Avoid a car breakdown, next monsoon!

September 19, 2013 5:38 PM | Skymet Weather Team

After a long torrid summer, the much awaited monsoon rain comes pouring down as a relief. Nevertheless, this monsoon season also brings with it a lot of moisture, rust and humidity, which is not so welcoming for your vehicle. It is disastrous for the metals and the electronics in your car.

To enjoy the downpour it is essential to keep your car in good shape. In our country, very little awareness is spread on vehicle maintenance and driving precautions to be taken during heavy showers, contributing to the ever growing monsoon accidents. Learn to mitigate vehicle damage due to rains and floods.


I’m sure your car’s total healthcheck-up has been updated before the heavy downpour began in your city.Make sure that the parts of your car, including tyres and spares, are well-serviced before the monsoons hit. Most importantly ensure that the wiper blades, electrical parts and horn are in pristine working condition. Do not be negligent with the windscreen wipers as hard rubber can reduce the effectiveness of the wipers, impairing vision while driving. Fix all the leaks to avoid being stranded for long hours during a flood-like situation, and check for open holes to prevent rain water seeping inside.

Go for a wax polish

The first impression of your vehicle comes from a good paint finish. The acidic rain water can reduce the sheen of the car with prolonged exposure. To avoid this situation, opt for wax polish which will help to create a protective layer above the paint, contributing to less damage to your car's body.

AC is imperative in moist weather

More than cooling, air conditioner in the car generates dry air which helps in preventing the windscreen and windows from misting up. Also invest in a perfume with disinfectant properties or a HVAC system. One of these can be comfortably fitted in the cowl vent and with air conditioner running in fresh air mode your car will exude heavenly effervescence all the time.


picture courtesy- Dave Copeland