car is already insured it should be renewed before the start of the rainy-season
  • Precaution during parking the car - You should avoid parking in low lying areas, basements, under a tree, transformers or a hoarding. Along with it you should also ascertain that the car is locked with all the doors, windows and openings are safely closed. In case the car is damaged due to heavy rain never try to start it or switch on any electrical parts
  • Precaution during driving the car - You should attempt to drive in the middle lane, avoid high speeds, maintain a distance from other cars. You should not follow large buses or trucks too closely as the spray from the wheels can block your vision. You should also avoid driving through waterlogged areas as you never know the depth of water. Never try to accelerate when passing through water-logging. Dry your feet or shoes before entering into car as this can cause slip off the pedals. While driving you should avoid central locking system during the rains as short-circuiting may jam the locking system.

Using these tips you can easily wither away difficulties that develop when you drive in the rain.

Is Gujarat heading for a drought year?

Delhi, Friday,  July  27  With a rain-deficit of 55% over east Gujarat and 77% over Saurashtra and Kutch, concerns whether the state is heading for a drought are rife.

The situation remains grim in the state, even if showers are expected over east Gujarat in the next twenty four hours. The present cyclonic circulation over northwest Madhya Pradesh is to bring rain in eastern parts of the state but that is not going to reduce the rain-deficit over entire Gujarat. Coastal Gujarat has been receiving rains but the intensity is light.

The monsoon makes way into the state by June 10 but the late arrival and the absence of any weather system over north Arabian Sea has marred the state's prospects of getting good rainfall. East Gujarat should have received 395 mm of rain till July 25 but only 182.1 mm of rain was recorded while in Saurashtra and Kutch, showers should have been in excess of 240 mm but a paltry 56.3 mm was received during this period.

The moisture laden southwesterly winds usually bring precipitation in the state but they need a low or a cyclonic circulation over the north Arabian Sea to anchor them.

Rains are still away from the state as the north Arabian Sea fails to throw any significant weather system in the vicinity.

Rains likely in east Gujarat; warm weather to prevail over northwest plains

New Delhi, Friday, July 27 Showers are predicted over rain-deficient east Gujarat in the next twenty-four hours. Heavy rains are expected to lash east Rajasthan, west and north Madhya Pradesh and adjoining areas of Uttar Pradesh as well in the next twenty four hours. Jharkhand, Orissa and adjoining areas of West Bengal will also receive showers during this period. Rain scarcity, prevailing westerlies and weak moist southeasterly winds would increase warmth and humidity over the northwest India.

A cyclonic circulation over north Madhya Pradesh and adjoining areas will garner rain over east Gujarat, east Rajasthan, west and north Madhya Pradesh and adjoining areas of Uttar Pradesh. The rains will be light over east Gujarat but west Madhya Pradesh is likely to get heavy rains in pockets tomorrow onwards. Elsewhere, showers would be moderate.

Starting from Anupgarh in Rajasthan, the monsoon trough is passing through Churu, Gwalior and Satna in Madhya Pradesh, Daltonganj in Jharkhand, Bankura and Kolkata in West Bengal to northeast Bay of Bengal. This will dispense rain over east Madhya Pradesh, north Chhattisgarh adjoining Jharkhand as well as over Gangetic West Bengal. Monsoon trough is essentially a region of intensified moisture laden monsoon winds.

Jharkhand, Orissa and adjoining areas of West Bengal would also receive rain due to the cyclonic circulation stretched over these regions. Moderate showers would take place over these places in the next day or two.

Northwest India, the leading rain-deficient region of the country is unlikely to receive any good showers in the near future. The monsoon trough lies south of Delhi while southeasterly winds are prevailing to its north. But these winds are not carrying enough moisture to give significant rain. So, humidity, temperatures around 35 degree Celsius as well as covered skies would increase uneasiness.

The off shore trough extending from Konkan to Kerala coasts is feeble yet showers of light to moderate intensity would occur along it, including Mumbai during the next twenty four hours. The moisture-laden southwesterly winds originating over the Arabian Sea prevail over this region.

In the south, coastal areas of Tamil Nadu are experiencing warm days as rain continues to be scanty. Isolated light showers in pockets can be expected. West Rajasthan remains dry due to prevalence of westerlies.

Deficient rain disappears Hilsa from menu in Bengal

New Delhi, Thursday, July 26, Rain-deficit in Bengal can now easily be gauged by sales of Hilsa, a widely popular fish during monsoon. The scanty rains has left local production down at one hand and at other inflated prices of available imported Hilsa from Bangladesh are making sure it is out of reach from middle class menu.

During monsoon, rains increase breeding and hence production while the steady supply in the market brings down prices. But this time around rain scarcity has left ponds almost dry and forced sellers to depend mostly on imports from Bangladesh. Buyers still await rains that will bring down the prices as the locally produced Hilsa can be available then.

According to fish traders, there has been at least a 40% drop in sales and a 50% reduction in supply of Hilsa this year compared to the last season. This has increased the prices of Hilsa to around Rs 1000 a kg. Ideally, the prices during monsoon should remain around Rs 200 a kg. But looking at the grim scenario of rainfall, Hilsa, euphoria and a celebration during monsoon season in Bengal will remain out of market as well as meal.

Weather in Mumbai and Kolkata

Delhi, Thursday, July 26, Mumbai is likely to continue with moderate showers in the next twenty four to forty eight hours. Mumbai is receiving such showers for last two to three days and weather is likely to remain unchanged during the next twenty four to forty eight hours.

There is no weather system seen evolving over Arabian Sea to increase rain intensity over Mumbai, yet prevalence of moisture laden westerly southwesterly winds will sustain moderate showers in the next twenty four to forty eight hours. Rains in the range of 10 to 30 mm are expected. Thereafter, due to strengthening of the coastal trough, intensity of rain over Mumbai is expected to increase.

Mumbai has been experiencing identical weather for the last three days. Frequent moderate showers in Mumbai are keeping the weather pleasant as maximums are hovering around 30 degrees while minimums around 26-27 degree, indicating a cozy morning. Skies in Mumbai are cloudy to overcast at times.

Kolkata still awaits heavy showers

Kolkata is expected to receive light to moderate showers in the next twenty four hours as the monsoon trough is passing nearby. Rains in the range of 10 to 20 mm are expected in the next twenty four hours while intensity will increase marginally over Kolkata in the next forty eight hours. Easterly-southeasterly winds are prevailing in Kolkata.

Kolkata has not received good rainfall. Gangetic West Bengal has a rain-deficit of 27%.

Day conditions in Kolkata remain warm as maximums are in the range of 33-35 degrees Celsius while minimum of around 27 degrees, making morning enjoyable in the City of Joy.

Downpour likely over west Uttar Pradesh; heavy rain over east Madhya Pradesh expected

New Delhi, Thursday, July 26, Monsoon showers have reached west Uttar Pradesh as well as east Rajasthan and moderate rains with isolated heavy spells are predicted in both these regions in the next twenty four hours. Central Uttar Pradesh will continue to retain showers while rainfall activities in places like Satna, Rewa and adjoining areas in east Madhya Pradesh would increase in the next twenty four hours.

Rains over these places will be witnessed courtesy an active monsoon trough. Monsoon trough is essentially a region of intensified moisture laden monsoon winds. Southwesterly winds from the Arabian Sea are turning into southeasterly along the trough while there is some mixing with easterly winds from the Bay of Bengal as well.

The monsoon trough is shifting northwards and would be positioned along the foothills of Himalayas after forty eight hours. This will increase rainfall over Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh and Punjab. Rains would be moderate.

Though, the monsoon trough has moved away from central India, the region is likely to retain light rain with isolated moderate at a few places.

The monsoon trough is passing south of Delhi and light rains are possible in the capital in the next twenty four hours. The trough will cross Delhi during the next twenty four to forty eight hours. After that westerlies may increase uneasiness with high temperature and humidity over Delhi and adjoining areas.

The shift of monsoon trough towards eastern Himalayan foothills will increase rainfall over east India, northeastern states as well after forty eight hours.

A cyclonic circulation is existing over Orissa. This will bring rain showers over Jharkhand, Orissa, north Telangana as well as north coastal Andhra Pradesh. A trough along the east coast is feeding this circulation. The circulation is likely to move northwards to enhance rain over east India and northeastern states in the next forty eight to seventy two hours.

The off shore trough extending along the west coast from Konkan to Kerala coast is weak but light to moderate rain would continue to occur in the region due to the presence of southwesterly moisture-laden winds.

In south Peninsula, Tamil Nadu will get some rain due to prevailing weak southwesterly winds. Isolated moderate spells can be experienced in parts.

West Rajasthan and Gujarat will remain dry as westerlies persist.

Heavy showers likely in rain deficient Kerala

New Delhi, Wednesday, 25 July A fresh surge of southwesterly winds along the west coast is boding well for Kerala during the next few days. The moisture-laden winds are strengthening along the Kerala coast to give boost to rainfall allover Kerala. Heavy showers with isolated very heavy spells at a few places are predicted in the next twenty four to forty eight hours.

There have been good rainfalls over north Kerala but a poor show in south that has a 50 % rain-deficit and made things worse for the state. The state received only 75 cm of rainfall till June 24 against the normal 123 cm it should have received from the first week of June.

Kerala is the gateway to Indian monsoon but the delayed arrival of monsoon by almost four to five  days and a slow progress of monsoon after that has marred the state's agricultural produces as well as hydro power generation.

The state also depends on hydel power for most of its electricity demands but inflow into reservoirs has not been good due to scanty rainfall throughout this season. Reservoirs lack by one thousand million units compared to last year's inflow of 1702 million units.

Keep a check on your pet's health during monsoon

New Delhi, Wednesday, July 25 Monsoon not only affects our health but of our pets too. They get wet causing them various infections, not to mention their damp paws bringing dirt and spoiling carpets, floor mats, rugs, bedding etc. Here, we are sharing few tips to take a good care of pets:


  • Keep the fur dry - A hairdryer or a room heater can be used to dry the damp fur


  • Avoid a bath during wet season - Dry shampoos and paper towels should be used to clean the pets


  • Clean ears, paws and claws - Cotton swabs should be used to remove all the fine dirt. Claws should also be trimmed to avoid infection


  • Avoid taking pets for a walk - Keep your pet inside when its raining. Make it play (Frisbee or a soft ball) inside so that it remain fresh and active


  • Feed fiber-rich diet - Foods like Bananas that help pets who suffer from indigestion


  • Avoid dairy products - To prevent them from allergy


  • Don't let your pet sleep outside - A warm dry section of the house can be used

Rains sustain over Uttar Pradesh; light rain likely over Delhi, northwest plains

New Delhi, Wednesday, July 25 Showers are likely to continue over the Uttar Pradesh even as heavy rain is looming large on the horizon. In Madhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, Satna, Katni and Rewa will also get heavy showers during the next twenty four hours. The northwest plains are readying up for some rains as well during the next twenty four to forty eight hours.

Temperatures dropped significantly over Uttar Pradesh and adjoining areas of Madhya Pradesh as the region received fair amount of showers in the last twenty four hours. The region can expect more rain as the monsoon trough is passing right through the center of a cyclonic circulation that is prevailing over east Uttar Pradesh and adjoining Madhya Pradesh.

Monsoon trough is essentially a region of intensified moisture laden monsoon winds.

Along with west and central areas of Uttar Pradesh and northeast areas of Madhya Pradesh, the active monsoon trough will also benefit eastern parts of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, extreme north Chhattisgarh and sub-Himalayan West Bengal in way of moderate rains in the next twenty four hours.

The western part of the monsoon trough is active in the foothills of Uttarakhand to bring rain here and in neighboring Himachal Pradesh. Rain will be moderate.

A feeble cyclonic circulation along the east coast in the west central Bay of Bengal is bringing rainfall over coastal areas of Orissa and north coastal areas of Andhra Pradesh. Light to moderate rain is likely to continue over these places in the next twenty four hours. North coastal Tamil Nadu may also receive isolated light showers.

The off shore trough extending from Konkan to Kerala coast is weak but the phase of light to moderate rain due to incursion of southwesterly winds from Arabian sea will continue. Moderate rain is expected to remain intact over Mumbai.

South interior Karnataka is also predicted to receive moderate spells as the southwesterly winds are also blowing across the southern Peninsula.

West Rajasthan remains dry due to westerly winds while extreme south Tamil Nadu will also be dry as  the moisture laden southwesterly winds are failing to reach here.

Light showers are expected over northeast Jammu & Kashmir under the influence of a Western Disturbance.

Rains likely over Delhi, northwest; heavy showers in central and east UP

New Delhi, Tuesday, 24 July, Northwest plains that have been sweltering under extreme heat conditions for a while now and are likely to get some relief from monsoonal showers. Northwest India that has been worst affected by the vagaries of monsoon this season, runs a deficit of 42% till yesterday.

Punjab and Haryana in the region that also lead in agricultural produce have been devoid of any good showers this monsoon and show up at the bottom of the deficient states within northwest India at 68% and 69%. This fact along with a largely bad monsoon over most of the country has not gone unnoticed and has raised quite a concern with policy makers and economy analysts.

But a movement in the monsoon trough (a region of intensified monsoon winds, mostly moisture bearing) towards these parts may cheer things up. The trough is expected to pass through Delhi, Haryana and Punjab and dispense light to moderate (in the range of 5 to 25 millimeters) showers in these parts during the next twenty four to forty eight while it reaches the Himalayan foothills.

Rainfall is expected to start tomorrow onwards over northwest plains while the spike in rainfall is expected from night till morning hours. Delhi that is a gateway to the northwest would be the first welcome these showers.

The trough is being fed by moist southwesterly wind from the Arabian Sea as well as rain bearing easterly winds from the Bay of Bengal. These winds are also dishing out some rainfall on its way from the seas.

Gujarat, east Rajasthan, Orissa, Vidarbha, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh would witness rain or thundershowers at a few places.

A cyclonic circulation over east Uttar Pradesh has merged with the monsoon trough in the middle and harbinger robust showers over east & central Uttar Pradesh and east Madhya Pradesh for the next two days. The rainfall would move along the trough and engulf east India during the next forty eight hours.

The surge over west coast has weakened leading to a decrease in rainfall here. Turn of winds to westerly/northwesterly along the west coast and south peninsula would cut off the erstwhile moisture feed.

West Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu will remain almost dry.

Heavy rains likely in Rajasthan, Maharashtra and Uttarakhand

New Delhi, Monday, 23 July, After Vidarbha and Telangana, it is now time for southwest Rajasthan and northeast Maharashtra to receive heavy showers. A low pressure zone is present over southwest Madhya Pradesh and it is being steered by strong moisture-laden southwesterly winds towards north to make rainfall vigorous over these places.

Four southwest districts of Rajasthan - Khargaon, Barwani, Dhar and Jhabua are likely to be affected by heavy showers. In northeast Maharashtra, three districts- Dhule, Nandurbar and Jalgaon are heading for robust rainfall in the next twenty four hours.

The moisture laden southwesterly winds are pushing the monsoon trough (a region of intensified monsoon winds) northwards and it will reach north of Delhi and close to the foothills of Uttarakhand in the next forty eight hours. Heavy to very heavy showers at a few places over Uttarakhand are predicted in the next two days.

Delhi may also get showers due to the closeness to an active monsoon trough tomorrow evening onwards.

Areas of Uttar Pradesh adjoining Madhya Pradesh may also receive showers during the next twenty four to forty eight hours.

Skin Protection in Rainy Season

New Delhi, Monday, 23 July, In Our skin needs changes from season to season. In rainy season we need to protect skin from high humidity levels and infectious environment. The chances of getting skin infections and skin problems are high during rainy seasons. The following tips are sure to help you in skin protection:

1. Daily shower is must. And if taken twice then it is even better.
2. Use antifungal soap for bathing but do not use it on facial skin.
3. A mild face wash is good for face. You can also opt for some home remedy like a mixture of gram flour, rose water and milk. Apply evenly on face and wash off after 15 -20 minutes.
4. Always follow your cleansing, toning and moisturizing routine to keep your skin youthful and bright.
5. Apply sunscreen before going outside as sun rays are still there in rainy season.
6. Keep your skin dry. Prolonged hours of wetness may cause infection on skin.
7. For fragrant experience, add some rose water in your bath and stay sweet scented all day long.
8. For hair protection go for head massage once in a while and shampoo your hair every alternate day to keep hair problems at bay. Do not comb wet hair. Also do not tie your hair tightly as it may lead to breakage.
9. Use water based cosmetic products.
10. Prefer cotton clothing in rainy season to keep the skin cool and fresh.
The above tips can save you from many problems related to rainy season. In addition to the above, try to include some herbs in your daily skin protection routine and diet.
For example turmeric is extremely good for skin problems. Use a pinch of it in your face mask for fair and bright glow. When used in food, it protects you from several infections and diseases.
In the same way use of basil in kitchen and for skin care is extremely beneficial.
At the end a colorful umbrella in your bag will surely protect you from rain and sun rays.


Protect your Skin from rain infections


Skin is the most vulnerable part of our body, especially during rainy season when infection and other virus inducing germs are prevalent in the environment and chances of getting our skin infected increases. It is necessary to keep our skin in good condition during rain as with such skin infections we cannot go outside due to the fear of making it worse. It can contagious to others as well. So here are a few tips that can be useful to protect your skin:


  • Daily bath is must and twice is even better
  • Use anti-fungal soap for showers but refrain from using it on the face
  • Use a mild face wash. You can also use home remedies like a mixture of gram flour, rose water and milk
  • Cleansing, toning and moisturizing routine to keep your skin youthful and bright
  • Use a good sunscreen as sun rays still might affect while the effect may be worse due tp prevailing humidity during the rainy season
  • Keep the skin dry at all times, do not allow perspiration to settle on your skin
  • Use water based cosmetic products
  • Use cotton cloths in rainy season to keep the skin cool and fresh

These tips can save your skin from most infections. Apply these to maintain its health during rainy season

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