Skymet weather

Tips to deal with winter sickness

New Delhi, The change in weather or the season caught many of us unaware. It's quite simple to gear up for such change. All you need to do is gain a simple understanding of the change in wind type, temperature and rainfall. Falling sick during this period is called 'weather transition sickness'. It's winters again and here are some tips that can save you from winter related illness'.


  • Running or stuffed nose – one of the most common winter ailment due to dip in the temperatures, pack your pockets with tissue to deal with the running nose


  • Blow your nose gently and regularly - in order to get rid of excessive mucus or you can also inhale some drops of eucalyptus oil for quick relief


  • Flu – flu is another most common ailment, due to variation in temperatures many tend to catch the flu. For relief take a steamy shower and sip on hot fluids like chicken soup or sweet corn soup


Sore throat - that tingling throat is a big pain. Hence, try gargling with a mixture of warm water and salt, and keep drinking hot water for relief

Monsoon failure to become more frequent during next 200 yrs

New Delhi, With temperatures projected to rise by 4.6 °C over pre-industrial times by 2200, 10 monsoon failures are expected in the next 50 years with daily rainfall of only about 3 mm which is about half of the normal 6 to 7 mm.

This rise is above the global target to keep the warming below 2°C post pre-industrial times to avoid dangerous possibilities of more droughts, floods and rising sea level. But as the emissions are rising globally the 2°C target is becoming increasingly harder to achieve.

Higher temperatures would vapourise more water from the Ocean to increase rains in many areas. Such shift in temperatures and rainfall would disrupt air flow known as the Pacific Walker Circulation which helps to derive the monsoon usually by bringing high pressure to the western Indian Ocean.

In long duration, El Nino effect which warms waters in the eastern Pacific with the Walker pattern shift eastwards, bringing high pressure area over India and this pattern would suppress the monsoon.

The monsoon rains could collapse about every fifth year between 2150 and 2200 with continued global warming. The monsoon in India lasts from June to September and is vital for India's 1.2 billion farmers growing crops such as rice, wheat and corn.

Hair care during winters

New Delhi, Hair care is needed during winters as dry and cool winds under sunshine take away moisture from hair and it make difficult to comb. Here we are offering you some useful tips that will make sure a health hair during winters.

Use hair oil – Spread the oil towards the tip to prevent split ends and dry hair

Use conditioner – Conditioning hair provide moisture to your hair, After every shower use conditioner as it helps to smooth the dry hair

Avoid dryers – stay away from using dryer during winters as it will affect hair by making it more brittle and dry

 Wear a scarf/cap/hat – to save the hair from being frizzy due to dry and cool winds under sun cover your hair before going outside. The cap or hat should be not too tight as it will interrupt the blood circulation in your scalp

Fight hair static - hair static is caused due to lack of moisture in the hair, hence use a leave-in conditioner after shower or spray some hair spray while styling your hair. Always use wide tooth wooden comb and never comb your hair when it is wet

Do not shampoo often - excessive shampooing can take off natural hair oils, which will result in dry hair and dry scalp. Shampoo your hair not more than three times a week and use lukewarm water.


These tips will serve your hair well during winters so follow them to enjoy it with full spirit.

The weather in northern India

New Delhi, While much of the south was experiencing inclement weather conditions last week, Northern India was witnessing cool and dry weather with a bit chill during the morning and evening hours. But all that changed as cyclone Nilam, after weakening into a depression, took a north-northeastely turn. The movement of the depression, which later turned into a low pressure area spun the moisture towards North India.

The already cool heavy winds present in the atmosphere due to prevalent slower northerly winds mixed with the moisture to create a weather engulfed with thick, dense fog especially during morning and evening hours to affect daily lives. Stray industrial dusts combined with vehicle pollutants made smog cover over the industrial region in Delhi and NCR and in Uttar Pradesh. Motorists on road were amazed with such a fog or smog conditions and have begun believing that winters have arrived a bit earlier this year.

However, truth be told, winter is still approaching and is yet to be announced and the weather conditions we are witnessing now are not of winter but are due to the weather system that affected the southern Peninsula last week.

The fog conditions would be there in the morning and the evening during the next couple of days but as the northerly winds would approach with an increased speed they would blow away the moisture in the winds. This will work as an antidote for the smog cover, which has poisonous contents and was also working up a green house affect to increase the minimum temperatures as the radiated heat was unable to pierce the atmosphere.

So after 48 hours, the minimum temperatures are likely to start falling again as the sky will be more open and northerly wins would once again grip northern India. The maximum temperatures would also rise a bit due to more clear sunshine.

Body-care tips for winters

New Delhi, Most of North and East India has already been experiencing cool weather all day long while the West and South have started to feel the pleasant morning chills and nippy late evenings.

The season brings lethargy with it as the general desire to spend more time sleeping rather than doing any physical activity increases. Here, we’ve jotted down the top five care tips for your skin, face and hands that can boost your spirit to enjoy winters.


  •       Apply moisturizer - for a radiant skin, use some good body lotion regularly after shower. This will help your skin to contain some extra moisture


  •       Stay away from hot water bath - hot water causes damage to your skin so try to avoid hot water baths, lukewarm water is better


  •        Avoid licking lips - chapped lips is the biggest problem during winters so apply lip balm or gel that will help to heal cracked lips


  •        Take care of you heels - cracked heel is a common worry during winters. To help it heal, keep your feet in warm water for 15 minutes and then scrub the heels with pumice stone and apply some cream.


  •        Hand care - before going to bed apply cream to keep them moisturized and wear gloves while going out in extreme cold. This will protect your nails from breakages


Following these tips would certainly keep you ready for the harsh winter season, which is about to grip the entire nation.

Global warming made Sandy more destructive?

Hurricanes like Sandy accumulate their energy from the warm waters in the top layer of the Ocean and the unusually warm late October may have made the Hurricane more destructive. Overall, the temperature of the ocean surface has raised by about one degree Fahrenheit since 1970s, said to be due to global warming. So, the Ocean surface temperature in the Western Atlantic contributed a noticeable part (10%) of the energy on which Sandy thrived.

Many of Sandy's outstanding features, including its large scale, were derived from its origin as a merger of two weather systems that converged in the western Atlantic. The ocean rose about eight inches in the last century, and the rate seems to have accelerated to about a foot. The rise is said to be a direct consequence of human-induced climate change.

At the time by which Sandy hit the Northeast coast in the US, it became a freakish hybrid of a large, late-season hurricane and a winter storm more typical of the middle latitude. This type of hybrid storm is rare enough and it has not been studied yet for whether it is likely to become more common in an ever warming climate.

Have a green Diwali to avoid Smog allergies

New Delhi, Cool weather conditions due to temperatures below normal in northwestern region are empowering the air to contain more moisture. The high level of moisture during the morning and evening hours are holding more dust and smoke particles to form 'Smog'. This smog could increase further because of bursting fire crackers during the Diwali celebrations.
Smog could even cause different types of allergies in the coming days. The high smog level in the air worsens nasal-bronchial allergies. People suffering from such allergies could find it hard to breath. Eye infections will also see a high during this Diwali. These smoggy conditions will give rise to skin allergies like itching as well.
Seeing these abnormal weather conditions combined with the adverse affects of crackers, it is advisable to go green this Diwali. Eco-friendly crackers can be used to reduce the risk of ill health.

Poor visibility in Delhi & NCR

New Delhi, The weather conditions prevailing during the last few days over the southern states was not felt in northern parts of the country but as the cyclone weakened into a depression and took a turn in the north-northeasterly direction, the moisture left in the system was pushed by the southeasterly winds towards Delhi and NCR region.
The moisture in the air is capable enough to hold the pollutants and industrial smoke to create smog in Delhi and the NCR region. The moisture availability is highest during the morning and the evening hours due to which fog affect is severe at that time of the day. Visibility is likely to be poor in the next two to three days. Haziness would be quite dense.
Haze would continue to persist even during the afternoon time affecting the maximum temperatures which would remain below normal due to unavailability of proper sunshine.
The fog conditions will reduce when the moisture laden southeasterly winds would be taken over by the relatively stronger northerly winds in this region.

Relief from Cyclone Nilam likely

New Delhi, No one had expected Cyclone Nilam to become a severe kind of cyclonic storm but it did the same and that too just before landing along the extreme southern east coast of India. The storm is unleashing very heavy to extremely heavy rain in the south Penisular India. The night of October 31 could bring testing times for the people living in these parts.

Winds of damaging speeds are prevailing in the region and are causing damages across the region. The people living close to the sea and adjacent areas are experiencing worst ever weather. The persistent rain would keep the temperature down and a chill can be witnessed in the air.

The cyclone is likely to lash the region with rain for another 12 hours. The intensity of the rainfall would get subdued after this period as the storm will lose its energy. There are possibilities that the remnants of the cyclone would interact with the low pressure area about to form along the west coast near the southeast Arabian Sea but till then people in south India would get some reprieve from the inclement weather they are experiencing now.

Superstorm Sandy attacks US

Superstorm Sandy finally hits the eastern region on the southeast coast of New Jersey near Alantic city in the US. This was a tropical storm as it came out of a tropical region but with its current intensity and position, it is now being called a 'post-tropical Superstorm' - Sandy. Sandy is now penetrating inlands and will confront the cold fronts from the west to bring further havoc.

The superstorm is bearing unusual characteristics and extreme size, hitting one of the most populated regions in the world. Reports of downed trees, power outages and coastal flooding are being witnessed even before the arrival of the worst.

The eye of the circulation is now close to extreme southern New Jersey and Delaware Bay. The enormous expanse of strong winds will continue to push water offshore across a long stretch along the coast through high tides during the evening.

The winds will continue to blow during the next 24 hours and power woes remain intact.The torrential rains will cause local inland flooding, with generally higher rainfall amounts to the west and southwest in Maryland and Pennsylvania than in New York City and Boston. Snow will pile up in the mountains of the central Appalachians.

Happy Paddy times

New Delhi, “The farmer has to be an optimist or he wouldn’t still be a farmer”
Each year farmers spend lakhs on sowing their crop, hoping it will pour but the wait for the arrival of the rains makes them lose out on huge finances. To add to the problem, the wide gap between the scale of finance and the actual cultivation cost poses hardships for the farmers. Besides this, harvesters have a lurking fear of rain or no rain or heavy rain which too can spoil the harvest.
But times are good as oodles of rain this month marked the reason for the happiness and enthusiasm of the paddy growing farmers in Tiruvarur, Tamil Nadu. The north east monsoon rain was recorded at 221mm in only a week between 15-21 October. Experts have already started predicting better yield this agricultural season seeing this crucial plenty rain. Joyous feelings are echoing in parts of Mannargudi and Perugavazhndan, where private owners too are expecting a good yield.
Farmers of Tiruvarur were in tears seeing no rain conditions in the delta after the 23rd of September but still took a major risk by sowing the paddy, hoping it would pour. This step proved to be fruitful for them as their crop got its share of rain with the regular onset of north east monsoon in the area. Farmers say, now the ideal situation for them would be more spells of rain in the coming weeks.
A deep depression in the south west Bay of Bengal that can intensify into a cyclone, with heavy winds at a speed of 80 to 90 Kmph from the east and north, can bring widespread moderate to heavy rainfall in coastal Tamil Nadu in the next 24 hours. Though this would not lead to any substantial damage to the crops, it could lead to water stagnation in the fields. Experts say this excess water should be drained out after this possible storm is over or the heavy winds will uproot the plantation. Moreover they suggest stopping the transplantation of paddy till this storm doesn’t pass.
Thus, it becomes extremely essential for the farmers to be updated about the latest weather developments in their city and get important insights before, during and after the plantation time.

Sandy standstills lives in eastern US

The northwest moving Hurricane Sandy is giving sleepless nights to communities across eastern coast in the US. Flights are being canceled, transit systems are being suspended, New york stock exchange, Schools, College are expected to be shut for the next 48 hours. In awe of the fearful weather, lives in eastern coast of the US have come to a standstill and are likely to remain so during the next 48 hours.
The situation has aggravated to dangerous levels as the storm is likely to collide with the western cold front to cause heavy rain, massive snowfall in the mainland while high tides would bring flash floods in the coastal areas. The affected cities are Cape Hatteras, Charleston, Washington, Pittsburgh, New York, Syracuse, Boston and Burlington.

As rain from the leading edges of the monster Sandy began to fall over the Northeast, hundreds of thousands of people from Maryland to Connecticut were ordered to evacuate low-lying coastal areas, including 375,000 in lower Manhattan and other parts of New York City, 50,000 in Delaware and 30,000 in Atlantic City.

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