Low temperatures led to chicken price hike in Delhi

February 26, 2013 6:26 PM|

Blame it on the rising cost of poultry production, chicken prices in retail market have escalated from Rs. 150 per kg to Rs. 240 per kg. Poultry experts are attributing the spiraling rates of rise in the cost of chicken feed, including soya meal and corn, and low temperature in winter that is unfavourable for broiler production.

Prices of other chicken products have gone up accordingly. Boneless chicken, which used to sell for about Rs. 220 a kg, is now selling for Rs. 300-320 a kg. The daily consumption of broilers in NCR and Delhi is estimated to be about 3.25 lakh birds.

During winter season, poultry farmers have to use heaters to maintain the temperature in poultry sheds and that further adds to the production cost. Rising cost of poultry production has also led to a shortage of parent chicken as parent chicken's eggs develop into chicks that further grow into broilers.

Winter and rainy months are not suitable because of possible heavy mortality among chicks due to damp and cold weather conditions, unless excellent warming (brooding) facilities are provided.

Due to less production, the overall supply of chicken has gone down by 30 to 40 percent in the wholesale market. Delhi does not produce any broiler or layers (egg-laying chicken) and all the stock arrive from Haryana, Rajasthan and Punjab. Poultry experts said the supply of chicken from Haryana, Rajasthan and Punjab has gone down due to low production.

Rise in soya meal export has led to its cost escalation in Indian market that pushed up the cost of poultry production. Similarly, price of corn, used as a feed for chicken, has also gone up.


Photograph by wattpublishing

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