Skymet weather

Weather in major airports in India on 19th January 2013

Indira Gandhi International Airport, Delhi
Flights at Delhi airport could face delays and disruptions during the late night or the early morning hours as dense fog in Delhi airport is expected. Moderate fog will prevail around the airport during the next 24 hours.

Guru Ram Das Jee International Airport, Amritsar
Flight operations may get affected at the Amritsar airport, as visibility will reduce considerably due dense fog for a short period in the late night to early morning hours.

Chaudhary Charan Singh Internation Airport, Lucknow
Shallow fog is expected around the Lucknow airport but flight operations are likely to be on time. The winds will be northwesterly blowing at 10 to 20 kmph. There is no chance of delays in flight arrivals and departures.

Lal Bahadur Shashtri International Airport, Varanasi
No fog is expected at Varanasi airport but the sky will be partly cloudy. The winds will be northerly to northeasterly blowing at a speed of around 10 to 20 kmph and flights will be on time. Rain can be expected in the evening or late night.

Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan Airport, Patna
The weather at Patna airport will have a clear or partly cloudy sky during the next 24 hours. Rain is expected tomorrow in Patna. Winds over Patna have changed and northwesterly winds blowing at 10 to 15 kmph will be experienced. Fog is unlikely at the airport area and flight operations will be on time.

Netaji Subash Chandra Bose International Airport, Kolkata
There is no chance of fog formation around the Kolkata airport and flight operations will be smooth.
The wind speed will be around 5 kmph during the next 24 hours.

Bangalore Airport
The airport in Bangalore will have clear weather. Easterly winds blowing at 5 to 15 kmph will be witnessed around the Bangalore airport. The conditions will not lead to fog formation and flight operations are expected to be on time.

Rain in Delhi, Punjab and Haryana to reduce; fog to make a comeback

Rain in Delhi along with the plains of Punjab and Haryana will reduce during the next 24 hours but fog in Delhi will start developing and intensify. Snowfall in Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand is expected to continue but will reduce after a day.

The exit of the Western Disturbance from over J&K will bring down the minimum temperatures as the icy northerly winds originating from the snowfall areas will dominate northwest from tomorrow, the 19th of January onwards. The night temperatures are expected to come down by 6 to 7°C over Punjab, Haryana, Delhi and west Uttar Pradesh.

The maximum temperatures would continue to fall by 2 to 4°C due to cloudy to partly cloudy weather during the next 24 hours. Cloud subsidence will again increase the maximum temperatures to make days warmer in northwest India thereafter.

This strong Western Disturbance that lies over east Jammu & Kashmir will exit the region while moving northeastwards after the next 24 hours. This ousting of the weather system will also reduce rain in Delhi, Punjab and Haryana within a day.

Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand will continue to receive heavy snowfall at a few places for a day. Isolated places in these areas could also experience very heavy snowfall during this period. Snowfall and rain will reduce considerably thereafter.

The left over moisture from the passing Western Disturbance in Jammu & Kashmir added with drop a in minimum temperatures and slow wind speed will lead to fog in Delhi, Punjab, Haryana and west Uttar Pradesh. Moderate to dense foggy conditions are expected in these parts from 19th onwards. Hills in the northwest will have dense to very dense fog during this period.

The passing Western Disturbance will also bring rain over Bihar, sub-Himalayan West Bengal, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh during the next three days.

Fog shock in Delhi and north India

The fog in Delhi, rather the ‘fog shock’ in Delhi and north India is very soon going to hit and disrupt flights, rail and road. “The fog in Delhi will start from Jan 19th onwards and could be dense to very dense. Earlier this week Skymet predicted that the cold winter and fog in Delhi and north India are not yet over. This fog in Delhi and north India could last for 3 to 4 days”, says Mahesh Palawat, Head of the forecasting team at Skymet Weather.Here’s a table to depict the number of dense fog and zero visibility days this winter, (Nov2012- Jan2013):

Zero Visibility Days











This NIL visibility in the months of Dec and Jan were observed only between to 0300 to 0800 hrs on an average. The dense fog cover cleared by early morning and did not last all day. This is in stark contrast to the dense fog days in Dec2011-Jan2012 where the fog cover lasted till the afternoon.

Every winter 5 to 6 ‘western disturbance’ affects north India, as it brings rain, causes dense fog and temperatures fall drastically. This is the same trend we are witnessing right now and cold days ahead with a drop in both minimums and maximums by 6⁰C to 7⁰C will soon make people shiver in Delhi and north India and will force them to pull out their woolens and blowers back again. Government body IMD (India Meteorological Department) had been stressing on the same factor in the last few days and mentioned the importance of this particular ‘western disturbance’ in north India will bring major changes.

Fog in north India is a serious problem every winter disrupting daily lives. Where people on road get stuck in jams for hours, road accidents too take the casualty toll to shocking number each year. This is particular on highways and open areas. Railways bear the brunt of fog in Delhi as in dense fog hours some trains run up to 20 hours late. Air traffic on the other hand has its own share of troubles. Flights run terribly late due to fog in Delhi, making the passengers suffer, and the one that do run after hours of delay, are often diverted to other states airports. The result: a major loss of money and time for both airport authorities and travelers.

But that’s not all, fog in Delhi every winter, has often led to a delay of vegetable trucks commuting across cities, therefore reaching mandis late and causing a rise in prices of veggies. Fog in Delhi often increases woes of people suffering from respiratory problems as the air when fog cover is dense becomes damp and heavy, thus making it difficult for asthmatic and severe sinus patients to breathe.

Jatin Singh, CEO of Skymet Weather says, “We are proud to be able to make predictions about the changing conditions and the fog in Delhi and north India this accurately but the need of the hour is to be weather wise so delays and accidents due to fog can be totally avoided.” He also feels a serious need for India to be an active weather wise country with more weather stations and people always alert!

Stay updated on fog updates in north india. Click here.

Photo by David.dolphin

Weather in major airports in India on 18th January 2013

Indira Gandhi International Airport, Delhi

The sky in Delhi airport will be partly cloudy. Easterly to southeasterly winds blowing at 15 to 25 kmph will be witnessed during the next 24 hours. Rain is also expected in Delhi airport. Flight arrivals and departures will be smooth.

Guru Ram Das Jee International Airport, Amritsar

Overcast conditions are expected to prevail in Amritsar during the next 24 hours. The airport will experience easterly southeasterly winds at a speed of around 10 to 20 kmph and there is 80 to 90 percent chance of rain during early morning hours. Flight operations will not be affected.

Chaudhary Charan Singh Internation Airport, Lucknow

The weather at Lucknow airport will be partly cloudy with chances of rain during the night. The winds will be easterly blowing at 15 to 25 kmph. There is no chance of delays in flight arrivals and departures.

Lal Bahadur Shashtri International Airport, Varanasi

The sky at Varanasi airport will be mostly cloudy. Winds will be easterly, blowing at a speed of around 10 to 20 kmph and flights will be on time.

Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan Airport, Patna

Patna airport will experience easterly winds blowing at 10 to 15 kmph and a mostly cloudy sky. Rain may occur tomorrow evening but the overall weather conditions are good and flight operations are unlikely to be affected.

Netaji Subash Chandra Bose International Airport, Kolkata

Kolkata will have a partly cloudy sky with winds blowing from north and northeast. The wind speed will be around 5 kmph during the next 24 hours. Flight arrivals and departures will be on time.

Bangalore Airport

The airport in Bangalore will have a partly cloudy sky today evening on 17th January but will become clear tomorrow. Easterly winds blowing at 10 to 15 kmph will be witnessed at the Bangalore airport. The conditions for flight operations are good and delays are not expected during the next 24 hours.


Photograph by Hyougushi

Delhi, Punjab and Haryana to get wet & cold weather due to intensifying snowfall in J&K and HP

Snowfall over Jammu & Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh will intensify during the next 24 to 48 hours. Uttarakhand would also get snowfall and rain during this period. The plains of Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, northwest Uttar Pradesh and north Rajasthan will receive rain during the next 24 hours. Cooler days will be experienced in these areas, as maximum temperatures would fall by 3ºC to 4ºC below normal in the next two days.

The strong Western Disturbance (a low pressure area originating in the Mediterranean Sea) has arrived over Jammu & Kashmir and will affect the weather in northwestern parts of the country during the next two days. The cyclonic circulation associated with this weather system lies over Rajasthan and moving eastwards.

Jammu & Kashmir will have snowfall and rain at most places in the next 24 to 48 hours. Snowfall, heavy at a few and very heavy at isolated places, is expected in Jammu & Kashmir during this period.

Himachal Pradesh will also receive heavy snowfall at a few places and very heavy snowfall at isolated places on 18th January. Uttarakhand will also follow suit and will be lashed by moderate to heavy snowfall on the same day. Isolated places in the state may get very heavy snowfall.

As far as the plains in the northwest are concerned, they have already received thundershowers during the last 24 hours. This weather will continue for next couple of days in the plains, as one or two places will receive rain. Hailstorm (rain with ice-chunks) may also occur at one or two places in the region.

Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, northwest Uttar Pradesh and north Rajasthan will have cloudy to partly could skies during the next two days. So, the maximum temperatures are expected to fall by 3ºC to 4ºC making the day cooler with less sunshine. The minimum temperatures would remain above normal as the easterly winds are approaching the region.


Photograph by Raina aka Neha

Weather at major airports in India on 17th of January, 2013

Indira Gandhi International Airport, Delhi
Due to the Western Disturbance, the minimum temperatures have risen and the winds are also warmer. Fog at Delhi airport will be shallow and visibility level would be within 1000m but that would not obstruct flight operations during the next 24 hours. The weather in Delhi airport will see a partly cloudy sky and some showers could be experienced.

Guru Ram Das Jee International Airport, Amritsar
The weather in northwest region is under the influence of Western Disturbance that has dissolved the required conditions for the formation of fog. In spite of moisture content in the air, the wind's speed is high around 8kmph and minimum temperatures are also up. So, Amritsar airport be fog free and flights are expected to be on time during the next 24 hours.

Chaudhary Charan Singh International Airport, Lucknow
The airport in Lucknow has witnessed moderate to dense foggy conditions during the last 24 hours but during the next 24 hours, visibility will be better. Shallow fog may persist around the airport but there is no chance of delays in flights arrival and departure.

Lal Bahadur Shasthri International Airport, Varanasi
The humidity level is above 80 percent due to easterly winds from the Bay of Bengal and they are blowing at a speed of around 3 to 5kmph. The minimum temperature is around 12 degrees. These conditions may lead shallow fog during the next 24 hours around the airport and flight operations will not be affected.

Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan Airport, Patna
The humidity level is also high in Patna with a minimum temperature of around 10 degrees. The easterly winds reaching Patna are slow enough to form fog in the city. Shallow fog could be witnessed at Patna. Flight operations would be on time.

Netaji Subash Chandra Bose International Airport, Kolkata
Shallow fog will occur around the Kolkata airport but flight operations will not be affected during the next 24 hours.

Bangalore Airport
The airport in Bangalore will be fog free and flights will be on time.


Photograph by cliff1006

Heavy snowfall likely in J&K; dense fog likely in Gangetic plains

Jammu & Kashmir will be lashed by moderate to heavy snowfall during the next 48 hours. Rain will also be received in the plains of northwest India. Day temperatures would remain below normal in the region. Fog is likely to stay in East Uttar Pradesh and Bihar during the next two days.

A strong Western Disturbance is expected to affect the northwest region of the country during the next two days starting from today. Heavy to very heavy snowfall is expected at a few places over Jammu & Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh in the next two days. There will be snowfall in Uttarakhand thereafter at one or two places.

Effect of the Western Disturbance will also be felt in the plains of Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Delhi and West Uttar Pradesh during the next couple of days. The induced cyclonic circulation with the Western Disturbance lies over Rajasthan that can give thunder showers or rain at isolated places in these areas under a partly cloudy sky.

But the real effect of the Western Disturbance will be on the winds. The low pressure area that originated in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean is filled with warmer and moist winds. They will hold the cool and dry northerly winds that were keeping the minimum temperatures down. The minimum temperatures would increase a bit during the next 24 to 48 hours as easterly winds will approach the region.

The exit of the Western Disturbance after January 18 could bring down the night temperatures in the northwest region considerably and another period of severe cold could be experienced by the weekend as icy northwesterly and northerly winds would prevail thereafter.

The same winds (northerly to northwesterly winds) will continue to affect the Indo-Gangetic plains during the next two days. Winds are slow and the minimum temperatures are low and the easterly reaching here has moisture content. So, foggy conditions will be witnessed in the Gangetic plains especially in east Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.

In the northeastern parts of the country, the remnants of the passing Western Disturbance, mostly in the form of upper air cyclonic circulation, could lead to rain at one or two places over Assam, Arunachal Pradesh and Meghalaya during the next 72 hours.


Photograph by Tanu600

Weather in major airports in India on 16th of January, 2013

Indira Gandhi International Airport, Delhi
The weather in Delhi airport will have moderate to dense fog during the next 24 hours. Fog in Delhi airport will be dense for a short period during the early morning hours but flight operations would be better compared to last two days. The visibility will get better after the next 24 hours.

Chaudhary Charan Singh International Airport, Lucknow
Moderate fog turning dense in early morning hours would be witnessed at the Lucknow airport but such conditions will prevail for a short duration and they are unlikely to affect flight arrivals and departures.

Lal Bahadur Shashtri Airport, Varanasi
Moderate fog will persist in Varanasi during the next 24 hour but flight operations will be smooth and on time.

Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan Airport, Patna
Winds in Patna are blowing from the east but they are fast so shallow fog will be witnessed around the Patna airport and flight arrivals and departures would be on time. Fog in Patna airport may intensify after the next 24 hours, as winds are likely to slow down due to the approach of northerly cool winds that will also bring down the minimum temperatures.

Sri Guru Ram Das Jee International Airport, Amritsar
The weather in Amritsar would become partly cloudy and the winds will be warmer so there is no chance of fog formation around the airport and flight operations will be hassle free.

Subash Chandra Bose Airport, Kolkata
The high minimum temperatures are ruling out formation of dense foggy conditions in Kolkata. There will only be shallow fog at Kolkata airport and flights will be on time.

Bangaluru Airport
The absence of moisture in the air, wind speed and high minimum temperatures will not let any fog formation at Bangaluru Airport so flight arrivals and departures will be smooth.

Cooler days, warmer nights ahead in northwest; Fog to continue in Indo-Gangetic plains

Day temperatures are likely to fall in the northwest hills and plains during the next 48 hours. The minimum temperatures in the region would rise. Snowfall will continue over Jammu & Kashmir. Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand would also receive snowfall and rain during the next 48 hours. Rain is also likely in the plains of Punjab, Haryana and Delhi during the next two to three days. Foggy conditions will persist in east Uttar Pradesh and Bihar in the next two days.

The cloudy skies in the northwest region will lead to less sunshine and a drop of 2 to 3 degrees in the maximum temperatures is possible during the next 48 hours. The weather will allow a cloudy to partly cloudy sky due to the presence of a Western Disturbance over Jammu & Kashmir, which is expected to arrive tonight from north Pakistan while moving east-northeastwards.

The minimum temperatures are likely to rise by 2 to 3 degrees in the region, as warmer winds associated with the Western Disturbance will block the cooler northwesterly winds during the next couple of days.

Snowfall and rain would occur over the higher places and the plains in the region during the next 48 hours. Jammu & Kashmir will receive snowfall at a few places in the next two days. Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand will also get snowfall on January 17 and 18. The plains of Punjab, Haryana, Delhi and west Uttar Pradesh will have a partly cloudy sky with rain expected at isolated places during the next 48 hours.

Fog conditions are likely to be better in the northwest plains with the rise in minimum temperatures during the next 48 hours but some places in Punjab, Haryana and Delhi will have dense fog during the next 24 hours. The arrival of the Western Disturbance will bring better visibility in these areas.

Foggy conditions may intensify in east Uttar Pradesh and Bihar during the next 24 hours due to slow northerly winds. These cool winds are mixing up with the moist easterly winds to create fog. Moderate to dense fog will be witnessed in the region during the next two days.


Photograph by Vinothchander

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