6 Important Yoga Poses For A Healthier You This Monsoon

June 21, 2015 11:35 AM|

Yoga Exercises For Monsoon

The manifold benefits of practicing Yoga on a regular basis are known to everyone. While most people still choose to hit the gym in order to prove a point, the wisest among us are making the shift to Yoga. Why? Simply because Yoga is more than a set of exercises. Yoga is a gateway to goodness and health.

Come Monsoon and allergies, stomach upsets, water-borne diseases, and other problems will crowd you and your family. Although the season of allergies is embraced by all for the coolness and freshness it brings, the health hazards of Monsoon keep us on guard.

A few Yoga poses can help you strengthen your immunity system which is tested during Monsoon. Respiratory illnesses and aggravation of pulmonary medical conditions can also be controlled by including Yoga in your daily routine. Let’s take a look at six simple but highly effective Yoga poses which will help you stay fit and healthy during Monsoon.


(Image Credit: eyogaguru.com)

kapalbhati-poseKapalbhati is one of the easiest, and by far one of the most effective Yoga poses, for cleaning and cleansing your lungs which is of utmost importance during Monsoon. In today’s world, pollution and other factors are constantly at work putting your respiratory tracts and lungs at danger. Kapalbhati is a simple breathing process which strengthens your lungs and exercises your stomach muscles.



(Image Credit: layzeebee.com)

YogYoga Exercises For Monsoona Exercises For MonsoonPranayama is a systematic breathing exercise which makes the lungs stronger, enhances blood circulation, and allows you to breathe fully. Pranayama helps you develop a habit of deep breathing and helps you calm down mental disturbances of all kinds. Again, Pranayama is of vital importance during Monsoon when most infections and allergies enter our bodies through our lungs.



(Image Credit: nelumboyoga.wordpress.com)

Yoga Exercises For MonsoonSvanasana is an inverted Yoga pose which reverses the impact of gravity on our body thereby allowing blood and lymph to flow in opposite directions. It also helps take pressure off the heart and strengthens our bones. Svanasana is simple to practice and provides a 360 degree stretch to our body.



(Image Credit: yogaposeweekly.letsglo.com)

Yoga Exercises For MonsoonBandhasana requires a little practice but once you’ve mastered it, it provides multiple benefits for your body and mind. It helps in stretching the chest, neck, hips, and spine. Also, it improves digestion and relieves from symptoms of asthma and blood pressure. Bandhasana reduces anxiety, fatigue, and is considered therapeutic for hypertension and even sinusitis.



(Image Credit: sunroseyogapodcast.com)

Yoga Exercises For MonsoonWhile Bhujangasana is nothing short of a wonder asana for recurring neck and back pain, it has other benefits as well. Bhujangasana helps open the chest and stimulates the thymus gland. It proves vital in improving the immunity system by releasing T cells.



(Image Credit: remediespoint.com)

Yoga Exercises For MonsoonNaukasana is another highly effective Yoga pose which helps in improving the body’s overall immunity. Naukasna strengthens your lungs, liver, and pancreas. It also assists in reducing belly fat. Moreover, the pose is important for improvement of digestion. All these benefits make Naukasana an essential Yoga pose for Monsoon.


Also read: Why You Must Make Yoga an Everyday Practice

(Featured Image Credit: YouTube)(Main Image Credit: galleryhip.com)


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