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World Water Day: 10 Easy ways to Save Water

March 22, 2018 10:50 AM |

World Water Day: 10 Easy ways to Save Water The world water crisis represents the most important health issues faced by the world today. According to the United Nations, by the year 2025 about 3.4 billion people will be living in water scarce countries. During scarcity of fresh water, one will be forced to consume contaminated water. Save this precious resource before its too late. We bring you 10 simple ways to save water

Turn Off the Taps

World Water Day: 10 Easy ways to Save Water

Well, what is the point of turning on your tap while you are brushing your teeth or leaving the tap open while you are washing clothes. You know how precious water is, don’t you? Make sure you turn off the taps when you don’t need them.

Shower Only Enough

World Water Day: 10 Easy ways to Save Water

Does standing under the shower for an hour makes you cleaner than a 10 minute shower would? The answer is, no. So, my friend, get rid of the habit of misusing water during showers. Water is way too precious than you think.

Boil as Much As You Need

World Water Day: 10 Easy ways to Save WaterIf you need a glass of hot water, boil only that much. It’s a fact that whatever amount of boiled water is left in the pot is ultimately thrown into the drain. Do you want the future generations to live a waterless life?

Don’t Flush Unnecessarily

World Water Day: 10 Easy ways to Save WaterWe usually have the habit of flushing the toilet way too many times and that too unnecessarily. Do you know how much water do you waste every day? Flush as much as it is needed. There is no point wasting water, water a very precious resource.

Don’t Throw water Away

World Water Day: 10 Easy ways to Save WaterYou couldn’t finish that one glass of water so you simply threw the rest of it? Why would you do that? Couldn’t you simply water the plants with that leftover water or put it in your pet’s water bowl? Please don’t throw water, the future for water is bleak.

Wash Your Car using a Bucket

World Water Day: 10 Easy ways to Save WaterYour car needs a good wash so you connected the hose pipe with the tap, switched it on and gave it a good wash. Do you even realize how much water did you waste? You could use a bucket instead. You would save so much water every month.

Water The Plants/Lawns Only When Needed

World Water Day: 10 Easy ways to Save WaterWhenever you are bored and have nothing to do, you either water your plants or turn on the hosepipe. Why would you do that? Your plants need only enough water to be healthy. How about I stuffed food in your mouth 8 times a day, would you like it? Think about it.

Don’t Throw Waste in Your Toilet

World Water Day: 10 Easy ways to Save WaterYou do have a dustbin don’t you? And you obviously have an ash tray to throw the ashes and the cigarette buds. Then why do you regularly throw waste into the toilet and then waste so much of water by flushing it down? Mend your ways, you are literate enough to at least do this much.

Collect Rain Water

World Water Day: 10 Easy ways to Save WaterWhen it rains, don’t you love dancing in the rain? Well, if you had enough brains you would take a bucket or two and collect the water instead. After all, the tiniest drop of water quenches the thirst and saves the lives of thousands.

Watch What You Eat

World Water Day: 10 Easy ways to Save WaterYou definitely need to watch what you eat if you really want to save water. The production of meat requires way more water than the production of fruits and vegetables. Sometimes it would be wise of you to not surrender to the cravings and save some water instead.

Save water, Don’t waste it. You will be doing the Earth and the future generations a huge favour!


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