How The Weather Affects The Internet Connection Speed?

March 10, 2023 7:01 AM | Skymet Weather Team

Internet technology has changed the economic and social landscape of the globe. However, even though an internet connection provides the perfect opportunity for different kinds of growth, it is not perfect. It is especially true regarding the impact of the weather on internet speed and reliability. There is a reason why the transmitters are placed at such a tall height or the cables are buried so deep underground. Most often, the logic includes the weather.

Irrespective of the type of internet connection that one owns, weather can affect it. Internet connections are more complicated as they are networks of numerous devices, cables and connections. Different weather has different kinds of impacts on different internet connections. Let us look at how the weather affects the internet connection speed.


Heatwaves Overheat Networking Equipment

Heatwaves can highly impact internet speed by slowing it down. During extreme heat waves, use Speed Test to notice the fluctuation in the internet speed. Heatwaves overheat the networking equipment that controls the internet connection, ultimately reducing efficiency. In addition, it can also cause physical damage to the cables. Satellite internet services are more prone to heat waves' impact than radio signals. Heat Waves and high temperatures can also overheat indoor equipment like the modem and routers, reducing internet speed.


Storms Physically Damage Internet Infrastructure

Storms can bring different weather conditions, like high winds and heavy snowfalls. In addition, a strong storm can physically damage the internet infrastructure. For example, it is common for trees to fall during a strong storm which can disrupt the power lines.


Precipitation Weakens Cell Phone And Satellite Signals

Precipitation interferes with cell phone signals as it is radio wave dependent. Radio waves have difficulty traveling via the atmosphere when it rains. All forms of precipitation weaken the cell phone signals. Use Jio to check the mobile internet speed during the rainy season to understand the impact of precipitation on mobile internet speed.

However, the impact of precipitation on cell phone signals is comparatively low compared to satellite signals. It is because cell phone signals must travel up to ten miles to reach the nearest cell phone tower. On the other hand, satellite internet signals travel for more than 60,000 miles. It is why precipitation impacts the satellite internet more than the mobile internet.


The Impact Of Weather On Different Internet Connections

As stated above, different internet connections face various problems depending on the weather condition. Extreme heat impacts the internet speed of devices which Wi-Fi and satellite networks power. Precipitation can affect various internet connections, including 4G, fixed wireless, 5G and satellite networks. Fibers and cable can experience outages due to weather conditions if it damages the physical infrastructure of the networking equipment. A satellite network is the most vulnerable kind of internet connection prone to weather conditions. Precipitation, extreme heat, snow, high wind and even sun transit can affect the internet connection, which is satellite dependent.


The Impact Of Human On The Internet

During bad weather conditions, the behavioral factor of humans kicks in, which can impact internet speed. It is because, during bad weather, people are more likely to stay inside. Subsequently, they use the internet heavily either for entertainment or work purposes. It then automatically increases the load of internet usage. The problem further amplifies if the internet connectivity runs on limited bandwidth. When internet usage becomes high because a vast percentage of the population is accessing the internet simultaneously, the internet speed slows down.


How To Fix Weather-Related Internet Issues?

Even though weather conditions can heavily impact internet connectivity, it is possible to reduce its impact. Firstly, one can minimize the number of devices that are connected to the internet. Also, if one is using a Wi-Fi network to access the internet, it is recommended to bring the device closer to the modem to ensure the highest available internet speed. Increasing the internet speed with a simple modem restart is also possible. One should use a dehumidifier during high humidity to strengthen the Wi-Fi signals. Similarly, during high temperatures, you can keep your devices and networking equipment in a room with an air conditioner.

Only when the weather is moderate will these tips work. In extreme weather conditions that physically damage the outside infrastructure, one must wait for a technician to fix it.