Winter Ice Creams You Can Make At Home

December 9, 2014 6:06 PM | Skymet Weather Team

Taking a break from frosty treats this winter? Don't! With fudgy, heart-warming toppings, and poached winter fruits with toasty sides, summer treats can turn into wintry delights instead! Winter can be the best time to hog on your favorite ice creams and to have some fat on the bones to stay warm during these icy months. Neither is there a rush at the ice cream parlour during winter nor does the ice cream melt on your way home!

“Of course, sales do go up in the summer”, talks Kapil Vashisht, owner of an ice cream outlet in the capital, “but it most definitely isn't a seasonal product. Ice-cream is a wonderful thing to have even in the coldest weather.”

So here’s our list of three savouring, warming, & frosty recipes for all winter lovers with a sweet tooth:

Wine Sorbet

Ingredients: Orange, lemons, spices, and red wine.

How to make: Boil drinking water, pour it into a jug, and keep stirring till the sugar dissolves. Let the mixture cool down, cover it and keep it in the refrigerator. Now take a few lemons and oranges and scrub-dry them. Use a potato peeler to remove three 1cm strips from the orange and one of the lemons. Cut across these in a fine manner to get hair-like strips. Squeeze the juice out from the orange along with one and a half lemon. Combine the wine, spices, strips of orange and lemon juice in a fresh pan. Bring to a boil and let it simmer for a minute. Remove from the heat and stir the pot after mixing the sugar syrup. Let the preparation cool down and then put it in the fridge to chill. Your sorbet is ready to consume!

Peanut Butter Nutty Bar Ice Cream

Ingredients: Heavy cream, milk, sweetened condensed milk, peanut butter and nutty bars.

How to make: Use a whisk to combine all ingredients except Nutty Bars. Freeze the combination for about 45 minutes. Remove it from the freezer and gently use the whisk again to stir. Pour the mixture into the Ice cream maker and freeze as per instructions on the machine. Approximately 10 minutes before the machine is done churning, add the Nutty Bars into the mixture. Finish churning and then transfer ice cream to the product. Let the preparation freeze overnight. Now you can treat yourself to a peanut butter nutty bar ice cream.

Mocha Latte Ice cream

Ingredients: Sugar, cornstarch, instant espresso, cups milk, whipped cream, egg yolk, vanilla bean paste, chocolate, dark-chocolate sticks for garnishing purpose.

How to make: Whisk together the first 4 ingredients in a large heavy saucepan. Gradually whisk in milk and whipped cream. Cook over medium heat and keep stirring until mixture thickens slightly. Whisk egg yolk and hot cream mixture into vanilla bean paste. Cool the mixture for an hour and stir for a while. Now let the mixture sit in the freezer for about 8 to 12 hours. Mix pecans and chocolate into the mixture. Now transfer the contents into an air tight container and allow it to chill in the freezer. In the end, garnish with your favourite dark chocolate to keep warm in the winter months.

So live by the adage Cold cuts cold and put on the kitchen apron. Let the dessert chef within you come out in the open. Try these recipes and discover more once you've mastered these. All the bes & Happy Eating!

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