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Reasons why summer heat drives one cranky

March 18, 2014 6:01 PM |

Do you find yourself a little annoyed and exasperated at work today? Yes, true you have just come back after an extended festival weekend but heat could be a major reason too. With maximums touching 34°C in Delhi and Bangalore, 35°C in Kolkata and 38°C in Mumbai, the increasing heat is also getting onto the nerves of people.

Interiors of southern peninsula and the west coast have been recording maximums above 35°C since last few days. According to the latest weather update by Skymet Meteorology Division in India, even Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and the southern parts of northwest plains of Haryana, Delhi and west Uttar Pradesh are observing hot days with maximums peaking at 35 and above.

Weather in India is becoming grouchy and scientific study claims that a seasonal uptick not only increases discomfort but can also drive one crazy. A lot of records are available which validates this fact that heat increases anger and crime and suicides go up in summer. Not only humans but even dogs want to be left alone in peak summer.

Heat vs Performance

An increase in temperature can lead to dehydration and thereby, affecting the brain cells. According to recent study, a loss of one per cent mass by exercise-induced sweating decreases the cerebral performance and results in anxiety. A sudden increase in heat can also lead to heatstroke.

Heat also stimulates a part of the brain called the hypothalamus, which is extremely sensitive to external stimuli.

Role of medicines- The possibility of a heatstroke is more if a person is under medication, especially psychiatric and neurological. Such drugs have anti-cholinergic properties, used for curing schizophrenia, depression and Parkinson's disease, and can increases perspiration in a person.

Heat takes a toll on our bodies, makes us cranky and puts our tempers to test. Professors of clinical psychiatry and behavioural science at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine believe that hot and humid weather is associated with increase in aggression and violence. Summer brings out the worst in every person and even a calm and patient fellow can lose it at the smallest refute.

picture courtesy- Joanna Borns

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