Importance of best International travel insurance

September 20, 2023 7:00 AM | Skymet Weather Team

Are you planning your next international holiday? Travelling to a new country can be an exciting and fun experience. Exploring new cultures, trying different cuisines, and clicking endless pictures for the gram are some of the exciting things that we look forward to on international travels.

Do you make checklists of things to do, what to pack, not-to-be-missed photo spots, must-try restaurants? Is international travel insurance part of your checklist? Amidst all the travel excitement, it's essential to pay attention to the importance of having the best travel insurance.


What is International Travel Insurance?

International travel insurance is like a safety net that can protect you from unexpected situations while abroad. You don’t want to miss out on fun stuff or cut your trip short because someone stole your wallet or the airlines lost your baggage. It is crucial to pick an overseas travel insurance that best suits your needs. When you have spent some time before the trip choosing the best travel insurance, you can travel without fearing if something goes wrong. Even if it does (hope it doesn’t) you won't be left to deal with the financial consequences all on your own.


Why is the best International Travel Insurance Important?


1. Medical Emergencies

If you fall ill or get injured while abroad, medical expenses can be more than your actual trip cost. Hope you don’t require hospitalisation or emergency medical evacuation in a country with expensive healthcare. Without travel medical insurance, you may find yourself in a dire situation, struggling to cover these costs. International travel insurance ensures that you have access to quality medical care without worrying about the cost.


2. Trip Cancellations

Sometimes, stuff happens, and your travel plans can go totally haywire. Like, you might have to bail on your trip early or cancel it altogether because of random stuff like getting sick, work commitments,  a family emergency, or some seriously crappy weather. But hey, that's where overseas travel insurance swoops in to save the day. It can hook you up with cash to cover things like flights, hotels, and tours that you couldn't get a refund for. Pretty sweet deal, right?


3. Delayed Luggage

Imagine arriving for your dream vacation in Italy only to find that your luggage hasn't made it. With overseas travel insurance, you don’t have to spoil your day, shopping for essentials is covered by the insurance.

4. Lost or Stolen Belongings

Travel insurance can cover the loss or theft of your personal belongings, including luggage, passports, and valuable items like electronics and jewellery. This coverage can be crucial in helping you recover your losses and continue your trip.


5. Travel Delays

Oh man, if your trip gets all messed up because of things like airline strikes, lousy weather, or just random surprises, don't sweat it too much. International travel insurance has your back. It can help cover the extra costs you rack up for stuff like hotels, grub, and getting around while you wait for things to get back on track.


6. Legal Assistance

You know what's cool? Some travel insurance plans come with legal backup. So, if you find yourself in a pickle overseas, like needing a lawyer because of an accident or some other legal trouble, it's all good. Your travel insurance has your back when the law gets a bit tricky in a foreign land.


7. Emergency Evacuation

In extreme situations, such as natural disasters or political unrest, travel insurance can arrange and cover the cost of emergency evacuation to a safer location or back to your home country.


How to Choose the Best International Travel Insurance

Picking the right international travel insurance can feel like a maze with all those options out there. But no worries, here are eight easy steps to find your travel insurance sidekick. So happy hassle-free travelling.

1. Know Your Needs: Start by thinking about your trip. Is it a quick vacation or a long adventure? Any health issues to consider? Knowing what you need makes things way easier.

2. Shop Around: Don't jump on the first insurance you see. Shop around, and compare different plans. Check out what they cover, how much they cost, and all those tiny details in the policy.

3. Watch Out for No-Nos: Read the fine print! Some things might not be covered, like extreme sports or certain health issues. Keep an eye out for those sneaky exclusions based on your travel plans.

4. Extras Are Cool: Some insurers offer add-ons for more protection. Think about stuff like adventure sports, rental car help, or coverage for your fancy gadgets. They can be a game-changer.

5. Ask for Opinions: Read reviews online to get tips from travellers on which insurers are the real deal.

6. Service Matters: Think about how easy it is to reach your insurer if things go haywire. A good customer service squad can be a lifesaver when in trouble.

7. Balancing Act: Sure, you want a deal, but don't go super cheap if it means less protection. Find the sweet spot between cost and coverage to keep you safe.

8. Claim Game: Before you commit, understand how to make a claim. Make sure it's straightforward, or you might end up tangled in red tape when you need help the most.

So now you understand what's a must-do when you're planning an international trip? Grabbing yourself some solid international travel insurance. It's like your safety net for when crazy stuff goes down and tries to mess up your adventure, plus it keeps your wallet happy.

Remember before you hit that "buy" button, take a good look at what the insurance covers, what it doesn't, and all those nitty-gritty rules. You want to ensure it has your back for all the right reasons.