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Six bad habits which are pulling you down

August 26, 2015 12:03 PM |

Six bad habits which are pulling you down

Bad habits are not that easy to let go of, and most of us end up defending those habits and become victims. Some of these bad habits are so addictive that humans tend to surrender themselves to it. While some of these habits may not be too harmful, some bad habits are hazardous to our health. Take a look at six such habits you must get rid of right away.

Fast Food

Six bad habits which are pulling you down

While we all simply love the idea of fast food, it may not be the best habit of yours. No matter how hard you try, after a certain point of time you do surrender yourself to a bag of chips, a cheese burger or pizza. The problem with junk food is that your body can do nothing with it except turning it into fat. So, get rid of this bad habit of yours as soon as you can.

Sugary Sodas

Six bad habits which are pulling you down

We all love a can of coke or a chilled sugary soda drink whenever we get the chance. The sad part is, this is not good for you either. The only contents these drinks are comprised of include calories, caffeine and sugar. Instead of going week in the knees the moment you see a bottle of coke, go for healthier alternatives like a no sugar fruit juice or the desi naariyal paani. You will be doing your body a huge favour.

Being a Couch Potato

Six bad habits which are pulling you down

We all love sitting in front of the television for hours and watching our favourite tv shows or movies. Next time you begin a movie marathon, count the number of food items you consumed during the entire episode. You will be surprised at the bowls of popcorns, or bags of chips you consume. Instead of sitting back, why not put on your running shoes, carry a pair of earphones and listen to your favourite songs while taking a long walk.

Late Night Munching

Six bad habits which are pulling you down

The easiest way to gain a few extra pounds is enjoying those late night munchies. Research suggests that a human body’s internal organs have a clock of working. This means that they function better at a certain point of time than the others. At night, these organs are not at their peak functioning, this will not only invite various diseases but also a few extra inches along the waistline. We are pretty sure you don’t want that.


Six bad habits which are pulling you down

Most of us have seen our loved ones make so many resolutions of quitting to smoke. Did they do it eventually? Well, may be for a month or two but it was all the same after that. We do agree that it is not too easy to give up on smoking. But, if you wish for a longer life and healthier lungs you must get rid of this bad habit. How many times are you going to ignore the warning sign on the cigarette packet, “Smoking is injurious to health”.


Six bad habits which are pulling you down

The best thing in the world is waking up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee in the morning. Also, some of us are at our worst for the entire day if we do not get our daily dose of morning coffee. But too much caffeine is really bad for your health. We are not asking you to give it up completely but who drinks 15 cups of a coffee a day! You want to live a longer life, don’t you?

Put a stop to these bad habits and make sure you never start them again. As someone once said, the best way to stop a bad habit is never to begin it.

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