How to beat Monsoon blues

August 7, 2015 5:48 PM | Skymet Weather Team

Rain is usually associated with love and happiness for most people. But if you dig deep down, a rainy day may not be the perfect day for many others. Constant downpours, muddy puddles, chaos on the roads, it feels like the peaceful world has been turned upside down. No matter how many people love dancing in the rain, getting soaked when it suddenly starts raining is no one’s dream. Each one of us simply hate the blues Monsoon brings along with it. To top it all, being homebound due to the rain is the worst of all. We bring you 8 ways to beat the Monsoon blues and enjoy the rain as it is.

Pamper Yourself

Feeling low while it’s raining outside? Don’t put yourself in that silent mode. Instead, go ahead and pamper yourself. A warm bath that you did not have time to take or a self-foot massage. You can also give your hair the care and treatment it deserves, oil it, wash it, straighten, and do as you please. Don’t spend the entire day whining how life is unfair.


If you are an exercise buff, and a rainy day spoils your daily routine, there is no need to stay irritated all day. Who said you cannot exercise at home? Instead of heading out and drenching your shoes in muddy puddles, sit back at home and practice yoga or easy exercises at home. Stay fit and healthy even when it’s pouring outside.

Pursue a Hobby

Do you love painting and haven’t had the time to do so or do you love pottery making and your job gives you no time to do it? Well, when it is raining cats and dogs outside and you are homebound, you can pursue your hobbies. Do the things you love to do but you can’t take out time from your busy schedule to do so. You can even help your kids in art and craft.

Read a Book

Your favourite author’s new book was just released, you even ordered a copy for yourself but didn’t have the time to even start reading it. Well, one of those rainy days during Monsoon is the best time to finish that unread book. If there are more days, you can even read some must read classics as well.

Movie Marathon

Rainy days are the time to revisit those old classic movies once again. Who doesn’t love a good movie? Make a list of movies that you have been wanting to watch since a really long time and finish them one by one. For an even better experience, make yourself a bowl of popcorn and pour yourself a glass of wine.

Cook for Yourself

If you love cooking and haven’t been able to give it full time and devotion, rainy days are the best time. Not only will it make you feel good but your friends and family will be more than glad to try the many delicacies you prepare for them. Make sure none of them is on a dieting spree when you decide to cook. You can also make your little ones help you with the cooking.

Party at Home

You can’t go out to party since it is pouring outside and you really miss your friends. Why not host a party at home? Cook a few snacks, pour a few drinks, play some good music and have the time of your life even on a rainy day. No more are rainy days associated with deep thoughts and dark days. Don’t let the rain stop you, instead, let it rain over you.

Wear Something Bold and Bright

If you are feeling down and distressed, wear something bright and colourful to make you feel happy. Colours lift up your spirits and bring an instant smile on your face. Not only will these neon colours make you happy but they will also cheer up the people around you.

So now, stop complaining and enjoy Monsoon at its best. Rainy days couldn’t have been any better than this.

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