Weather Forecast for May 13: Cyclonic circulation developing in Bay of Bengal, Rain in Bangalore

May 12, 2016 6:29 PM | Skymet Weather Team


Pre-Monsoon rains have picked up pace across the country. Al thanks to the several weather systems prevailing over different parts of the country.

Starting with North India, the Western Disturbance is marked over Jammu and Kashmir and adjoining North Pakistan. While, its induced cyclonic circulation is marked over Rajasthan and Punjab region.

A trough can be seen running from this system up to another cyclonic circulation marked over Bihar and East Uttar Pradesh.

With this, hills of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand will continue with scattered light to moderate rain and thundershowers.

While, plains of Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh could see isolated thunderstorm or dust storm on Friday.

Another trough can be seen running from the system over Bihar up to North Andhra Pradesh across Jharkhand and Odisha.

Accordingly, scattered light to moderate showers are likely over Bihar. While, isolated rain are expected all along the well-marked trough line.

Further, the cyclonic circulation over Assam and Meghalaya continues to persist, giving scattered rain and thundershowers over northeastern states.

Down south, wind discontinuity is still seen from Vidarbha up to Tamil Nadu across Telangana, Interior Karnataka.

With this, Vidarbha, Marathwada and Telangana may get isolated showers on Friday. While, scattered light to moderate rains are likely over Kerala, Interior Tamil Nadu and South Interior Karnataka including Bangalore.

We can also see number of a cyclonic circulations brewing in Bay of Bengal. One could be seen in Southwest Bay adjoining Sri Lanka coast and could bring some weather over South Coastal Tamil Nadu on Friday.

The other one is seen developing in Southeast Bay adjoining South Andaman Sea. Later on, both the systems are likely to merge and will be responsible for onset of Monsoon over Andaman and Nicobar Islands.