What to do in a landslide

June 27, 2013 11:38 AM|

Landslides are a part and parcel of monsoon season in India. Every year landslides in north India or northeast India claims thousands of lives. Tourists, who travel to hilly areas in the rains, are often in fear of being stranded in a landslide but even then little is known or done in regards to educating and creating awareness about what to do during a landslide. The 800 plus death toll in Uttarakhand with thousands stranded due to severe flooding and landslides points towards our lack of interest in weather related news. However, here’s what you can do to avoid being stuck in a landslide.

- Landslides always occur where they have before. Ask for information on landslides in your area or the area that you are travelling to beforehand. Always research a little on the area you are moving to. Internet, the hotel staff, local government manuals and builders and renters are the source to derive this information.

- For locals, specific information on areas vulnerable to landslides should be shared among all. You may even request a professional referral for an appropriate hazard assessment of your area, property, and corrective measures you could take, if necessary.

- Perceive landslide warnings. This may include progressively leaning trees, new cracks that may have appeared in foundations.

- Collapsed pavement, mud, fallen rocks are some signs that can be seen on the roads while driving. Embankments along roadsides are particularly susceptible to landslides. Also, driving during a hazardous storm or during heavy rain can be dangerous, therefore stay put where you are.

- If you are near a stream or channel, be alert for any sudden increase or decrease in water flow or for a change from clear to muddy water in the river.

- If you are sure a landslide is nearing, Evacuate! Getting out of the landslide region is the best protection.

- Stay away from the slide area. One landslide may be followed by another one.

- This one’s a must on the list: Be prepared, create a plan for you and your family, just like a fire drill. Keep an emergency kit in your household. Create a meeting place. And if you have small children it is always a good idea to practice what to do.

- Help families around you to follow the same practices. Societies need to be informed and educated on the subject together. This is important so that people help each other in case of a calamity or bad weather.

- Be glued to your local weather channel for current updates on weather. Skymet weather gives latest news on weather changes around you. If the information is area specific, Skymet can also customize weather alerts as per the needs of the local government, farmers, civilians and other local bodies.


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