Most of us associate winter with weight gain and summer with hot summer fashion and curvy bodies. But if you've noticed yourself packing on a few extra kilos recently, you're not alone. Experts say it's quite common to gain weight during the hot summer months. The hot weather is here in full force, leading many of us to blast the air conditioners in our homes, cars and offices. While the extreme summer temperatures of Delhi force us indoors, we create an artificial environment to help us keep our cool until more pleasant temperatures return. Studies therefore suggest that air conditioning may be doing more than keeping us cool; it may be causing us to pack quite a lot of kilos. These are some reasons why the summer might be making you fatter..
Holiday- Summer escapes are a common cause of added weight gain. No, we're not saying you should give up your dream vacation in Laddak or Rajasthan or south India, but we are just suggesting that you take your healthy lifestyle with you on holiday. Take every opportunity to walk, explore and otherwise engage your muscles, and don't view vacation as an excuse to overindulge in foods that will compromise your waistline.
Beverages- Beach bonfire or summer cookout during picnics, refreshing cocktails are bound to be part of the festivities. If you're not careful, though, those sweet, fruity and aerated beverages could add up to thousands of hidden and unsatisfying calories. The worst part, cocktails don't fill you up like food and so you end up having more than one. And they're fattening to boot: A 300ml pina colada will net you 500 calories! Instead, opt for a wine spritzer or a fruity sangria with only 60 calories.
Summer Treats- Summer is the perfect time to indulge in a sweet frozen treat. Who doesn’t love frequent visits to the ice cream parlor to have the mouth watering Chocolate Eclairs, Giant King Cones and strawberry smoothies. If you can't resist running after an ice cream treat after dinner, shift to lower calorie treats, now easily available at any Naturals or Baskin Robbins or Amul outlet. Yoghurt ice creams are a new trend; everyone loves them and are always low on calories. Whether it's an ice-cold beer, lemonade, sweetened iced tea, fruit smoothie, all those chilly drinks (especially the alcoholic variety) are full of calories. Why not try the good old ice water!
Longer Days- It's 7pm and there’s still light outside! Longer days mean staying up late, and that means late-night snacking. Instead of grabbing cookies or chips, leave containers of cut up fruit in the fridge you can nosh on when you feel hungry.
No Exercise- Don't put your exercise plans on hold. Continue to fit some physical activity into your day, even if it means staying indoors. That might mean taking a brisk walk around the mall, moving your workout to a gym or using the stairs instead of the lift or escalator. Try to maintain the same level of physical activity you did in the cooler months, especially if your eating habits haven't changed.
ACs- Ironically, all that cool air blowing through air-conditioning vents has many people reaching for comfort fatty foods. If you find you're spending more time indoors, use that opportunity to cook some healthy, wholesome meals instead of ordering takeaway. You will save unnecessary calories, fat and sodium in the process. And with plenty of fruits and vegetables in season, this is a great time to boost your intake of fresh foods.