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Weather Forecast for April 1: Heatwave in Rajasthan, Odisha, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh

March 31, 2017 7:05 PM |


India continues to be under the tight grip of heatwave conditions, in fact hot weather conditions have further reached Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and parts of West Bengal. Temperatures across these regions, especially Vidarbha region are also settling above 43-degree mark.

Moreover, we do not predict any relief in the next few days. However, Gujarat has managed to steal some relief with a marginal drop of a degree or two but weather will continue to be hot.

In fact, northern plains such as Delhi-NCR, Haryana also continued with significantly above normal temperatures. Similarly, Telangana, Rayalaseema and North Interior Karnataka will record day maximums above 40-degree mark.

The Western Disturbance is now over Jammu and Kashmir, which would mark the comeback over scattered rains over the state along with parts of Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand. North Punjab could also witness isolated thunderstorm over one or two place. However, it will not have any impact over the northwestern plains and dry and hot winds will continue to blow over the region.

Meanwhile in East India, the cyclonic circulation continues to prevail over North West Bengal and so does the trough till Odisha. With this we can expect isolated pre-Monsoon rains or thundershowers may occur North Bihar and West Bengal including Kolkata.

The cyclonic circulation over Assam also persists, which will continue to give heavy to extremely showers over Meghalaya and Assam. While rest of the states will continue with moderate to heavy rains.

Down south, a trough is running from South Chhattisgarh up to South Kerala. These systems will not have any impact and weather will continue to warm and humid. However, scattered light rains may occur over southern parts of both Kerala and Tamil Nadu.


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