Have you ever wondered why people in the hottest places on earth eat hot and spicy foods with hot chili peppers and spices even in the summers when most will naturally gravitate towards cool and refreshing foods like ice cream, cucumbers, and watermelons?? There is a reason, and it's actually pretty smart. Spicy foods make you sweat, which in turn helps you cool down faster. It's as simple as that! Scientists call the phenomenon "gustatory facial sweating," because indeed you usually start sweating in the face first.
Well, sweating releases heat and cools you down for sure but how long does this effect last and is it worth it or not, we will find out. Spices have long been used in Ancient China and India to balance the human body during the extremes of the seasons. According to traditional Indian medicine (Ayurveda), it is important to use cooling spices during the summer months to avoid excess internal heat in the body. Here’s a list of some easily available spices that will promise to keep your summers cool.
Ginger- While it may seem that this spice increases the heat and most of you may stop having ginger tea in the summers, fresh ginger actually has a cooling post-digestive effect on the body. Fresh ginger tea is also one of the best spices for keeping our digestion regular. Try drinking some fresh ginger tea throughout the day and in between the meals and see the effect. You may notice that your appetite is healthier, and your ability to successfully digest foods increases.
Turmeric- One of the most healing spices on the planet and widely used in India, turmeric has a cooling effect during the summer. It also has health-boosting properties for the human body. An anti-inflammatory, liver cleanser, anti-allergen, blood purifier, cholesterol balancer, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial is a must have in your spice box. Turmeric is one of the best spices for avoiding toxic inflammation in the body, a condition that often peaks in summer time. It also stimulates the digestive process, boosts immunity and is great for cooling off over-heated summer skin that may have been caused due to over exposure to heat and harmful UV rays. Avoid consuming packed turmeric which may only be rich in color and less effective in healing. Go for fresh turmeric (dull yellow colored and looks like ginger) for best results.
Cumin seeds- In small amounts, cumin seeds and ground powder are cooling. They also act as a powerful anti-carminative and digestive aid. Cumin is a savory spice that can be used in grain dishes, vegetable stir-fry’s and soups. Even better is to roast them a little, crush them and add to your chilled glass oflassior bowl ofraita.If you’re lazy to do so, next time just purchase a pack ofjeera lassifrom the store instead of the normal plainlassi. The former will cool you much more.
Mint- Whether peppermint or spearmint, mint is more than just a bad breath remedy, it’s also an excellent cooling summer spice. Best when picked fresh from your nearestmandi,mint makes a heat-busting addition to a summer lemonade, fresh fruit salad or the homemadedhaniyaandpudina chutney. You can even grow peppermint at home to avoid the hassle of buying it every time.