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Special summer care of aquariums

June 3, 2013 11:01 AM |

Family gatherings, picnics, trips to the beach, vacations, and so much more. A world of summer activities can keep you out of the house for long hours or days and far far away from your aquarium. But while time out is good for you, it may lead to disruptions and stress for your pretty fish. Therefore, no matter how busy, try not to compromise on the health of your aquarium which depends entirely upon routine feeding and aquarium maintenance.

Control the aquarium temperature - Temperature control can be the single most important component in the life of your fish. A sudden shift in water temperature can suppress their immune systems. During warm summer months, with windows open, room temperature can vary greatly. As water warms, it loses its ability to hold oxygen. If you do not have air conditioning, the aquarium chiller may heat up too fast. Plus a larger aquarium will require more cooling power, therefore, select the appropriate chiller based on the aquarium size and the environmental temperature. A low-tech, low-cost, but effective solution to lowering fish aquarium temperatures is to freeze plastic bottles with water in them. Depending on the size of the fish aquarium and how much cooling you have to do.

Placement of the aquarium - Light is essential for aquatic life, but sunlight can easily be too much of a good thing in your aquarium. Always position your aquarium out of its direct rays. Also, keep in mind that the sun travels higher in the sky during summer, changing the angle of its rays. To keep your aquarium out of the sunlight, you may need to reposition it, or use screens or drapes to moderate the light.

Water check - With warmer temperatures, algae may grow more rapidly, and your aquarium may require more frequent cleaning and water changes. Remind yourself to do a water change each month, or more, if necessary. If you perform the change on the same day(s) each month, you will be less likely to forget. Mark your calendar or get an electronic schedule reminder. Also, aquariums with live plants, reefs, or those that are overstocked may require more frequent water changes and the addition of minerals and trace elements. When changing the water, make sure that the new water is the same temperature as the tank water to prevent problems and leave some of the old water instead of changing all of it. Another way to maintain aquarium care during the warmer months is to reduce the number of fish in your aquarium. You can choose to move a few fish to another tank or to purchase less fish than you feel your tank will hold.

Aquarium care need not cut into your summer fun. Simply invest a few minutes each day to make sure all systems are functioning and plan ahead for the help you will need to maintain them.

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