Weather Forecast for June 11: Rain in Mumbai, Vidarbha, Goa, Coastal Karnataka

June 10, 2018 4:07 PM | Skymet Weather Team


Mumbai rains which have been going on and are wreaking havoc over the city are expected to continue. However, intensity will start reducing now which will be a relief for the residents.

The off-shore trough extending from North Maharashtra Coast to Kerala Coast will give heavy to very heavy rains to occur over Coastal parts of Maharashtra, Goa, Coastal Karnataka and Kerala. Light to moderate rains may also occur over Telangana. Light rains are likely over rest of Southern Peninsula.


Due to the advancement of Southwest Monsoon, light to moderate rains to occur over many places of Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Vidarbha. Light rains are expected over parts of Gujarat along with some parts of South Rajasthan.

Talking about East and Northeast India a well-marked low pressure lies over Northeast Bay of Bengal and adjoining Bangladesh. A trough is seen extending from this system to North Coastal Andhra Pradesh along the east coast. Simultaneously, another cyclonic circulation lies over Assam and adjoining Nagaland.

Therefore, we expect heavy to very heavy rains to occur over few places of Nagaland, Mizoram, Sikkim, South Chhattisgarh, South Odisha. Rest of East and Northeast India will receive light to moderate rains.

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In North India a Western Disturbance lies over North Jammu and Kashmir. Due to which, light rains will occur over few places of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand. Dry weather will prevail over Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. Day temperatures will also be seen rising.

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