Skymet weather

Weather in major airports in India on 8th of March 2013

Indira Gandhi International Airport, Delhi
No Delays- Partly cloudy sky is expected in Delhi airport. Wind conditions may change during daytime as southwesterly winds are expected. Temperatures will rise in Delhi.

Guru Ram Das Jee International Airport, Amritsar
No Delays- The weather in Amritsar airport would be free of fog but mist could appear in morning hours. The sky will be partly cloudy in Amritsar. Minimum temperature may rise marginally.

Chaudhary Charan Singh International Airport, Lucknow
No Delays- Mainly clear sky is expected in Lucknow airport. The morning will be cool and afternoon hours would be comfortable even if temperatures are above normal in Lucknow.

Lal Bahadur Shashtri International Airport, Varanasi
No Delays- Sky will be mainly clear in Varanasi airport and night temperature would be stable. Day temperature might scale a bit thus the afternoon will be warm.

Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan Airport, Patna
No Delays- The weather in Patna airport will be clear with an open sky. Temperatures will remain moderate and warmth would be felt for a short period during the noon.

Netaji Subash Chandra Bose International Airport, Kolkata
No delays- Afternoon in Kolkata airport will be warm at around 34 degrees and morning temperature is also expected to rise a bit. The sky will be mainly clear.

Bangalore Airport
No delays – Bangalore will have a generally cloudy sky and rain could occur at one or two places during the next 24 hours. Cloudy weather in Bangalore has dropped the day temperature significantly during the last 24 hours.


Photograph by Rameshng


Packing up winter clothes yourself for the first time when mummy’s not around? Well it takes no special skills but you could consider a few things when packing. Storing winter clothes as the summer approaches not only creates space in your bedroom and closet but also provides a clear and fresh beginning to dressing-up all new when season changes. More organised packing of winter clothes will also help you to pull them out easily when season returns. Here are five tips that could help you when you are preparing to pack:

Wash the clothes before storing - As next winter would be several month away, it is advised to first wash the clothes so that the stains and pests are done away otherwise there is risk that they could be infested with moths, beetles, ants and cockroaches while winter returns.

Look for a suitable winter cloth container - Cardboard boxes, plastic bags are good if there is no concern of moisture intervention else, vacuum storage bags are the best compact winter clothing packing option.

Use cloth refreshers - Clothes refreshers such as a few moth balls, a fabric softener sheet, or small cedar blocks or lining the container with acid-free paper will also help protect your winter clothes in storage.

Sorting the winter clothes - Sorting out the winter clothes before packing will help when you turn to them when winter returns. For instance, place all your sweaters in one container and all your heavy pants in another.

Suitable places for storing winter clothes bags or containers - Some containers are suitable to slide under a bed, couch or other under pieces of furniture. A storage unit, attic, or closet floor or shelves are also places to consider. If you do not have anywhere else to put your boxes or totes, or if you are in need of a small table somewhere in your home, you can stack a few containers on top of each other and drape a cloth over them, creating a homemade table too.


Photograph by wnstn

Weather in major airports in India on 7th of March 2013

Indira Gandhi International Airport, Delhi
No Delays- Mist or shallow fog may appear in Delhi during morning hours. Mainly a clear sky is expected and temperatures would remain stable. Northwesterly winds will be experienced in Delhi.

Guru Ram Das Jee International Airport, Amritsar
No Delays- Mist or fog could be experienced in morning hours at Amritsar airport. Sky will be mainly clear and minimum temperature would be stable.

Chaudhary Charan Singh International Airport, Lucknow
No Delays- The Lucknow airport will have clear weather conditions. Day temperature would rise but morning temperature will remain almost unchanged. The sky will be mainly clear.

Lal Bahadur Shashtri International Airport, Varanasi
No Delays- The weather in Varanasi remains clear for flight operations. The sky will be clear. A marginal rise in night and day temperatures is possible during the next 24 hours.

Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan Airport, Patna
No Delays- Patna airport will have a clear sky that could lead to a marginal rise in day temperatures due to further heating. The minimum temperatures would remain stable during the next 24 hours.

Netaji Subash Chandra Bose International Airport, Kolkata
No delays- Kolkata airport will have a clear sky. Northerly to northeasterly winds would be observed in Kolkata. Day temperatures would be around 35 degrees while the night temperature would be around 21 degrees.

Bangalore Airport
No delays – The Bangalore airport could witness light rain under a partly cloudy sky. The temperatures are just above the normal temperatures. Easterly to southeasterly winds would continue over Bangalore.


Photograph by Markhillary

Erratic weather in Mumbai propels gastroenteritis, diarrhea

The weather in Mumbai just after winters is observing huge difference between the minimum and maximum temperatures. This has led to a spike in cases of gastroenteritis the cause of which is a stomach bug spreading through viruses that are finding the weather conducive for growth.

Citing the erratic weather in Mumbai as the reason, physicians elaborate that due to above normal day temperatures, food is turning stale quicker than usual and causing gastroenteritis. They claim that a lot of Mumbaikars are in the habit of eating out and many of them frequent roadside stalls. Lack of refrigeration leads to food turning stale faster. As a result, a lot of people are ending up with gastro problems.

Unlike monsoon season when stomach bug is caused by bacterial gastroenteritis, this bug spreads through viral infection as the current post winter conditions are conducive for the viruses to grow. The cases of gastroenteritis are expected to come down with a drop in temperatures and increase in humidity levels that are bound to hinder the growth of the virus.

According to doctors, most patients are coming in with loose motions. About 20% of those suffering from gastroenteritis come at a later stage when they are already dehydrated which could cause kidney failure. The number of diarrhea cases would come down once the regular weather of Mumbai settles in.


Photograph by Nomad Tales


Shift to Mars if Earth gets too hot!

The Red Planet may be capable of supporting microbial life some scientists say. At "The Present-Day Habitability of Mars" conference held at the University of California Los Angeles this month several researchers stressed that microbes can eke out a living in extremely cold and dry environments. They explained, “Not all parts of the red planet's surface may be arid currently.” Evidence is building that liquid water might flow seasonally at some Martian sites, potentially providing a haven for life as we know it. "We certainly can't rule out the possibility that it's habitable today," said Alfred McEwen of the University of Arizona, principal investigator for ‘HiRise’ NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft.

McEwen discussed some intriguing observations by HiRise, which suggest that briny water may flow down steep Martian slopes during the local spring and summer and sixteen such sites have been identified to date. "Briny water on Mars may or may not be habitable to microbes, either from Earth or from Mars," McEwen said. Martian life may be able to survive even in places where water doesn't seep and flow. For example, microbes here on Earth make a living in the Atacama and the dry valleys of Antarctica, both of which are extremely cold and arid. Here organisms dwell within rocks, just deep enough to be shielded from the worst of the UV but close enough to the surface to receive the benefits of photosynthesis. Something similar might be happening on Mars today, if life ever evolved there.

McKay offered some advice to NASA's Mars rover Curiosity, which landed in August to determine whether Mars could ever have supported microbial life. While the Curiosity rover and its newly remembered sibling Opportunity scan the surface of Mars for life and other oddities, it’s up to scientists back here on Earth to determine if life is even possible in the Martian climate. To recreate the harsh conditions of the surface of Mars, Alexander Pavlov and his team from the Goddard Spaceflight Center used a sample of salty dirt similar to what has already been detected on Mars and placed it under a bell jar with an atmosphere of carbon dioxide. The scientists cooled this environment with liquid nitrogen and then added water and a specimen of E. coli before gradually lowering the pressure.

The simulated environment would have to further decrease its pressure to make a definitive statement about how well E. coli and other microbes could survive on Mars, but it’s still promising, and the severely decreased pressure relative to Earth shows that life could be possible on planets with thinner atmospheres than our own.

Photo by NASA.


Save the Earth with spray paint

There is a research most surprising, that a Texas A&M University aerospace and physics professor is exploring. It's a plan to deflect a killer asteroid by using paint, and the science behind it is absolutely rock solid, so to speak.. So much so that NASA is getting involved and wants to know much more about it!

Dave Hyland, professor of physics and astronomy and also a faculty member in the aerospace engineering department at Texas A&M also a researcher with more than 30 years says, “one possible way to avert an asteroid collision with Earth is by using a process called "tribocharging powder dispensing" -- as in high pressured -- and spreading a thin layer of paint on an approaching asteroid.

What happens is that the paint changes the amount by which the asteroid reflects sunlight. The force arises because on a spinning asteroid, the dusk side is warmer than the dawn side and emits more thermal photons, each photon carrying a small momentum. The unequal heating of the asteroid results in a net force strong enough to cause the asteroid to shift from its current orbit. Besides, the kind of paint used is not the kind found at the local hardware store.

"It could not be a water-based or oil-based paint because it would probably explode within seconds of it entering space, but a powdered form of paint could be used to dust on the asteroid and the sun would then do the rest. It cures the paint to give a smooth coating, and would change the unequal heating of the asteroid so that it would be forced off its current path and placed on either a higher or lower orbit, thus missing Earth.” explains Hyland.

To most, the concept may sound strange, but the odds are very high that such a plan would be successful and be relatively inexpensive. The science behind the theory is said to be sound therefore NASA has approached Hyland for developing such a project to test the theory.

The smaller asteroids are not discovered as soon as others but they could still cause a lot of damage should they hit Earth. It is really important for our long-term survival that we concentrate much more effort on discovering and tracking asteroids, and developing as many useful technologies as possible for deflecting them.

What and when to eat in Mumbai during fluctuating March temperatures

While daytime temperatures keep soaring higher with every passing day, the night temperatures continue to be low at present. These are signs that winter is almost over and doctors say that this transition from winter to summer is a crucial time as fluctuations in temperature pattern is harmful for the body and can make you fall ill.

Nutritionists suggest warm foods during the night. Warm foods such as soups, grilled and baked chicken, fish or paneer and whole grains such as brown rice pulao or parathas should be eaten to keep the body warm during the night.

Nutritionists suggest fresh foods during the day that can help your body contain the physiological stress that emerges due to weather change and can also lead to a spike in blood pressure and sugar levels.
Juices, salads, buttermilk, veggies and fluids should be had, as body is not able to regulate the need to have more fluids to maintain the core temperature during daytime. The result is dehydration, muscle cramps, lethargy and irritation.

People in Mumbai should prefer lunch consisting of food with cooling properties like vegetarian food with chapattis. Nutritionist suggests everyone to maintain a balance between lunch and dinner to help cope with the freak weather better and keep illnesses at bay.


Photograph by Kirto Poddar

Weather in major airports in India on 6th of March 2013

Indira Gandhi International Airport, Delhi
No Delays- Delhi will continue to have clear weather conditions during the next 24 hours. Winds are light at the moment but could pick up tomorrow onwards. Day temperature would be around 30 degrees while the morning temperature would be around 12 degrees.

Guru Ram Das Jee International Airport, Amritsar
No Delays- The weather in Amritsar is not so hot in the afternoon the highest temperature would be around 27 degrees. The night temperature would rise a bit to 11 degrees. Sky will be mainly clear.

Chaudhary Charan Singh International Airport, Lucknow
No Delays- Near normal temperatures would see a rise during the next 24 hours in Lucknow airport. The sky will be clear. Northwesterly to westerly winds will be blowing over the airport.

Lal Bahadur Shashtri International Airport, Varanasi
No Delays- The weather at Varanasi airport remains friendly as the temperatures are near normal with no clouds in the sky. The minimum temperature would be around 15 degrees. Winds are westerlies in Varanasi.

Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan Airport, Patna
No Delays- Day temperatures in Patna have been near normal during the last two days but they would rise in the next 24 hours. Night temperatures are also expected to rise in Patna airport.

Netaji Subash Chandra Bose International Airport, Kolkata
No delays- Temperatures are near normal in Kolkata but they are expected to rise by 2 degrees during the next 24 hours. The sky will be mainly clear.

Bangalore Airport
No delays – Morning in Bangalore will be cool at around 17 degrees but day temperatures would touch 33 degrees in Bangalore. The sky will be partly cloudy in Bangalore.


Photograph by Ashok666

Weather in major airports in India on 5th of March 2013

Indira Gandhi International Airport, Delhi
No Delays- Mist during morning hours in Delhi will continue. Mainly a clear sky is expected and temperatures are expected to rise. Northwesterly winds will be experienced in Delhi.

Guru Ram Das Jee International Airport, Amritsar
No Delays- Morning would be less cool due to rise in temperature in Amritsar. The sky will be mainly clear. Northwesterly winds will be observed in Amritsar.

Chaudhary Charan Singh International Airport, Lucknow
No Delays- The Lucknow airport will have a clear sky. Day and night temperatures could rise in Lucknow. Northwesterly to westerly winds will be blowing over the airport.

Lal Bahadur Shashtri International Airport, Varanasi
No Delays- The weather in Varanasi remains flight-friendly with moderate day and night temperatures. The sky is clear. Night temperature may rise a bit during the next 24 hours.

Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan Airport, Patna
No Delays- Night temperatures in Patna airport will be around 15 degrees. Day temperatures would rise and warm afternoons could be expected for a short period. The sky will be mainly clear.

Netaji Subash Chandra Bose International Airport, Kolkata
No delays- Northerly winds would keep the night cool in Kolkata. Fall in day temperatures during the last two days has brought respite from warm afternoons. This weather will continue during the next 24 hours.

Bangalore Airport
No delays – Day temperatures are expected to be around 33 degrees in Bangalore. Night temperature may rise a bit but morning hours would be cool and comfortable.


Photograph by Ashok666

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