How can a teacher help students overcome a school phobia?

February 9, 2022 9:25 AM|

school phobia

Why are students sometimes afraid to go to school? The question claims to be rhetorical because the problem is not new: it has been talked about many times, written about, and discussed on thematic forums. However, parents continue to face the children's lack of desire to go to school. Sometimes students are not able to accomplish all the writing assignments, in this case, they can ask for the teacher’s help, orpay for research paperonline.

Of course, each student is individual, and the reasons for such a reaction may be dictated by the characteristics of the individual, family, and upbringing, as well as children's fears. Nevertheless, if you do not help him to adapt to new conditions, veiled by time, but not worked out, the problem can "take root” and turn into a persistent rejection of the entire educational process as a whole. As an adult, a student risks experiencing difficulties with academic performanceand discipline.

The main reasons for the destructive reaction of the child to the need to go to school:

Lack of security feeling.Remember, children don't have adult experience. For them, existence in new and unusual conditions is a priori associated with stress.

A teacher is a new person.At first, even the most subsequently beloved teacher will be a little scary. Simply because an adult with the authority to ask, evaluate and manage is a stressful factor for a child.

Low grades and mistakes.Probably, this is the only factor of psychoemotional tension that will accompany the student in one way or another throughout the entire learning process. Each of us has memories of a poor assessment, which must somehow be explained to parents. And even adults don't like to make mistakes.

Ridicule classmates.A school is a social group that unites children of different ages with their upbringing characteristics and individual personal qualities. The children have to adapt to the daily interaction with classmates. Everyone wants to have friends, someone, perhaps, the authority and the title of an unspoken leader. Unfortunately, conflict situations occur, and the child, to avoid the occurrence of reasons for ridicule or even bullying, begins to lose his individuality and tries to be “like everyone else". The worst thing is if there is a closure in itself.

Lack of experience working with information.Any learning process is closely related to the need to receive a large flow of very different information. And, of course, it makes the student worry. "What if I don't remember?", “And what if I don't understand?” and so on.

Should a teacher pay attention to the emotional comfort of students, or is his task only to get them a good knowledge base?

Of course, the first teacher is a mentor and guide for the child. His authority can inspire kids with a sense of confidence and security. Emily Chester, primary school teacher of the New York school, honorary worker of education, winner of the priority national project "Education" of the best teachers in the US, shared her professional experience.

-Emily, how often in your work have you had to face the problem of school phobia in children?

-I have been working at the school since 1990, and for 30 years of work, I have repeatedly had to face this problem. Sometimes a child is afraid to go to school, fearing a new environment, meeting with other children, may worry that he will be misunderstood and will be laughed at. Often children worry that they do not meet the expectations of their parents. If a student is characterized by perfectionism, he may not be able to cope with the obligations imposed on him on his own.

-Do you think the participation of a teacher in the adaptation of a child to school is necessary or is it the prerogative of parents?

-Of course, teachers should be carried out already at preschool age. In the first grade, the role of the teacher in the adaptation of the child is very great. Whether a student will go to school with a desire, how he will react to school subjects, a new school day - it depends entirely on the teacher.

-Emily, advise novice colleagues, which method will be optimal in solving this problem?

-The use of game therapy, fairy tale therapy, and the involvement of children in communication with peers and with the teacher, the joint experience of problems and joys– is a necessary condition for overcoming the problem of school phobia in younger schoolchildren. And, of course, joint trusting work with parents is necessary.

Psychologists are sure that the occurrence of school phobia in children can be avoided if the child is prepared for a new stage of life at preschool age. However, if the occurrence of anxiety could not be avoided, the professional participation of a teacher will be required. How can a teacher help a child overcome the psychological barrier of insecurity and fear of school?

Talk to the student's parents. Advise them to create in the child's imagination a picture of bright and exciting moments associated with school, based on associations. It can be new friends, interesting activities, and even a new fashionable backpack, with which it is so nice to go to school and feel like an adult.

Calmly and confidently contact your child during the learning process. Every teacher with whom a student will interact isthe best motivatorto get rid of the psychological barriers associated with the school. A well-structured dialogue between the teacher and his wards confidently destroys all negative childish stereotypes of thinking. After all, the mission of the school is to give knowledge, and as soon as the child understands this, the fear of the teacher will disappear.

Avoid excessive demands. It is not necessary to cultivate the image of a “strict teacher” in the imagination of children. Over time, the child will have favorite subjects and accumulate sufficient knowledge, but at the first stages he needs to be explained that there is no need to be afraid of mistakes, and low grade is a good reason to strengthen his knowledge.

Observe the behavior of children at recess. If you suspect that a child is being bullied by classmates, inform the parents and the school administration about it. Conduct an explanatory conversation with all the children involved about the inadmissibility of aggression and permissiveness, and also show a willingness to stop such behavior. Students may need to work with a school psychologist.

Make the learning process fun. The modern training model allows you to expand the boundaries of the standard principles of information presentation. Interactive games, useful gadgets, field excursions, as well as the professional skills of each teacher come to the rescue. A child can learn knowledge faster if he is interested.

School is an invaluable experience for every child, a springboard into adulthood. Parents and teachers are one team that should become a fulcrum for a little person. Rational use of all available resources will help to overcome possible difficulties and make the learning process comfortable and as effective as possible.

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