Skymet weather

United States hit hard by climate change and Global warming

Climate change is growing worse with each passing day, becoming real and proving to be a threat to our planet. The effects of human-induced climate changes are being severely felt in the United States. A recent report known as the National Climate Assessment, mandated by around 300 leading scientists and climate experts, stated that water is becoming scarcer in dry regions while wet ones are being lashed by more and more rain.

Climate change was once considered a probing issue for a distant future but now can be felt in our present day and Global warming has already started affecting the planet. Such adverse weather conditions are leading to longer and hotter summers with extended periods of unusual heat. The length and severity of seasonal allergies are also changing.

Frequent occurrences of heat waves are increasing the number of wildfires. These grave changes are believed to have been caused by an average warming of around 2 degrees Fahrenheit over most of the land areas of the United States during the past century. Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane are also escalating at a rapid pace and if they continue accelerating, Global warming could exceed by 10 degrees at the end of this century.

Places in northern parts of United States, particularly Alaska are feeling the effects of Global warming at a swifter pace than had been expected. In this state, glaciers are melting and as fragile coastlines are no longer protected by winter sea ice they are being eroded by storms, forcing inhabitants to move inland. Miami and other parts of south Florida are also some of the most vulnerable hot spots for climate change.

Here are some geographic specific impacts which have socio- economic and ecosystem consequences in the Unites States:

In the Northeast, heat waves and extreme precipitation events leading to flooding from sea level rise and storm surge has been observed.

The Northwest of U.S. will witness early snowmelt and changes in stream flow timing could reduce water supply in summer seasons.

Southeast and Caribbean have major risk from hurricanes and decrease in water availability.

Southwest has a danger of droughts and wildfires and competition for scarce water resources.

Midwest region might have an increase in crop yields due to longer growing seasons. The ever rising carbon dioxide level could lead to heat waves, droughts and floods.

In the Great Plains, rising temperatures will lead to surge in demand for water and energy. Consequently agricultural practices will be affected.

With rapid ebbing of summer sea ice, glaciers shrinking and thawing of permafrost in Alaska, infrastructure could be damaged and ecosystems affected.

Decrease in freshwater supplies and increased temperatures could negatively impact food and water supply in Hawaii and Pacific Islands.

Government concern

As the report unveiled at the White House, President Barack Obama assured that the administration will introduce new regulations to limit emissions. Global warming has raged a political refute with Republican members of Congress calling global warming “a hoax”, carried out by global conspiracy. Other Republicans believe that climate change is real, but also feel that the president is plotting a war on coal and his policies could destroy a lot of miners.

As conscious human beings we owe the coming generations a clean, safe and habitable planet. Accordingly, we should wake up and start working together as a connected family.

picture courtesy- Conserve energy future

Day temperature in Delhi to drop further as rain continues

According to the latest weather update by Skymet Meteorology Division in India, the maximum temperature in Delhi could drop further on Tuesday and settle around 30°C after recording 35.3°C on Monday. Day temperature may be a little higher on Wednesday as chances of rain in Delhi would decrease by then and clouds would bid adieu.

The minimum temperature in Delhi dropped to settle at 18°C on Tuesday morning, lowest after 16.7°C recorded on 1st May, 2004. On Wednesday morning the minimum temperature in Delhi is likely to rise by two to three degrees and settle in the early twenties, which would still be very comfortable.

So, with maximum expected to record 30°C on Tuesday and minimum likely to settle around 20°C on Wednesday morning, it could be the lowest maximum recorded in 24 hours in Delhi during the month of May.

Earlier on Monday, the Western Disturbance moved closer to the Western Himalayan region while the cyclonic circulation over northeast Rajasthan reached over Punjab. Under the influence of these weather systems, 9.7 mm of rain was recorded at the Safdarjung Observatory in Delhi, while the Palam Observatory recorded 9.2 mm of rain from 8:30 am on Monday till 8:30 am on Tuesday.

The latest weather update by Skymet Meteorology Division in India suggests that intermittent rain or thundershowers may occur in parts of the national capital in the next 24 hours. The chances of rain will be high during evening and night.

Meanwhile, the influence of the Western Disturbance in Delhi will reduce by Wednesday afternoon, leading to another spell of rise in temperatures.

The following table shows the trend of day temperatures in Delhi in the last five days. It indicates below normal average maximums, since Thursday.

Days Maximum temperature
Thursday 39.5°C
Friday 38.5°C
Saturday 38.6°C
Sunday 35.2°C
Monday 35.3°C

The following table shows the maximum temperature trend in Delhi during the last five days. It shows that the minimum temperatures in Delhi dropped seven notches than Monday and has been below normal of 25.9°C

Days Minimum temperature
Friday 21.4°C
Saturday 23°C
Sunday 23°C
Monday 25°C
Tuesday 18°C


Soybean| Argentina is expected to produce 55.5 million tonnes of Soybean this season.

Argentina is expected to produce 55.5 million tonnes of Soybean this season, higher-than-expected yields as the reason for increasing its previous estimate of 54.5 million tonnes. Recent rains have slowed Soybean collection, putting this year's harvest progress 15.4 percent behind last year's tempo, according to the Exchange.

Paddy| Philippines harvesting of the 2013-14, mostly irrigated.

Philippines harvesting of the 2013-14, mostly irrigated, secondary season Paddy crop, which accounts for about 45 percent of the annual production, was completed by mid-April. This season’s rice output is officially estimated at a record level of 8.4 million tonnes, about 5 percent higher than in the same season last year.

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