Summer dental health

April 5, 2013 6:27 PM | Skymet Weather Team

No homework, visits to the beach, picnics and going to camp. Relax and laze! That’s what the summer is all about. This time of year you’re often reminded to take care of your skin from sun damage with sunblock, protect your eyes by wearing sunglasses, and staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water.  But what you may not have heard is that summer is also a time to take precautions with your dental health. So let's talk about a few ways to keep you and your family's dental health on track this summer.

1)  Sugary summer drinks and ice creams- It's a hot summer day. And one of the first things you think of is a nice cold shake, an energy drink, ice cream, smoothies, chocolate treats, lime soda etc. But sugary drinks are hardly ever sweet to your teeth. It all comes down to plaque. As it feeds on the sugar, it makes an acid. This acid eats away at our tooth enamel and weak enamel is subject to cavities. What's more, plaque creates toxins, or poisons, that attack our gums and the bone that holds our teeth. So if you do have these drinks, then rinse your mouth with water afterward. Rinsing with water right after drinking a soda cuts the acid's strength in half. Also, if you have the drink with a meal, your saliva can help "level out" the acids.

2)  Too many meals - Limit in between snacks.  Each time you eat, acid is produced in your mouth that helps to feed the bacteria that causes cavities. It’s better to eat a pack of chips or cookies all at once instead of having a few cookies every hour.

3)  Fruits - Think fruits and vegetables! This is one of the best things about summer. There’s nothing better than a fresh cucumber or a fresh orange and pomegranate salad. Or make your own refreshing smoothies at home with watermelon and grapes.

4)  Swimming pools - If you go for swimming classes every week chances are that your teeth are exposed long enough (more than 6 hours) to these chemicals that you may develop a brownish stain on your teeth.  The staining can be removed with professional dental cleaning and will not cause any further damage. There’s also some concern that if the pool’s pH level is not properly maintained that it can become acidic and soften your tooth enamel making it more prone to tooth decay. In such cases, be sure to check with your dentist about fighting dental erosion with fluoride.

5)  Whitening tricks - Choose your clothing wisely if you feel your teeth are more off-color than you’d like.  Bright white shirts can draw attention to a lesser shade of white in your teeth. Lip color can also enhance or exaggerate the color of your teeth.  To make yellow teeth appear whiter, avoid coral and peach colors but choose a lipstick or lipgloss with a pink undertone.