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Lose that Fat: Crazy and unusual ideas for weight loss

March 13, 2019 12:44 PM |

weight loss tip

Winter season has almost bid adieu to the country and so will your coats and jackets. Unfortunately, the layers that covered your flab and fat will also be gone. We are sure you must have tried it all, right from cutting out every junk that you used to love and to running 6 km a day.

However, it's not easy and practically possible to follow all these rules and fat loss regimes daily. So, we came up with some crazy tips to help you lose some weight and show off your beach body during your next vacation.

Talk yourself into getting thin

Weight loss tip

It might sound A little funny and crazy but there's no harm in trying. All you need to do is talk to yourself whenever you are about to eat something. The packet of chips that you just opened, ask yourself if you are really hungry and you will have all the answers. You don't just have to talk about positive stuff, but you can also talk yourself out of bad eating habits, even if it's with a little bit of sarcasm. Go ahead, save all the gyaan for yourself from now on. (Image Credit:

Just Dance

Weight loss dance

We all might be great bathroom dancers. It's time to implement those dancing skills to your weight loss routine. Music helps you relax and if you tune up into your favourite song and dance a little, you may end up shedding of your calories every night. Go ahead and start this dance routine tonight. (Image Credit:

Become a copycat

weight loss tip copy tips

Well, it may sound funny but if all your weight loss strategies have failed it is time to copy somebody who you envy. Then we have been some girl at work or at the gym who gives you the ultimate inferiority complex. Wanna become as thin and have an hour glass figure like her? Know what she eats and what routine does she follow and start following them. You may end up becoming better than her! (Image Credit:

Eat in silence


If you are looking forward to lose some weight, it is time for you to stop Netflixing or using Facebook while eating. The longer you spend in front of a screen, the more you end up eating. So the next time, if you are hungry, sit away from your phone, laptop or television and just focus while eating. (image Credit:

Skip the cocktail

weight loss tip

The next time you head for a party or other friends birthday celebration, make sure to not touch that long Island Iced tea or a Margarita. Instead, if you can't say no to a drink, go for harder liquors, and that too on the rocks. Go for drinks like Tequila or whiskey and make sure that you keep that bottle of beer away. (Image Credit:

Create a diet playlist

Weight loss playlist

We are pretty sure that you have workout playlist on your phone. Why not have a food playlist too? It is said that if you eat while listening to the music of your choice, you tend to enjoy it more and the brain signals whenever you are full. Therefore, it helps fill your stomach quickly, thereby making you eat less. (Image Credit:

Weighing Wednesdays

Weight loss tip

If you want to lose weight make sure to weigh yourself regularly. A new research suggests that the more you check your weight, the more you lose. Another study says that your body weight fluctuates naturally through the week and you tend to weigh the least on a Wednesday. Therefore, whenever you see, a lesser number on the scales you will be motivated to lose more. (Image Credit:

Go for spicy and aromatic food

weight loss tip

While you may be eating very less calories during your weight loss regime, you can still go for spicier and more aromatic flavours. In fact, a study says that the stronger the aroma is of a food, the smaller bites you take. The difference is about 5 to 10% less in each bite. (Image Credit:

Stay away from the kitchen

weight loss tip

Well, is it not common sense, the more you stay away from the kitchen the less you are likely to eat. Those bar stools right against the kitchen slab are just making you fat. If you want to relax or just chill at home, head to your living room and leave the kitchen alone. (Image Credit:

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