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Combat electromagnetic radiation

October 22, 2013 5:02 PM |

Effects of EMF (Electro Motive Force)

Our environment is plagued by many types of pollution (air and noise pollution), but the more important and ‘invisible’ pollution is the one arising from TV, radio and microwave transmission towers. The electromagnetic radiation or EMF from various transmission towers causes serious implications on the health of people in the long run. Electric field absorbed by tissues inside the body, creates an electrical stress. As a result, the function of cells gets disturbed leading to ailments like arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease and Depression. However, the penetration of field depends upon the frequency of radiation & depth inside the skin.

A statistical survey, done by an educational foundation, Oracle Think Quest showed that many diseases occurred to the people living around T.V and mobile towers.  For example, a TV tower situated at Raipur district, showed the antenna bearing total maximum transmission power at frequencies of 850 MHz 0f 1500 watt when working at full power. Similar surveys were conducted across other cities of Varanasi and Bilaspur, to access the effect of radiation on people.

Protection from EMF                                                                  

Most people are unaware that there are two types of EMF frequencies. Low Frequency EMF or 60 hertz is what most homes run on. These come from appliances, wires in your wall, power wires outside or anything else that is plugged in. The second are high frequency EMFs that come from cellular, radio and wireless frequencies. Here’s a list of to do’s, you must adhere to if want a safe from these dangerous radiations:

- Unplug all appliances not in use. Appliances can emit radiations even when not turned off

- Keep your wireless router as far as possible or use an internet cable for a direct connection

- Serious health diseases can be prevented by the use of the appropriate EMF protection devices. However, no product can completely eliminate these fields, but you can decrease it drastically with the use of the appropriate EMF protection

- Chronic exposure to high levels of EMR, especially while asleep, is a constant drain on our vitality. If the head faces a wall with power-points or other electric wiring inside the wall close to the bed then move the bed towards the middle of the room so that you can walk around the bed.

- Q-link introduces a range of body products which are programmed with over 100 natural frequencies known to support the biofield. They are pendants, bracelets and chip that can simply be worn or attached to a device where it will come closest to your body.
Then, when you use your mobile phone, or listen to music on an mp3 player the Q-link product focuses and strengthens the biofield's ability to support your body's natural defenses to combat EMFs. Q-link products are delivered free all across India!

Collectively, we've all been adding to EMF pollution for over 100 years. And the rate of increase is exceptionally high. The problem is not too big to be solved; it just requires coordinated efforts by everyone.

Photo by Q-Link.

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