Cherry solution for Monsoon Diseases!

September 5, 2013 4:40 PM|

If you think traffic snarls, overflowing drains and flooding are the only woes faced in the monsoon season, recapitulate again. Diseases, mood swings and craving for good food counts as much as anything else. Rains aid in the growth of bacteria and thereby, increases the chance of acquiring diseases from contaminated food. Dry food items are by far the safest bet and voila, if you get pangs of cherry.

Cherry is a fruit that everybody craves for during this season. And the best part is that it abounds in antioxidants and is a source of vital nutrition to the body. It is full of health-benefiting nutrients and unique antioxidants, required by the body to fight against prevalent monsoon diseases such as food poisoning, typhoid and dysentery. It is a powerhouse of antioxidants and particularly good for people suffering from ailments such as heart diseases, rheumatism, diabetes mellitus, gout and arthritis. It also helps to lower the levels of uric acid in our body.

Cherry is a deep coloured fruit, which helps to slow the ageing process and fight against free radicals in the body.  This fruit not only looks delicious but is yummy to eat as well. Moreover, it is important to take care of your health and diet during monsoon. Eat as much as you can because cherry is very low in calories and known to control levels of cholesterol in the blood. Therefore, get some cherries from the nearby grocery shop, even if you don’t get pangs for it.


photo courtesy - wallcoo

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