As Mumbai rains surprise residents, Twitterati reacts

May 13, 2017 8:34 AM|

As Mumbai rains surprise residents, Twitterati reactsMumbairains which remained far and few for at least seven months have finally made an appearance.

Also Read: Mumbai rains absent since October, finally make a comeback

The long wait of some rainfall activity over the city of dreams is finally over. The city that never sleeps will have a good night today as the remembrance of rain drops will keep the happy spirit alive over the city.

Read Here:Parched Mumbai finaly gets a breather as rains make way

The Mumbaikars could not have asked for more for the upcoming weekend. For the average Mumbaikar, Friday night could not have been any better. Why would it not be, the desperate for rain resident has had to wait for at least seven months for those drops of rain.

Check out how the tweeting Twiteratti reacted to the unusual Mumbai Rains.

Image Credit:Francis Joseph(Twitter)

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