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Weather Forecast for May 2: Rain in Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Kolkata; hot weather in Pune

May 1, 2017 5:22 PM |


A fresh Western Disturbance is approaching the Western Himalayas. This system is likely to give scattered rains over Jammu and Kashmir as well as Himachal Pradesh.

Its induced cyclonic circulation persists over Central Pakistan. Trough is extending from Haryana up to interior Karnataka. Due to this weather system, isolated thunderstorm and dust storm activities are possible over Haryana and Rajasthan. Rest of Northwest India including Delhi will remain dry. Temperatures may rise marginally over both Northwest as well as Central India.

Pune will remain dry and hot during the next 24 hours with temperatures settling in the late 30s. Mumbai will remain warm with maximums in the early 30s

East India, a trough is extending from Sub-Himalayan West Bengal to Interior Odisha. Humid winds from Bay of Bengal are increasing moisture over Northeast states. Thus, good rains are expected over many parts of Wet Bengal, East Bihar, parts of Jharkhand as well as Odisha.

Due to the persisting trough and moisture incursion from both Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea, scattered rains are likely over Coastal Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, South Interior Karnataka as well as Kerala. Interior parts of Tamil Nadu are expected to witness some rains.
Bengaluru and Hyderabad will witness some rainfall activity during the next 24 hours.


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