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How to choose the right sunglasses?

August 20, 2021 11:00 AM |

choose the right sunglasses

Sunglasses can make the wearer look more handsome or beautiful. That is a general view which we feel is quite appropriate. Most of the sunglasses users feel they look more handsome or beautiful. Sunglasses are sold in various places, from official shops with popular brands to street vendors.

Although it is a fashion accessory, sunglasses are essential in bright light. They can protect your eyes from UV rays and prevent damage to the cornea which could cause effects such as tearing, redness, itching and burning. Thus, the sunglasses are to be chosen according to the weather and your activity, but also your morphology. Visit to get the perfect sunglasses for your needs.

Sunglasses are recommended for all ages. But do you know how to choose them? Follow the guide!

Choose glasses that meet standards

Before buying your sunglasses, check that they are accompanied by a detailed information leaflet, giving the characteristics, performance and maintenance instructions of the product. In addition, the "CE" marking must be visible.

Contrary to popular belief, dark glasses are not necessarily the most protective. Beware of fancy glasses like Jimmy Choo frames, especially those intended for children which may not provide good protection!

Which index to choose?

For your info, each pair of sunglasses has an index that allows you to determine the rate of protection of the lenses and to choose them according to the light intensity to which you are exposed.

Commonly, there are five categories classified from 0 to 4, according to the increasing percentage of filtered light. Of course, this classification only applies to prescription sunglasses that are ordered according to certain inspection rules, and are usually quite detailed. They are certainly different from the sunglasses that are sold in street stalls. If you want the maximum benefit from using sunglasses, it is highly recommended that you only buy prescription sunglasses.

Good to know: the higher the index, the more it reduces the light intensity. There are 5 clues:

- category 0: aesthetic use or in town which does not protect from solar UV rays
- category 1: daily use with reduced brightness
- category 2: medium brightness
- category 3: strong solar light (sea or mountain)
- category 4: exceptional sunlight, use for driving prohibited

Which shape to choose when it comes to buy sunglasses?

Sunglasses are a fashion accessory in their own right, but they should not be chosen solely on the basis of aesthetic criteria. They should also match the shape of your face, in order to offer you the best protection. Don't take them too big or too small and make sure they follow the contours of your face. In general, the more enveloping your glasses are, the more they will protect your eyes.

Don’t hesitate to buy several pairs of glasses with different indices, so you can choose the right pair for the use you want to do with them, when you need them. Always have a pair in the glove compartment of your vehicle: this will help you avoid being dazzled while driving.

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