Skymet weather

Earth has two ‘moons’

Earth has two moons, groups of scientists across the world have always argued. One is the waning nightlight we all love, while the other is a tiny asteroid, no bigger than a car. News and studies about this scenario was posited by the scientists in a paper published on 20th December 2011 in the planetary science journal ICARUS. The researchers say there is a space rock at, one meter or 3.3 feet wide orbiting Earth at any given time. They're not always the same rock, but rather an ever-changing cast of ‘temporary moons’.

Our planet's gravity captures the asteroids as they pass the planet on their way around the sun. When one asteroid is drawn in, it typically makes three irregularly shaped swings around Earth and sticks around for about nine months before hurtling away.

According to the researchers, very little attention has been paid to Earth's natural satellites other than the moon, despite the fact that they're sure to exist. "There are lots of asteroids in the solar system, so Earth’s chances to capture an asteroid at any time, is not surprising," explains, co-author Jeremie Vauballion, an astronomer at the Paris Observatory in France.

The researcher’s results are consistent with observations of one such "temporarily-captured asteroid" that is believed to have orbited Earth for about a year starting in June 2006. The object, labeled 2006 RH120, was discovered by the Catalina Sky Survey in Arizona and was estimated to be between 3 to 6 meters wide. "Objects of this size are too faint to be detected when being at a distance of, say, a few lunar distances from the Earth," Gravnik told Life's Little Mysteries. "When coming closer during their orbit, they are moving too fast to be detected, because the limited amount of photons is spread over too many pixels." NASA's Spaceguard Survey tracks the paths of all Near-Earth-Objects (NEOs) in Earth's neighborhood that are larger than 0.6 miles (1 kilometer) in diameter, but the scientists are less concerned with bodies that are too small to pose a threat to Earth.

There are no doubts about the fact that there are limitations in finding our second moons, but an observatory called the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST), planned to open in Chile in 2015, could change that. Statistic study is also needed to see where and how to look for these extra ’moons’ or asteroids. Some asteroid impact hazard experts believe that temporarily captured NEOs would be comparatively easy to get to, and getting back from it wouldn't take an especially powerful rocket, plus the round-trip time would be short. This could therefore help in studying more about our satellite, the moon, that has long been a symbol of mystery and intrigue for scientists across the globe.

Photo by International Business Times.

Weather in major airports in India on 23rd of February 2013

Indira Gandhi International Airport, Delhi
No Delays- The weather in Delhi airport will not hamper flight operations. Fog in Delhi airport is unlikely at the moment. The sky will be party cloudy and there is also a forecast for rain in Delhi.

Guru Ram Das Jee International Airport, Amritsar
No Delays- The Amritsar airport airport will be free of fog and flights would be right on time. The sky remains partly cloudy to cloudy and rain is also expected in Amritsar.

Chaudhary Charan Singh International Airport, Lucknow
No Delays- Lucknow airport will see shallow fog during morning hours but flights will be on time. Rain or thunderstorm may occur in Lucknow during the next 24 hours. Mist could prevail in the morning.

Lal Bahadur Shashtri International Airport, Varanasi
No Delays- Varanasi airport will have shallow fog but that will not adversely affect flight services. Mist is likely during morning hours. The sky will be partly cloudy.

Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan Airport, Patna
No Delays- Fog will stay away from Patna airport but mist could prevail in the morning hours. Northwesterly turning into westerlies would be blowing over Patna for most of the time tomorrow. The sky will be mainly clear.

Netaji Subash Chandra Bose International Airport, Kolkata
No delays- The weather will be clear in Kolkata airport for flight operations. The minimum temperature of 16 degrees will make the night cool but the day will remain sunny.

Bangalore Airport
No delays – The weather in Bangalore airport will have fog or mist during morning hours but that would not affect flight arrivals and departures. The sky will be partly cloudy.


Photograph by cliff1066

10 tips to photograph snow

Its once again going to snow in Jammu Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttrakhand as a strong ‘western disturbance’ is approaching the Himalayas. So if you’re making plans to go to Manali, Kullu, Shimla or Nainital to catch some snow, here are some very useful tips to photograph the snow correctly. No matter how good a camera you have, snow can make images blurry or over exposed and spill beans over precious, unforgettable memories.

Snowy landscapes are among the trickiest to photograph with digital cameras. The exposure and white balance settings can easily be fooled by the bright lighting conditions. Whether the sky is overcast or the sun is shining, special care must be taken to avoid messing up the colors completely. The very bright snow acts as a second light source by reflecting sunlight shining on the ground.

1) When snow is falling, use a slow shutter speed to capture the movement of the snowflakes. This is more efficient if there is adequate light source in your image.

2) Use the flash to fix the movement of the snowflakes. Don’t be surprised, a flash is not only useful at night but is extremely useful during the day too! A flash could improve images that could otherwise look dull, blurred or hazy.

3) Shoot during the Golden Hours, when the sun is low on the horizon, to capture the texture and shape of the snow on what would otherwise look like a uniform field of white. In simple words. Enjoy making a snow-man or throwing snowballs at your girlfriend and take pictures around late afternoon.

4) If you have to shoot snow in the afternoon, setting the white balance accurately becomes important. Most of the time the preset white balance modes cannot handle this situation, resulting in a strong blue cast in all your images. In this case, the best way to achieve a correct white balance is to use the ‘Custom’ or ‘Manual’ white balance mode.

5) Remember to protect your camera from the cold. This would include, not letting the lens fog up, keeping the batteries warm and not letting water freeze on the camera.

6) Avoid shooting in sepia or black-and-white that’s easy! Besides in a b/w setting, you lose out on whatever little color contrast that can be captured.

7) While photographing snow on a cloudy day the cloudy setting generally available on most cameras works well and produces accurate colors. The exposure often needs correction however, and lowering the EV compensation by -0.7 or -1 is a good rule of thumb.

8 )  Too much white snow can make a landscape look bland. You need to look around for something that breaks up the snow like trees, rocks, or anything that puts a bit of contrast into the picture. Try and look for a bit of 'foreground interest' to bring the picture alive, and place some elements too.

9) Use a tripod and a slow shutter speed when it's snowing to cause a "streaking" effect in the image. This can look extremely creative!

10) If you are not an avid photographer all these guidelines above are Greek to you, then simply rely on the Auto settings in your camera. The Auto mode will correct the white balance calculation of the camera and will lower the exposure value to avoid over-exposing the image. Even simpler, some cameras offer a Snow or Winter setting so you can just point and shoot.

Photo by Dazzan.

Weather in major airports in India on 22nd of February 2013

Indira Gandhi International Airport, Delhi
No Delays- In Delhi airport, fog is not expected and the sky will be mostly cloudy during the next 24 hours. The weather in Delhi airport could see light rain or thunder build up during the evening hours tomorrow.

Guru Ram Das Jee International Airport, Amritsar
No Delays- Moderate fog is expected at the Amritsar airport. There could be rain or thunder build-up tomorrow and the sky will be mostly cloudy.

Chaudhary Charan Singh International Airport, Lucknow
No Delays- Flight arrivals and departures will be on time at Lucknow airport. Moderate fog could hog the airport area during the morning hours. Evening hours could have thunder build up.

Lal Bahadur Shashtri International Airport, Varanasi
No Delays- Varanasi airport will have partly cloudy sky and a warm afternoon. No fog is expected in Varanasi.

Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan Airport, Patna
No Delays- No fog is expected in Patna airport during the next 24 hours. Mist is likely to prevail in the morning hours. The sky will be mostly sunny.

Netaji Subash Chandra Bose International Airport, Kolkata
No delays- No fog is expected in Kolkata. The day will be sunny and the night temperature would be around 15 degrees.

Bangalore Airport
No delays – Moderate easterly winds have reduced the chances of fog in Bangalore  airport. The sky will be mainly clear.


Photograph by Rameshng

Time for the worldwide climate summit

The Barack Obama government is once again in news. This time for a global cause! On 17th of February, in freezing temperatures and against brutal winds, about 50,000 activists marched from the Washington Monument around the White House to support immediate action to contain climate change due to global warming. It was an event that is termed as the largest climate change demonstration in US history that drew a very big crowd that demanded action on policies addressing climate change and to block the building of the Keystone pipeline. It also follows on the back of Obama's State of the Union speech where he spoke about climate change but gave no hard solution for it.

The march was officially led by several Native American groups including Indigenous Environmental Network and the Ponca Nation. Despite freezing temperatures, the crowd was highly energetic, cheering on any calls to invest into wind and solar power to cut carbon emissions. The crowd maintained peace but could not help control their feelings of mistrust in the Obama government. “The time is right for this rally, we want president Obama to know that if he takes bold action to stabilize the climate and create jobs, the American people will get behind him,"

Citing damage from intense storms like Sandy, more intense and frequent wildfires and prolonged droughts, a coalition of national groups, including the American Meteorological Society and the American Fisheries Society, are calling for a national, science-based climate summit. Further, the American Meteorological Society is also going to hold climate science day on 27th Feb, to give the visiting members of the congress party, the best possible access to scientific information on climate science when making policy decisions.

This event has been gathering a lot of attention from India and around the world now. CEO Jatin Singh of Skymet Weather said, “Everybody has to start somewhere, not just the Americans, Indians too should have risen to the global warming and climatic change issue, a lot harder and a lot sooner, if not really rallying on the streets. It’s still not too late. India too needs to take more radical actions now about the rapid weather change. We can’t keep ignoring the climate crisis, it’s time for a serious world summit to call upon the issue.”

Photo by Juan Luis Loza.

Weather in major airports in India on 21st February 2013

Indira Gandhi International Airport, Delhi

Possibility of Delay- Flight operations could face disruption in Delhi airport if the dense fog that is expected during early morning hours get denser. The sky will be partly cloudy and the humidity level will be in 90s. The visibility will drop to 100 meters during dense fog hours.

Guru Ram Das Jee International Airport, Amritsar

No Delays- Arrival and departure from Amritsar airport will get better as temperatures during morning hours have increased. Slow winds and humidity level in 90s during morning hours will lead to shallow to dense fog but that will not hamper flight operations.

Chaudhary Charan Singh International Airport, Lucknow

No Delays- Flights will be on time at Lucknow airport. The sky will be clear and winds will blow from west. Mist will persist in morning hours.

Lal Bahadur Shashtri International Airport, Varanasi

No Delays- Flight operations are expected to be on time as fog is absent from Varanasi. Night temperatures are around 12 to 13 degrees. Mist is likely in the morning hours.

Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan Airport, Patna

No Delays- Mist is likely to prevail in Patna airport and sky will be mainly clear. Night temperature will be around 13 degrees.

Netaji Subash Chandra Bose International Airport, Kolkata

No delays – The airport in Kolkata has cool nights with temperature of around 16 degrees. Northerly winds will be blowing in Kolkata.

Bangalore Airport

No delays – Fog is expected at the Bangalore airport but flight operations will not get obstructed. Easterly winds would be blowing over Bangalore.

Penguin colony discovered in Antarctica

It is not new to us that global warming and the serious and rapid effects of global warming are a constant threat to dainty penguins. Emperor penguins depend on the sea ice that rings the continent of Antarctic, so it's no surprise that global warming, which is soon melting the ice, is bad news for these flightless birds. But under strange circumstances and with the help of a new research, it has been confirmed that a huge 9,000-strong colony of emperor penguins have been discovered in Antarctica. This happened after scientists spotted the poo trails of penguins in the satellite images. Researchers from the British Antarctic Survey noticed the trail in 2009 while studying satellite images of Antarctica but it was not until December last year when the three researchers from the International Polar Foundation actually found the colony.

Earlier in 2012, other studies by biologists at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution had stated that the colony of emperor penguins is likely to decline from 3,000 breeding pairs to 575 by 2100, which could be a potentially ‘huge decline’. But this new finding has come as a happy news for many scientists who have been keenly studying climate change and global warming in the world. Alain Hubert, founder of the International Polar Foundation, describes how the penguins reacted when they faced humans, “these penguins have never encountered humans before and therefore were curious than being scared. They came pretty close to us than running away.”

It is after they encountered a number of emperor penguins, that they were convinced that a colony must be close by. A treacherous 48 km trip to east of the sea ice, led to 9000 or more penguins and an entire colony. It is appalling that in the last 50 years half of the population of penguins in the Antarctic region has been depleted due to climate change.

While there is research to indicate many species of penguins are making changes so they can adapt to climate change, but whether this will continue or not, no one knows yet. They are doing what they must in order to survive. Yet these changes can easily upset their natural balance of things. What the future holds for the penguins out there depends on our efforts since there are still too many people that don’t see global warming and climate change as something they need to be concerned about!

Photo by xrayspx.


Change of season affects sleep

You ran around all day long and worked hard to get a good night’s sleep but spent the whole night tossing and turning in bed? Ever thought that the change in season could be one of reasons for the disturbed sleep cycle. If the transition from winter to spring makes you toss all night, you must know that you’re not alone!  The National Sleep Foundation estimates that on average 50 to 70 million people are affected by sleep-related problems, and the change of seasons can be particularly disruptive to your snooze time.

Now sleep soundly year ‘round with these simple tips:

Eat to sleep- Love evening snacks before dinner? Now love them more! Doctors say the habit of having evening snacks can be used to help promote high-quality sleep throughout the seasons. But only if the focus is on foods that contain magnesium, calcium, and potassium. This combination of nutrients increases serotonin and melatonin levels in the body. Such foods often lead to hormonal fluctuations at night and thus lead to better sleep. So have an evening snack before dinner but do remember not to overeat and it goes without saying, eat healthy!

Drink less before bedtime- Dr. Himani Gupta says, “Stimulating activities too close to bedtime produce a surge of endorphins that are counterproductive to good sleep”. In simple words, avoid paying bills or discussing financial matters in the late evening hours. Limit the use of caffeine within 4 hours of bedtime. Cut back on all fluid consumption 2 hours before your bed time, as a full bladder can become the stimulant that prevents you from staying asleep throughout the night.

Fade to black- It’s true that longer days make us want to stay up, but the temptation must be resisted. If you don’t feel sleepy early because now the body cycle is used to it, just create the mood! Create a dark atmosphere, invest in a pair of blackout blinds or curtains designed to promote darkness even in the brightest sunlight. Put cozy comforters and get into your favorite and comfortable pajamas. You will automatically feel like crashing in your cozy bed every night and thus fall asleep early.

A sleep schedule- No, you are no longer a child with a curfew but sleeping on time and making the body used to the change in days and seasons, is most necessary. Dr. Himani explains, "it's important that you go to bed and get up at about the same time everyday, even with the season. This allows your body to get into a rhythm. To make it simple, start with eating your dinner by half an hour earlier than usual and having a bed time ritual like reading a book and dimming the lights. The body will gradually set its clock according to the schedule.

No computer before sleeping- It is believed that 45% of the people admit to using their computer or laptops while in bed. But psychologists say watching TV and using computers, iPad, and cell phone screens can excite the nervous system, both biologically from the lights and psychologically from the content. It is therefore advised that we turn the devices off at least half an hour to 45 minutes before bedtime. Have a small romantic chat with your spouse or talk about lighter things before going to sleep.

Photo by rlcalamusal.


Weather in major airports in India on 20th of February 2013

Indira Gandhi International Airport, Delhi
No Delays- Flight operations are expected to be on time at Delhi airport amid speculations of moderate foggy conditions in some pockets in Delhi. Day will be mainly sunny with a generally clear sky. Light westerly winds will be experienced around Delhi airport.

Guru Ram Das Jee International Airport, Amritsar
Delays- Arrivals and departures are likely to remain obstructed from Amritsar airport for a short duration during morning hours as dense fog will prevail. The sky will be partly cloudy to cloudy at times.

Chaudhary Charan Singh International Airport, Lucknow
No Delays- Delays in flight operations are unlikely in Lucknow airport as no fog is expected during the next 24 hours. Winds have gained strength to reduce possibility of formation of fog. Day will be mostly sunny with bright sunshine.

Lal Bahadur Shashtri International Airport, Varanasi
No Delays- Varanasi airport has clear weather. Fog is absent during a cool night but day will be warm and dry during afternoon hours.

Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan Airport, Patna
No Delays- Patna airport will see mist during morning hours but day will be sunny. Few clouds may appear at times.

Netaji Subash Chandra Bose International Airport, Kolkata
No delays- The airport in Kolkata remains free of fog. Haze may appear during cool morning hours followed by a sunny day.

Bangalore Airport
No delays – Mist is expected in some pockets in Bangalore. The weather is clear and unlikely to hamper flight operations. The sky will be partly cloudy with chances of thunder build up.


Photograph by Robin Jacob Abraham

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