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Severe heat wave grips Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, no relief for next three days

Heat wave in AP and Telangana

Heat wave conditions have made a comeback over Coastal Andhra Pradesh and over parts of Telangana. A sudden rise in temperature is being noticed from last two to three days. Until May 3, the temperatures over these places were below normal due to the impact of Cyclone Fani which was travelling along the East Coast of the country. On making a landfall over Odisha coast in Puri, it resulted in heavy rains over North Coastal Andhra Pradesh. Scattered rains were seen over interior Andhra Pradesh and cloudy weather was witnessed over most parts of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. Thus, resulting in drop in temperatures.

Now, dry and hot northwesterly winds from the inland have again started blowing over the region, leading to increase in temperature. As per the experts, these hot and dry winds would continue over both the states for at least next three days. These winds are travelling from Central Pakistan and Rajasthan where temperatures are already soaring and in between they are crossing Madhya Pradesh and Vidarbha which are reeling under heat wave like conditions.

This long travel of winds has resulted in rise in mercury and that’s why the coastal areas are reeling under severe heat wave conditions. Kakinada, Visakhapatnam, Ongole and Nellore are seeing hot weather conditions.

The temperatures in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana are above normal. The experts foresee that heat wave could continue until May 8. Thereafter, a confluence zone is expected to form over Telangana and adjoining areas leading to increase in cloud cover and drop in temperatures. People are advised to restrict outdoor activities especially between noon and 3 pm when the impact could be higher.

There is a possibility that between May 11 and 14, light rains would be a sight in parts of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Thus, temperatures would fall once again leading to abatement of heat wave conditions. However, during the next three days, weather will be hot and uneasy. Coastal station like Vijayawada has already touched 45.6° whereas Khammam has recorded 45.2°C. Threshold for declaring heat wave condition in coastal station is 38°C while for inland it is 40°C.

Image Credit: DNA India

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Loo to hit Delhi-NCR, Haryana, Punjab, UP and Rajasthan this week, relief by weekend

Northwest India and rise in temperature

As we entered into the thick of summer season, Northwest India has been battling blazing hot weather conditions, with the significant rise in the temperatures from the past two days. Prior to this, due to the presence of Cyclone Fani, easterly current was seen across all Indo Gangetic Plains of the country. On Friday, i.e. on May 3, we even witnessed dust storm and thunderstorm activity. Post that, it has been completely dry over Delhi and adjoining areas of Noida, Gurugram, and Faridabad.

According to experts, from May 6-8, this trend of rising temperatures along with dry weather would be a sight. Also, hot winds of moderate intensity would be blowing all over the plains. When such moderate winds are combined with rise in temperatures, they then tend to give birth to loo type conditions.

Loo type conditions would prevail across northern parts of Haryana, isolated pockets of Punjab, Delhi and NCR along with West Uttar Pradesh. We expect day temperatures to increase significantly and would be settling in range of 40-45 degree Celsius.

Weathermen predict that there would no relief before the weekend. May 10 onward, change in weather conditions would be a sight over the northwestern plains. During this time, passage of two back to back active Western Disturbances would seen up in the hills. Thus, May 10-May 15, a prolonged spell of varying intensity will be seen which would eventually cover more areas.

The intensity of rains will be more May 13 onward and would continue till May 15 across Punjab, Haryana, Delhi and NCR, West Uttar Pradesh and parts of Rajasthan. Initially, around May 10 –12, the system would give pre-Monsoon rains over North and West Rajasthan and by May 13 it would cover major parts of Rajasthan along with the northern parts of Madhya Pradesh.

Currently, the temperatures would see an uprising trend. However, May 11 onward, drop in temperature is expected. Initially, there will be more of dust storm and thunderstorm activity. By May 13, these activities would be accompanied by strong winds and light rain with moderate in few pockets.

Usually, simultaneous coverage of these many areas because of weather systems is an unseen phenomenon during pre-Monsoon season.

Image Credit: DNA India

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[Hindi] उत्तर प्रदेश में 3-4 दिनों तक होगा लू का प्रकोप, 11 मई से प्री-मॉनसून वर्षा दिलाएगी राहत

उत्तर प्रदेश के ज्यादातर हिस्सों में चक्रवाती तूफ़ान फानी के आने से पहले लू जैसी स्थिति बनी हुई थी। हालांकि फानी तूफ़ान के आने के साथ ही उत्तर प्रदेश के दक्षिण-पूर्वी हिस्सों में बंगाल की खाड़ी से पूर्वी हवाओं ने दस्तक दी। जिसके कारण यहां तापमान में कमी आई और लू से राहत मिली।

अब फानी तूफ़ान के समाप्त होने के साथ ही उत्तर प्रदेश के अधिकांश भागों में उत्तर-पश्चिम राजस्थान और मध्य पाकिस्तान से आ रही गर्म हवाएं प्रभावी हो गई हैं। साथ ही तेज़ धूप हो रही और मौसम शुष्क बना हुआ है, जिसके कारण राज्य में तापमान बढ़ने लगा है। आने वाले 3 से 4 दिनों के दौरान राज्य के ज्यादातर हिस्सों में तापमान में बढोत्तरी होने की सम्भावना है। जिससे कई इलाके लू की चपेट में आ जाएंगे।

हालांकि मौसम विशेषज्ञों के अनुसार, 11 से 12 मई को जम्मू-कश्मीर के भागों पर एक पश्चिमी विक्षोभ बनने के आसार हैं। तथा इसके कारण राजस्थान के भागों पर एक चक्रवाती हवाओं का क्षेत्र विकसित होगा जिससे पूर्वी उत्तर प्रदेश और बिहार तक एक ट्रफ रेखा भी बनेगी।

इन मौसमी सिस्टमों के कारण 11 से 14 मई के बीच पश्चिमी उत्तर प्रदेश के आगरा, मथुरा, अलीगढ से होते हुए मध्य भागों में लखनऊ, कानपुर सहित पूर्वी उत्तर प्रदेश में गोरखपुर, प्रयागराज, वाराणसी शहरों में धूलभरी आंधी चलने और गरज के साथ बारिश होने की संभावना है।

मौसम में इस बदलाव से उत्तर प्रदेश के अधिकांश भागों तापमान में कमी आएगी जिससे लोगों को लू के थपेड़ों से राहत मिलेगी।

Image Credit: Hindustan Times

कृपया ध्यान दें: स्काइमेट की वेबसाइट पर उपलब्ध किसी भी सूचना या लेख को प्रसारित या प्रकाशित करने पर साभार: अवश्य लिखें ।

[Hindi] मध्य प्रदेश, राजस्थान और महाराष्ट्र में 10 मई तक होगा लू का प्रकोप

राजस्थान, गुजरात, मध्य प्रदेश, विदर्भ, मराठवाड़ा और उत्तरी मध्य महाराष्ट्र के अधिकांश भागों में पूरे अप्रैल महीने में लू की स्थिति बनी रही। यहाँ तक कि कुछ इलाके भीषण लू की चपेट में भी रहे।

इसके बाद दो अलग-अलग मौसमी गतिविधियों के कारण यहां के अधिकांश जगहों का तापमान में गिरावट हुई और समूचे मध्य भारत में लू से बहुप्रतीक्षित राहत मिली।

मौसम विशेषज्ञों के अनुसार मई की शुरुआत में अरब सागर से दक्षिण-पश्चिमी आर्द्र हवाएं प्रभावी हुई थीं जिसके कारण राजस्थान, गुजरात, मध्य महाराष्ट्र और पश्चिमी मध्य प्रदेश के तापमान में गिरावट आई थी। वहीं चक्रवाती तूफ़ान फानी के कारण बंगाल की खाड़ी से आ रही आर्द्र हवाओं ने विदर्भ और मराठवाड़ा में लोगों को राहत पहुंचाई।

स्काइमेट के अनुसार, वर्तमान में चक्रवाती तूफ़ान फानी के निष्प्रभावी होने के बाद फिर से हवाओं की दिशा बदली है। अब मध्य भारत के राज्यों पर उत्तर-पश्चिमी गर्म हवायें एक बार फिर से प्रभावी हो गई हैं। यह हवाएं पाकिस्तान और राजस्थान की ओर से आ रही हैं, जहां मौसम पहले से ही बेहद गर्म बना हुआ है। जिससे इन राज्यों में तापमान बढ़ने लगा है।

विदर्भ के अधिकांश इलाकों में लू वापसी कर चुकी है। इसके अलावा राजस्थान, मध्य प्रदेश और महाराष्ट्र सहित गुजरात के बाकी हिस्सों में लगातार पारा चढ़ता जा रहा है। इन सभी स्थानों का तापमान 40 डिग्री के पार लेकिन सामान्य के आस-पास बना हुआ है।

इन गर्म और शुष्क हवाओं से राजस्थान के अधिकांश भागों सहित दक्षिणी मध्य प्रदेश, विदर्भ, मराठवाड़ा और मध्य महाराष्ट्र में जल्द ही लू जैसी स्थिति बनने की संभावना है। इसके अलावा दक्षिणी मध्य प्रदेश के एक-दो स्थानों पर भीषण लू जैसी स्थिति बनी हुई है।

Aslo Read In English: Heat wave to grip Vidarbha, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan again, relief by May 10

हालांकि मौसम विशेषज्ञों के अनुसार, 10 और 11 मई से इन स्थानों पर प्री-मॉनसून वर्षा होने की संभावना है जिससे इन इलाकों में तापमान में भारी कमी आएगी और लू से बड़ी राहत मिलेगी।

Image Credit: Hindustan times
कृपया ध्यान दें: स्काइमेट की वेबसाइट पर उपलब्ध किसी भी सूचना या लेख को प्रसारित या प्रकाशित करने पर साभार: अवश्य लिखें।

The unique Journey of Cyclone Fani as West Bengal, Northeast escaped its fury

Cyclone FaniCyclone Fani has been the strongest Cyclone to have hit Odisha since 1999. From the years 2000 to 2019, only five Cyclones were seen to have formed in the month of April. Out of which, three have gone for Myanmar, 1 has gone to Bangladesh and Fani has been the only one to curve to Odisha.

Fani has covered a really long journey as it started on April 23 as a disturbance. Fani originated close to the equator which was a rare thing as storms usually form 5 degrees north of the Equator however, Fani had appeared just 2.5 degrees North of the Equator.

On April 26, Fani was seen as a depression, and had a long sea travel. Moreover, its inception took 36 hours. Thereafter, it took 5 days, to strike Odisha, which was the morning hours of May 3. Not only this, Fani had a wavering track, instead of being a sturdy one which varied a lot.

In fact, from the time it became a depression, on April 26, to the time it became a storm on May 1, it kept meandering and kept interchanging between north, and northwest directions.

After Fani intensified into an Extremely Severe Cyclonic Storm, it then followed a north northeastern track, more on the northern side towards Odisha. Fani crossed Odisha as an extremely severe cyclonic storm.

These storms usually weaken but Fani held down. Fani started its landfall over Odisha at 8 AM and completed it around 10 AM, taking a long time to cross. In fact, Fani stayed for at least six hours, before weakening into a very severe cyclonic storm.

Cyclone Fani made landfall over Odisha's Puri district. During landfall, the wind speed was at around 180-190 kmph, which was gusting up to 200-220 kmph at times. The storm wreaked havoc over Odisha causing massive damage over the state.

Fani spent a really long time over Odisha, around 19-20 hours. After Fani became a Severe Cyclonic Storm, at the Odisha and Bengal border, it had a rapid weakening, that too, within 12 hours. Fani had the shortest stay over West Bengal.

During the wee hours of May 4, it was a severe cyclonic storm and in just about 3-4 hours, it weakened into a cyclone. In fact, within 6-8 hours, Fani became a deep depression over West Bengal before it crossed over to Bangladesh.

Fani was a deep depression while over Bangladesh and here also saw a rapid decay becoming a depression soon, just about six hours or so, spending only six to eight hours over Bangladesh.

Cyclone Fani had the longest travel over the sea, intensifying from various stages taking its time. On the other hand, its decay phase was also very rapid making it one of the most unique Cyclones in the history of North Indian Ocean Cyclones.

Both West Bengal as well as Northeast India, which were to see heavy rains due to Fani, escaped the fury of the storm, all thanks to its rapid decay process.

While the passage of this storm was supposed to cover up the rainfall deficiencies in Northeast India. The only two states in Northeast that saw good rains due to Fani were Assam and Meghalaya, other states continue to remain deficient.

Please Note: Any information picked from here must be attributed to

Heat wave returns to Maharashtra as temperatures soar above 45 degrees, relief around May 10

Maharashtra weather

Most parts of Maharashtra such as Vidarbha, Marathwada and Madhya Maharashtra were reeling under heat wave conditions until May 1. Thereafter, due to the influence of Cyclone Fani, temperatures started dropping very rapidly. As a result, most parts of the state reported a significant drop of 3℃ to 4℃ between May 2 and 4. In fact, drop in temperature helped the state in getting relief from heat wave conditions.

Now, as the Cyclone Fani has made an exit, mercury in Maharashtra has once again started to rise as high as sensex.

According to weathermen at Skymet Weather, Maharashtra has observed a major change in the weather conditions during the last 24 hours. The weakening and dissipation of Cyclone Fani has once again led to commencement of dry and hot winds from northwest directions.

In fact, heat wave conditions have made a comeback in isolated pockets of Vidarbha with mercury crossing sizzling 45-degree mark over Bramhapuri and adjoining area.

The hot and dry northwesterly winds would continue until May 9 and several other districts of Maharashtra will become the victim of heat wave conditions. The most affected pocket would be Vidarbha, Marathwada along with some parts of Madhya Maharashtra.

Also read: Heat wave to grip Vidarbha, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan again, relief by May 10

Pre-Monsoon rains to bring relief 

However, on May 10, a trough is expected to develop from Gujarat up to Northeast Arabian Sea. In addition to this system, a Confluence Zone will form over Madhya Maharashtra and adjoining areas. The combined effect of these two systems will initiate isolated pre-Monsoon rain and thunderstorm activities over parts of Maharashtra May 10 onward.

On May 11, the spread and intensity will increase and cover parts of Vidarbha and Marathwada as well. Places like Nagpur, Akola, Aurangabad, Nashik, Parbhani, Kolhapur, Sangli, Satara and Mahabaleshwar will be covered by the rain belt.

These pre-Monsoon activities will help in easing out the soaring temperatures, leading to abatement of heat wave conditions from most parts of the state.

Image Credits – Pinterest

Any information taken from here should be credited to Skymet Weather

10 things you need to know about Cyclone Fani

Touted as one of the most devastating cyclones, ‘Fani’ just passed through the Indian mainland. India is garnering attention and appreciation all around the world for its rapid response and massive evacuation of more than a million people from the cyclone hit areas. This is what you need to know about the giant catastrophe-

  1. Cyclone Fani is strongest cyclonic storm to hit Indian coast since 1999, when a super cyclone had hit Odisha, taking over 10,000 lives. Although Fani was extremely severe cyclone at the time of landfall but it was just short of super cyclone. This can be gauged from its wind speed that had gone over 200 kmph, almost neat to that of super cyclone i.e of 220 kmph.
  2. Cyclone Fani had the longest sea travel during this time but was shortest in terms of travelling inland.
  3. Till now, the death toll stands at 38 across the three affected states of Odisha, West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh. More than 1 crore people living in 14,835 villages and 46 towns across the districts of Puri, Khurda, Balasore, Bhadrak, Cuttack, Dhenkanal, Ganjam, Jagatsinghpur, Jajpur, Kendrapara and Mayurbhanj were affected by Fani.
  4. At present, the power network in the most affected Puri district stands completely damaged after the storm. According to the sources, it will take days to restore power in the district.
  5. Railways have reintroduced 85 of the 138 cancelled trains. The main line to Bhubaneswar has commenced operations, while Puri will be ready to receive trains in about four to five days. Flight operations to Bhubaneswar resumed with 41 flights operating yesterday, even though the local airport suffered extensive damage.
  6. Cyclone Fani is named by Bangladesh. It is pronounced "Foni" and loosely translates to "the hood of a snake".
  7. In the past (1891-2017) only 14 severe tropical cyclones formed in April over the Bay of Bengal. Only one storm crossed the Indian mainland. Cyclone Fani is the second storm forming in April and crossing the mainland. Last severe cyclone Nargis in 2008 devastated Myanmar.
  8. Hurricanes, Typhoons and Cyclones are just different names for the same kind of tropical storm that have a low-pressure center with high wind speeds and heads towards land. The nomenclature depends on which part of the world the storm occurs.
  9. Most cyclones that generate exclusively in the Bay of Bengal become relatively weaker by the time they reach the Indian landmass. However, the case with Cyclone Fani is different since it developed almost close to the Equator, whose close proximity usually does not let the system grow.
  10. Out of 10 cases of very heavy loss of life in the world due to tropical cyclones, nine cases were in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea.
  11. Cyclonic storms have been the main cause of deaths due to natural disasters in Asia between 1970 and 2012. Most of these cyclone-related deaths have occurred in India and Bangladesh.

Image Credits –  Euronews

Any information taken from here should be credited to Skymet Weather

Pre-Monsoon rains to cover entire India from May 10-15, relief from heat wave on cards

Hot and dry weather conditions have been prevailing over northwest and central parts of the country, barring Northeast India and states on the East Coast of India that saw rains courtesy Cyclone Fani. The last when country had witnessed pre-Monsoon rains was from April 15 to 17, which was also the first widespread spell of the pre-Monsoon season.

Since the Cyclone Fani has now finally dissipated, the weather of most parts of the country have become dry once again. This has led to increase in the day temperatures. In fact, heat wave is likely to make a comeback anytime now over entire Northwest and Central India.

However, it seems that country would be fortunate enough to get a breather from heat wave quite soon. According to weathermen, country is now gearing up for another fairly widespread spell of pre-monsoon activities from May 10. The approaching spell would be a prolonged one i.e. activities are expected to continue until May 15. This would be main reason which would bring much needed relief from the ongoing hot weather for the country, particularly heat wave prone areas of Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Telangana and Rayalaseema.

Multiple Weather Systems:

The reason for the upcoming pre-Monsoon spell can be attributed to the formation of multiple weather systems forming over parts of the country. To begin with north, two successive Western Disturbances on May 10 and May 13 would be seen affecting Western Himalayas, which are likely to induce a cyclonic circulation over Rajasthan and adjoining areas.

A trough will also extend from northern plains to eastern parts of Uttar Pradesh, leading to increased rain activities. Simultaneously, a cyclonic circulation would also be seen over sub-Himalayan West Bengal.

Another deep trough would be forming from Uttar Pradesh to Southeast Arabian Sea, while a Confluence Zone will form over Central India.

As per weathermen, whenever there is such situation wherein in we see multiple weather systems forming simultaneously, they all complement each other and tend to stay for a longer duration. Thus, resulting in prolonged weather activities over wider area. India, in the coming days, would see such kind of spell.

Rainfall Pattern 

From April 10, we can expect fairly widespread rain and thundershowers all across Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand.  In plains, dust storm or thundershower activities would begin over Punjab, Haryana, Delhi and parts of Rajasthan on May 10.

By May 11, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, parts of Chhattisgarh, coastal Andhra Pradesh, Interior Tamil Nadu, Kerala and South Interior Karnataka will also start receiving some pre-monsoon activities.

By May 13 and 14, we expect rains to cover parts of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and Odisha as well. On and off rains will continue over Northeast India throughout.

So, we can say that almost entire country including isolated pockets of Gujarat is gearing up for a rainy spell very soon.

During this time, northwestern plains might get some intense dust storm and thundershower activities, with wind speed might reaching up to 100 kmph. East India might also witness Nor’westers and intense lightning strikes during this period.

These pre-Monsoon activities would be instrumental in taking country out of the clutches of heat wave, which by then would have gripped entire India tightly.

Image Credits –  India Climate Dialogue

Any information taken from here should be credited to Skymet Weather

[Marathi] महाराष्ट्रात पुन्हा एकदा अनुभवण्यात आली उष्णतेची लाट, १० मे च्या आसपास पावसाची शक्यता

Maharashtra weather

१ मे पर्येन्त महाराष्ट्रातील विदर्भ, मराठवाडा आणि मध्य महाराष्ट्रात उष्णतेची लाट अनुभवण्यात येत होती. परंतु त्यानंतर चक्रीवादळ फनीच्या प्रभावामुळे, तापमानात लक्षणीय घट नोंदवण्यात आली. खरं तर, बहुतांश भागातील तापमानात ३ ते ४ अंशाची घट दिसून आली, ज्यामुळे रहिवाशांना उष्णतेच्या लाट पासून सुटका मिळाला.

आता, चक्रीवादळाचा प्रभाव महाराष्ट्रावर कमी झाला आहे, ज्यामुळे गेल्या २४ तासात, महाराष्ट्राच्या हवामान परिस्थितीत बदल दिसून आलेला आहे. परिणामस्वरूप पुन्हा एकदा उत्तर पश्चिम दिशेने कोरडे आणि गरम वारे वाहू लागले आहे आणि पारा पुन्हा एकदा वाढू लागला आहे.

Also read in English: Prolonged spell of rain in Uttarakhand, Himachal, Jammu and Kashmir from May 10-15

खरं तर, विदर्भातील काही भागात उष्णतेची लाट सुरु झाली आहे आणि पारा ४५ अंश पर्येन्त ब्रम्हपुरी आणि आसपासच्या भागात पोहोचला आहे.

उत्तर पश्चिम दिशेने गरम वारे ९ मे पर्येन्त महाराष्ट्रावर वाहतील. याशिवाय, महाराष्ट्रातील बहुतांश भाग जसे विदर्भ, मराठवाडा आणि मध्य महाराष्ट्रात पण उष्णतेची लाट अनुभवण्यात येईल.

१० मे च्या आसपास परिस्थितीत पुन्हा एकदा बदल दिसून येईल. एक ट्रफ रेषा गुजरात पासून उत्तर पूर्व अरब सागर पर्येन्त विस्तारलेली जाईल. याशिवाय, दोन वेगळ्या वेगळ्या दिशेने येणारे वारे मिळतील ज्यामुळे महाराष्ट्रवर पावसाची सुरुवात होईल.

११ मे ला पावसाचा जोर वाढेल आणि विदर्भसह मराठवाड्यात पण पाऊस अनुभवला जाईल. नागपूर, अकोला, नाशिक, परभणी, कोल्हापूर, सांगली, सातारा आणि महाबळेश्वर मध्ये १० आणि ११ मे ला पाऊस पडण्याची शक्यता आहे.

पूर्व मॉन्सूनच्या प्रक्रियांमुळे तापमानात पुन्हा एकदा घट दिसून येईल आणि उष्णतेच्या लाट पासून सुटका मिळेल.

प्रतिमा क्रेडिट्स: पिंटरेस्ट

येथून घेतलेली कोणतीही माहितीचा क्रेडिट ला द्यावे

Heat wave in Delhi to return now, pre-Monsoon rains to bring relief around May 10

The last spell of pre-Monsoon weather activities in Delhi and NCR was recorded on May 3. The National Capital Region witnessed dust storm activity followed by rain and thundershowers. In fact, both the Observatories of Delhi i.e. Safdarjung and Palam managed to record light to moderate rains.

However, since May 3, weather conditions have once again become dry and hot in Delhi-NCR. Moreover, due to clear sky and bright sunshine, day temperatures are rising continuously. Yesterday, Delhi’s Safdarjung recorded its day temperature at 39.1˚C and Palam at 41˚C.

Now in the absence of any significant weather system, we expect dry weather conditions to continue in Delhi, Noida, Gurugram, Faridabad and Ghaziabad in the coming days. Clear sky and bright sunshine will be accompanied with strong hot winds. Such weather will trigger the day temperatures in the National Capital Region.

Thus, we can say that in the coming days till May 10, maximum temperatures of Delhi and NCR are expected to rise significantly. And soon, heat wave condition would also reappear in some parts of the capital city.

Thereafter, relief is in sight by May 10 onwards, as we expect widespread weather activities to affect Delhi and NCR once again. During that time, pre-Monsoon activities in the form of dust storm, rain, thundershower and hailstorm are possible.

Image Credit: Wikipedia

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[Hindi] ओड़ीशा में फ़ानी के कारण मृतकों की संख्या 38 हुई, जन-जीवन सामान्य करने के प्रयास जारी

ओड़ीशा में 3 मई को आया अत्यंत भीषण चक्रवाती तूफान फ़ानी अब तक 38 ज़िंदगियाँ लील गया है। ओड़ीशा सरकार ने सोमवार को मृतकों की संख्या 38 बताई, जिसमें अकेले पुरी में 15 लोगों की मौत हुई है। पुरी में ही सबसे अधिक तबाही इसलिए हुई है क्योंकि तूफान फ़ानी पुरी के रास्ते ही ओड़ीशा में घुसा था। तूफान के साथ आई 200 किलोमीटर से भी अधिक रफ्तार की हवाओं के कारण पुरी और आसपास के भागों में जबरदस्त तबाही देखने को मिली है।

तूफान से हुए नुकसान का आंकलन अभी जारी है। सरकारी आंकड़ों के अनुसार राज्य में विद्युत आपूर्ति से जुड़े संसाधनों का लगभग 12 हज़ार करोड़ रुपये का नुकसान हुआ है। राहत कार्यों के लिए नियुक्त विशेष आयुक्त के अनुसार पुरी, भद्रक, खोरदा, बालासोर, कटक, ढेंकनाल, गंजाम, जगतसिंहपुर, जाजपुर, केन्द्रपाड़ा और मयूरभंज जिलों में 14,835 गाँवों और 46 कस्बों में 1 करोड़ से अधिक लोग इस अति भीषण चक्रवाती तूफान से प्रभावित हुए हैं।

पुरी ज़िले में दूरसंचार व्यवस्था अभी भी ठप है। भुवनेश्वर में भी स्थिति सामान्य नहीं हुई है। पुरी और खोरदा जिलों में तूफान आने के बाद से लगातार तीन से 35 लाख से अधिक लोग अंधेरे में रह रहे हैं। हालांकि इन बुनियादी व्यवस्थाओं को जल्द दुरुस्त करने के प्रयास तेज़ी से किए जा रहे हैं।


बड़ी सड़कों पर गिरे बिजली के खंबों और पेड़ों को हटाकर यातायात व्यवस्था को सामान्य कर लिया गया है। जबकि पुरी में अभी भी लगभग 800 गाँवों की सड़कों पर यातायात बहाल किया जाना बाकी है। पुरी में विशेष सर्किट हाऊस के साथ-साथ पुलिस अधीक्षक और ज़िलाधिकारी के दफ़्तर और घर भी बुरी तरह से क्षतिग्रस्त हुए हैं।

Image Credit: DNA India

कृपया ध्यान दें: स्काइमेट की वेबसाइट पर उपलब्ध किसी भी सूचना या लेख को प्रसारित या प्रकाशित करने पर साभार: अवश्य लिखें।


Biggest Antarctica ice shelf is melting faster than estimated

Ross Ice ShelfThe biggest ice shelf of Antarctica is more vulnerable than previously estimated. A new study shows that warm seawater is seeping into a cavity below the Ross Ice Shelf and a France-size ice chunk is melting way faster than any other ice shelf.

The melt in that area is at least ten times higher than the other parts of the ice shelf. While the Ross Ice Shelf is considered to be stable. However, the rapid melting location coincided with a “pinning point”, which holds the flowing ice back and results in stability to the shelf.

Ice shelves are Antarctic ice masses whose formation take place as glaciers flow toward the sea. As per previous research, warm water from the ocean has been causing the melting as well as disintegration of the ice shelves. Due to that, Glacier flow into the ocean increase which further adds to the gradual sea level rise.

As per a 2017 study by Cornell University, by 2100, rising sea levels could displace 2 billion people across the globe. Additionally, they also may inundate coastal communities and other low-lying areas. As per scientists, the sea level rise at present is at 3 mm per year.

The new research, published on April 29 has shown that another kind of melting, which is at the surface and not deep inside, may also make the ice shelves unstable.

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