How to choose the best health insurance amid Coronavirus crisis?

June 19, 2020 11:00 PM|
best health insurance

Coronavirus pandemic is scary for all. Health, treatment costs, and financial crisis simmer away in the background. But, instead of getting terrified, it’s an alarming bell for you to secure yours and your family’s future. In such a debilitating situation, comprehensive health insurance can act as your safeguard. So, amid coronavirus crisis, when you are at home, you can easily choose thebest health insurance in Indiathat provides you coverage for critical and chronic diseases along with coronavirus.

Here are some nifty factors that you should consider while choosing the health insurance plan:

Check Inclusions (Coverage)

Before making your buying decision, the first thing you should look into a health insurance plan is its inclusions. It means you should see what kind of diseases, treatment, medical procedures, and conditions, are included in the policy coverage. Comprehensive health insurance plans offered by brands like Religare Health Insurance, HDFC Ergo, ICICI Lombard include in-patient hospitalization, pre and post hospitalization, daycare treatments, domiciliary hospitalization, ambulance cover, and many more.

Check Exclusions 

Once you are satisfied with the inclusions (coverage), check the exclusions as well. Exclusions are the conditions, diseases, medical procedures, and treatments that are not covered under a health insurance plan. You will also not get the claim for the same. So, choose the health insurance policy that has minimum exclusions.

Health Insurance Premium Calculator

Leading health insurance companies also have health insurance premium calculator on their official websites. After enteringall the required details, you will get the quote, including the premium amount. You can pick the health insurance plan that gives you maximum coverage at an affordable premium.

Check Network Hospitals

It is another important thing that you should check in a health insurance plan. Network hospitals have tie-ups with health insurance companies, and you will be allowed to get cashless treatment facilities in these hospitals only. So, you can go through the list and see how many such hospitals are located near to your residence. Also, which hospitals are authorized to treat corona positive.

Read Online Reviews

The one good thing you can do while sitting at home during corona lockdown is read the online customers’ reviews. This information helps you to know about the health insurance company’s credibility,claim settlement process, customer services, etc. Moreover, you can also check the online rating of the insurer and proceed accordingly.

Other Factors

Additionally, there are some more factors that you should consider while opting for health insurance. The waiting period, sum insured, sub-limit, co-payment clause, claim process, etc. are also equally important. So, get acquainted with all the related information and then choose the right health insurance plan.


Thus, your utmost responsibility during the corona pandemic is to protect yourself and your family. That’s why it is crucial to choose the best health insurance in India that is helpful for you. It provides you coverage against chronic, critical ailments and also coronavirus. So, during lockdown if, any medical emergency occurs, you can avail the best possible treatment without getting worried about the money crunch. 

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