Weather Forecast for June 22: Monsoon rain in Goa, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad

June 21, 2016 5:43 PM|


Monsoon is at its peak! The Northern limit of Monsoon has now covered almost the entire country barring Gujarat, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, West Uttar Pradesh and extreme North Madhya Pradesh.

The West Coast continues to receive good Monsoon rains in view of the off-shore trough all along the coast. Tomorrow we can expect heavy falls over Karnataka and Goa region. Monsoon will remain active over North Coastal Tamil Nadu and Coastal Andhra Pradesh. A rainy day like in the major cities of Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai. Mumbai received very heavy showers on Monday and Monsoon rains are likely to continue over the region.

The cyclonic circulation over Central India has shifted in the northeast direction and is presently lying over Uttar Pradesh and adjoining areas. This system has been instrumental in ushering Monsoon over West Madhya Pradesh and most parts of Uttar Pradesh.

Monsoon has reached the hills of North India as well. All the three cyclonic circulations will get aligned along the Indo-Gangetic plains. We could see heavy showers in the foothills of Bihar, East Uttar Pradesh, Sub-Himalayan West Bengal and Sikkim. Punjab, Haryana and Delhi could also see some thunderstorm activities tomorrow.

Northeast will receive scattered rains with isolated places receiving heavy showers.

Heatwave conditions will persist in extreme West Rajasthan. Gradually, temperatures will come down here as well on account of arrival of Monsoon in the neighbouring areas.


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