What Are Excellent Weather Events Connected with Fiction?

December 12, 2021 10:30 AM | Skymet Weather Team

Weather represents a strong term in the writing world. It can be associated with dozens of different things, peoples’ emotions, mood descriptions, and many others. When it comes specifically to fiction, it allows authors to express the way they feel comfortable the most. Freedom of speech is something that is highly emphasized in this genre of writing. And that’s what many writers can use to manipulate weather events and put them in the most suitable context.

Fictional texts are part of writing that make authors able to feel careless and let their thoughts go with the flow. They are often filled with vivid and colourful descriptions that fulfill readers’ imagination. With that in mind, it is fair to state that the use of weather events can be expressed in multiple ways. After all, it all comes to the authors’ way of thinking and he or she sees the weather or likes to express it through the text. However, some of them may struggle to find the right spot for weather events in their texts. Luckily, we can help with that. So, let’s see what are some of the best weather events that are connected with fiction and how you, or any writer, can utilize them.

Storms As Encouraging Factor

The concept of weather events is usually used in texts to express something unique and powerful. Writers use them for describing weather conditions where characters find it as an aggravating circumstance. They can easily change the plot and affect the eventual end of a story or even influence the protagonists’ actions. Of course, it all depends on how an author imagines it. One of the weather events that are highly present in modern literature, but also was in the past, is the storm. You can find essay writing sites online that will offer you texts with this term emphasized. But why are they popular? Well, stormy weather events are commonly expressed as an encouraging factor in fiction. For someone, it can be associated with rage, anger, or strength too. However, fictional texts are typically emphasizing the value of bravery while interpreting storms. Storm weather events are mostly linked with lightning and high energy. These are things that many fictional authors associate with encouragement.

Peoples’ Mood

Some of the best weather events that keep being used in fiction are related to peoples’ moods, of course. It is well-known that weather changes and temperature variations can be indicators of peoples’ emotional status in written texts. Characters are frequently being described by weather events. There is no particular weather condition that describes characteristics of characters’ behaviour as it can be expressed through every single type. For instance, if people need to be described as happy, the writer will usually take the sun or a clear sky as a metaphor or symbol for their happiness. But as fiction truly allows authors to vary with their expressions, the opportunities are limitless.

Weather can affect the activities of your characters no matter how they are. This resource can help you create realistic depictions of it. Remember that there are some definite seasons and some seasonal seasons in our world. For instance, in the tropics, there are two recognized seasons, which are called the Dry and the Wet. During the Dry season, which is usually not rainy, there is a bit of a build-up in the air, which can get very humid towards the end of the season. The monsoon season then comes along and is known locally as the Buildup season. A brief description of the weather can provide a sense of atmosphere for your characters. It can also serve as a counterpoint to a character's mood. You can read more about this way of interpretation on writepaperforme reviews on the Internet.


One specific weather event that numerous world-class pieces of fiction have involved is hurricanes. Sometimes, authors can link it with things that are rapidly going away or are ready to disappear. It can be expressed as a students’ pocket money that vanishes as soon as it gets into their possession. If that’s the case, maybe you can try visiting the 529 plans website where you can get beneficial pieces of advice on how to save your funds. This can help you to prevent that hurricane that is often expressed in fiction to get closer to you. Let’s take a famous fiction novel written by Zora Neale Hurston which is called “Their eyes were watching God”, as an example. The text expresses the year 1928 and a weather event where a hurricane-ravaged the Florida Everglades, which inspired Hurston's novel in the first place. Before the storm hit, the rabbits and snakes near Lake Okeechobee started to flee, and the people in nearby residences waited for it to come. All the characters are recognizing the upcoming hurricane as a warning that can wash away their homes. Hence, the concept of hurricanes is always somehow connected with something that should come and just pass by.

Mizzle As a Calming Aspect

A weather event that is frequently used in fictional pieces of texts is mizzle. As you might be presuming, it is utilized as a calming aspect in the majority of situations. Sometimes, authors express it to “wash away” the sins of characters that have committed some awful crimes in the story. But overall, it appears as a soothing aspect that helps both readers and protagonists to calm their nerves. And this is not the case only in fiction. It can be seen in many other types of writing too. Nonetheless, it has to be emphasized that mizzle or tiny rain have the biggest influence on fiction.


Fiction is a unique genre of writing that allows writers to create an imaginative world where everything is possible. Often, some of the characters are able to manipulate weather conditions and have full control over them. These texts are made for one main purpose, to tickle the imagination of a reader and open the door to a world of his own. It only depends on how he will understand the weather events in the text.