Skymet weather

Snowfall, rain likely over J&K, HP; subdued rain in south, northeast

New Delhi, Snowfall and rain are expected over Jammu & Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh over the next 24 to 36 hours. Northwesterly winds would continue over Gangetic plains during the next 24 hours. Subdued rain is likely to continue in the southern most parts of Peninsular India and rain would reduce over northeastern states of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh during this period.

The Western Disturbance has arrived over Jammu & Kashmir and is expected to affect the region during the next two days. The weather system is weak and unlikely to bring much of a rain or snowfall yet one or two places in Jammu & Kashmir and Himachal (in the higher altitudes) could receive snow or rain.

The weather system would stop the flow of northerly winds over the northwest region and this could raise the temperatures further. The region is already experiencing above normal maximum temperatures by 2 to 3 degrees. The sky will be cloudy to party cloudy over the region. Hills will be mainly cloudy. Another Western Disturbance is expected from December 11 over Jammu & Kashmir.

But the northerlies would continue in the Gangetic plains as the winds associated with the latest Western Disturbance are blowing much higher than the northwest plains. The night temperature would remain below normal by 1 to 2 °C in some parts of the Gangetic plains during the next 24 to 48 hours.

In the south, the cyclonic circulation over Comorin area in Kerala has turned insignificant, so rain would further reduce over Kerala along with Tamil Nadu, Rain is likely at a few places over south Tamil Nadu and south Kerala and at one or two places over rest of Tamil Nadu and Kerala.

The cyclonic circulation over the northeastern states has moved out in an eastward direction. This will reduce rain over the region. The weather over rest parts of country is dry.

Three earthquakes within an hour jolt Japan; raise Tsunami warnings

Three earthquakes within an hour rattled Japan today. The tremors triggered a one-metre high tsunami waves in the same area devastated by last year's Fukushima disaster but there were no immediate reports of deaths or serious damage. The epicenter of the quake was reported to be off northeastern Japan.

The one-metre tsunami hit at Ishinomaki, in Miyagi, at the centre of the devastation from the March 2011 disaster. All Miyagi trains halted operations and Sendai airport, which was flooded by the tsunami last year, closed its runway.

The first earthquake that occurred around 1: 48 pm has the intensity of 7.3 on the Richter scale. The earthquake was followed up with two other tremors of 6.2 and 5.5 magnitude in the same area.

The March 2011 earthquake and the following tsunami killed nearly 20,000 people and triggered the world's worst nuclear crisis in 25 years when the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear plant was destroyed, leaking radiation into the sea and air.

Winterize your home

Winters are here, you’ve taken out all your woolens, and you’re ready to fight the cold. But have you ever thought of winterizing your house for the sweater months! Raking leaves, planting bulbs, installing storm windows and cleaning gutters are telltale rituals but that’s not all, you must do a little extra to keep your house safe in the icy months.

a) Plumbing- Be your own plumber from time to time. If you live in colder climates, make sure your house pipes are not vulnerable to thawing and freezing, causing the pipes to burst and your house water supply being damaged. To make it weatherproof, shut off your supply of water to outdoor spigots and sprinkler and then drain them. Also protect you’re unused a/c and coolers during winters by covering them to protect them from the harsh cold weather or the water sprinklers you place outside.

b) Chimneys- If you plan to enjoy your winters by sitting by the fireplace, make sure the chimney vent is clean and no critters have made themselves at home there. Call a chimney cleaner to inspect your chimney and clean out soot and other hazardous debris.

c) Seal leaks- Check your roof for missing shingles and gaps around your chimneys or other openings. Once you’ve identified areas from where water could intrude or ice could form, apply weather stripping there. Shoring up any leaks will provide a more comfortable and hassle free winter

d) Home energy audit- A ‘home energy audit’ is a useful assessment that helps you save money in the colder months. An audit helps you to know where you’re losing energy and it recommends where you can save thus making your home energy efficient throughout the season in spite of heavy usage of geysers, heaters and other electrical appliances. This can involve anything from installing additional insulation to replacing poorly performing appliances.

In the end also don’t forget to clear overhanging tree limbs over the corners of your house that can harm roofs, porch railings, decks and even your cars.

Most suicides in winters?

Poor winter has quite a spoilt and abominable rep for being the saddest season of the year. Blacklisted for making people feel the blues and depressed. Little light and grey-ishness outside kills the mood for some. Thus the SAD (seasonal effective disorder) syndrome hits many and becomes quite common during the icy months.  And this is the reason why many end up linking the high number of suicides to the winter months.
Though we must reveal that this belief is nothing but a myth!

Let’s try to understand a little about the epidemiology of suicides:

A report by the World Health Organization states that nearly a million people take their lives every year. On an average, almost 3000 people commit suicide every day out of which 287,000 die every year in China. In United States, suicide rates are the lowest during the winter months and highest during the summer and spring. Reason being when the suicide comes to mind, pictures of bright sunshine and blue skies don’t come to mind. But constant sunlight harms our circadian rhythm, which helps us sleep at night and stay awake during the day. Since this gets process disrupted in very high temperatures, the body tends to become weaker and more tired hence people are more prone to taking their own lives. In India 250,000 farmers have died in the last fifteen years due to their crops having done poorly in the given weather. Every year they wait for the harsh summer sun to retreat soon and the rains to come in well and early. Sporadic rain and temperatures, as high as 45⁰C, ends their morale and thus their life.

Thus the world of science does not attribute suicides to weather but to the human condition.


Winter Music, Play on!

Winters bring about the coldest time of the year. It is not only the best time for travelers to adventure across the globe but also the favorite time for people to celebrate festivals and holidays!
In December, when Christmas is round the corner and the festivities are in full swing, music is an essential part of adding to the cheer! Christmas carols become a rage around this time even among those that don't necessarily celebrate this festival. In fact, during this time, it is music that brings people of all religions and cultures together to celebrate the winter months.
Be it a Christmas bash, a winter ball dance at schools and colleges, or just a cozy winter party at home with friends and family, music can make every occasion memorable. Even an official evening out with colleagues or a business party can not be complete without a winter score in the background. These songs therefore represent the time of the year when people bundle up for outdoor fun or unwind in front of a cozy fireplace.
If you are one of those that prefer listening to the traditional, classic genre of winter music, some scores to select from are:
•    “Winter Wonderland” - Johnny Mathis
•    “Sleigh Ride” - Boston Pops
•    “Baby it’s cold outside”- Dean Martin
•    “Winter Romance”- Dean Martin
If you prefer more pop, rock and funk sort of music during a winter theme party or while traveling, some of these songs could help you groove and make your cold days memorable:
•    “ Early Winter” - Gwen Stefani
•    “Winter Time” - Steve Miller Band
•    “Winter”- Rolling Stones
•    “A Winter’s Tale” - Queen
•    “Winter”- Tori Amos
•    “Hazy Shade of Winter”- Simon and Garfunkel
•    “First snow on Brooklyn” – Jethro tull
While winters bring snow in many areas, some others don't see any flakes at all. But hey! there is no reason for you to be sad if it doesn’t snow in your city. Listening to songs on snow can help you pretend for a bit that you are surrounded by these beautiful white, fluffy flakes. Do not forget to include these snowfall melodies to the list!
“Snowflakes” - Jim Reeves
“Snowbound” - Genesis
“Snowbird” - Anna Murray
“Let it Snow” - Frank Sinatra
“Snow come down” - Lori Carson
“15 feet of Pure White Snow” – Nick Cave and Bad Seeds
Winter music is like a refuge that can help one crawl into the space between the notes and curl back into loneliness and bliss! So play on, on and on!

Cover up to look more attractive in winters!!

As seasons change, so do our habits, our lifestyle and our likes and dislikes. But that’s not all, there’s one more thing that changes seasonally i.e. men’s attraction to a woman’s body. It might sound unbelievable but to many the dry winter months of icy winds and biting temperatures, blamed for a dull and lazy skin and lethargic days is the time when men find women most attractive. The fresh months of spring when, hot pants and noodle straps are a rage and red, yellows and pink become the wardrobe essentials; men are seen rather disinterested in the abundant skin show.

Well, according to a research done in Poland, men were asked to rate photographs of women in every season. The results showed men rated the opposite sex much more in the winter months than in the hot months of summer. Though there has been no clear explanation for the variation, but researchers say this is because of the ‘rarity factor’. Fewer female bodies are on display in the winter. Entirely covered bodies with blazers, mufflers and overcoats make men want to see more skin. Men thus find women sexier thinking of what lies beneath those many layers of thick winter woolens. While in the summer they become more critical and selective of what qualifies as attractive and what makes their libido active.

This ‘contrast effect’ thus shows that scarcity vs surplus is the reason for the results of this study. It also explains why men in cultures where women cover most of their bodies find a glimpse of an ankle or wrist erotic. The researchers found the same pattern of results in men of all ages and in those living in both urban and rural areas.

Now all you women have nothing to worry about. No more getting stressed over dry chapped lips, red running noses and festive weight gain! Winters are here and all you have to do is cover up to woo your man!

Typhoon 'Bopha' kills more than 475 people in Philippines

The powerful Typhoon Bopha, which made a landfall on Tuesday the 4th of December, has caused widespread destruction in Philippines as more than 475 people have been killed and another have been 400 reported missing. Bringing in torrential rains and high winds, Typhoon 'Bopha' unleashed chaos in southern Philippines.

Typhoon Bopha struck Mindanao Island on Tuesday leading to flash floods, which further engulfed makeshift shelters like the village hall and schools. Bopha, said to be among the strongest to hit the south of the country in the past 20 years, made landfall on the east coast of Mindanao Island, home to a population 10 million.

Tens of thousands of people were moved to shelters ahead of the typhoon, but in one town in Compostela Valley the shelters themselves were swept away by flash floods.

The typhoon brought gusts of up to 210 kmph and heavy rain. Communications and power supplies have shut down across vast areas of the island. The typhoon grounded over 150 flights and over 4,000 ferry passengers are still stranded at ports.

The typhoon came almost a year after Typhoon Washi struck northern Mindanao with devastating consequences. More than 1,300 people died when that storm struck, as rivers burst their banks and swamped communities.

Mercury to rise marginally over northwest; rain to increase over northeast

New Delhi, Temperatures, both maximums and the minimums are expected to rise marginally over northwest plains and hills during the next 24 hours. Snowfall expected over Jammu & Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh during the next 48 hours. Rain is likely in the northeastern states during the next two to three days. Rain would reduce over south Peninsula during the next two days.

The feeble Western Disturbance over Pakistan and adjoining Jammu & Kashmir has started affecting the northwest plains and hills as it will bring snowfall and rain at a few places over Jammu & Kashmir and at one or two places over Himachal Pradesh during the next couple of days.

The Western Disturbance will bring clouds and will stop the cool northerly winds that had dropped the minimum temperatures below normal over northwest and Indo-Gangetic plains. The maximum temperature would rise marginally over these places as the heat will not be able to escape due to covered skies and the minimum temperatures would rise a bit as northerlies are being cut off by the eastward moving weather system towards Jammu & Kashmir.

This Western Disturbance will then reach over the northeastern states by December 9 or 10 to bring rain over Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Meghalaya. One or two places could experience light rain with rise in temperatures during the dates mentioned above. Another Western Disturbance is expected over Jammu & Kashmir that will start affecting the region from December 10.

In the south Peninsula, rain is expected to reduce over Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka during the next 24 hours as the cyclonic circulation has become insignificant. But remnants of the circulation would continue to bring rain at one or two places over these areas at this time.

Along the West coast, a trough of low pressure area is extending from southeast to east-central Arabian Sea with an associated cyclonic circulation over Comorin area along the Kerala coast. This system would bring clouds over interior parts of Maharashtra and light rain is likely at isolated places in the region during the next 24 hours.

Near-harvest crops to be affected by low rainfall in TN

New Delhi, Vegetables, sugarcane, maize and others that are nearing harvest in Tamil Nadu could be at the receiving end if rain remains low. The crisis is looming for the region with the monsoon failing second time this year. First, the south-west monsoon played truant and when hopes were pinned on the north-east monsoon, it again disappointed farmers as rains were not up to the expectation in the month of November. Concerns are growing as there is very less chance of required or heavy rain during December also.

Farmers are worried about the impact of the low rainfall on crops. Water level in the lakes has to go up if farmers are to benefit. Without heavy rainfall, this will not happen. The region may receive mediocre or even less rains in the coming days. Though, different parts of the state may receive rain but the cloud intensity in the region is less.

Not only the crops, the prospects for drinking water supply to major urban areas like Coimbatore appear bleak unless rain picks up in the coming days. Day temperatures are already on the upswing and water level in lakes in Coimbatore is falling fast. There is little flow in Bhavani and Noyyal rivers, the lifelines of the region.

Coimbatore and nearby regions have received less rainfall than usual. Average rainfall during the season till November last week was around 19.9 mm while the district received 15.8 mm of rain. The rains which started well in October tapered off in November.

Fog update for north India this winter

New Delhi, As of now, the weather conditions are indicating that there would be less dense-fog hours in north India this year compared to the last year. The reason behind this is being attributed to the lesser numbers of Western Disturbances that are expected this season compared to 2011 winters. In absence of Western Disturbance, dry northerly winds are expected to dominate the season.

These dry winds are short on the humidity level, which is important for the development of fog, so chances of dense fog formation are less. Fog formation also depends on the speed of the wind, which counts on pressure. If the pressure gradient is high, the wind speed would pick up, just like what we are about to experience over northwestern and Indo-Gangetic plains during the next two days.

During the next two days, northerly winds are expected to blow with an average speed of around 20 kmph over north and east India. The wind speed is high in these regions as under clear skies, days are sunny and the difference between maximum and minimum is high which is creating greater pressure gradient. So, there will be less mist or haze during the next two days over the region as strong winds would not let moisture in the air stay for long.

Stay updated on fog updates in north India. Click here.

Strong cold winds to increase wind chill in north India; rain likely to reduce over south

New Delhi, Northwest and Indo-Gangetic plains will be witnessing strong northerly winds during the next couple of days. Wind chill is likely to be more severe as these icy winds have picked speed and will be blowing at about 15 to 25 kmph during this period.

Due to intense winds over both the plains, the chill in the air could even be felt during the day time when temperature remains high. Maximum temperatures or the day time temperatures are already below normal.

Intense winds, melting of snow as well as below normal temperatures would create severe cold conditions that may prevail over these regions during the next 48 hours.

The weather condition would change particularly over northwest plains from December 7 onwards as a Western Disturbance is about to arrive over Jammu & Kashmir. The weather system has moved from northeast Afghanistan and adjoining Pakistan to north Pakistan while moving in a east-northeastwards.

The weather system would put a break on the northerly winds and raise the maximum and minimum temperatures to bring relief to people in northwest India over Punjab, Haryana, Delhi and west Uttar Pradesh. But they have to wait for such relief for another two days.

Rain is likely to reduce over south Peninsula especially along the south east coast in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu during the next 48 hours. But before that, coastal Andhra Pradesh and Rayalaseema will receive rain at many places in the coming 24 hours.

A few places in Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Lakshadweep will also receive rain during this period. The cyclonic circulation over south interior Andhra Pradesh and adjoining Tamil Nadu is bringing rain to these areas. Nellore in Andhra Pradesh has recorded 113 mm of rain during the last 24 hours.

A trough of low pressure area has formed and extends from Lakshadweep to east-central Arabian Sea. Under its influence, rain would occur at one or two places over Maharashtra, Goa and Karnataka during the next 24 to 48 hours.

Basics of winter skin care

New Delhi, It's Winter therefore it's high time to protect your skin as the dry conditions can take a toll on your skin. Before drop in temperatures and sunny sky conditions dry up moisture from your skin, follow these tips to protect yourself:

  • Use moisturizer in the winter: Daily intense moisturizing massages will help keep your skin supple and glowing during these winter months. Also use a face pack on a weekly basis to rejuvenate your skin.

  • Prepare your skin for the winter: Start your day by prepping your skin. Exfoliate the skin but not more than once a week. Exfoliation will take care of the flaky, dry skin but you have to make sure to do it gently and not overdo it.

  • Use a gentle scrub with tiny grains: Prefer a man-made scrubber as the natural ones usually have uneven edged granules that may create tiny tears in the skin.

  • Follow up exfoliation with a deep moisturizing emollient in winters: Vitamin C moisturizers work really well. Let the moisturizer sit for at least 5 minutes so your skin can soak it in. Makeup applied on moisturized skin will last longer. If makeup is applied before the moisturizer has time to set in, it will dilute the effect of the moisturizer.

  • Diet for winter skin care: Eating and exercising right for your skin this winter: Include lots of juices, fruits & dry fruits in your diet and drink at least 8 glasses of water. Find a form of exercise that you enjoy, get enough rest, stay positive, use the right makeup products and don't skip the cleansing-toning-moisturizing ritual before going to bed.

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