8 Things We All Do In A Traffic Jam During Monsoon

July 29, 2015 11:02 AM|

Things People Do In A Traffic Jam

If there’s one thing which affects the length and breadth of a city during Monsoon, it has to be those unending traffic jams. We all pray for heavy rain showers and when our prayers are answered, we end up with a not-so-pleasant by-product. Waterlogging, clogged points, improper road surfacing, and other factors lead to maddening traffic jams.

But the mind must stay busy no matter. We take a look at a few things which we all do in a traffic jam during Monsoon. Loosen your seatbelts, you’re in for a long haul!

Post it on social media

Things People Do In A Traffic JamOne of the most common things we all do nowadays. The moment you hit the brakes and realize that this really is a traffic jam, you pull out your smartphone and tweet about it or post it on Facebook. Some of us express anger and disgust while others get down to complaining about lack of Monsoon preparedness on the government’s part.

Doze off for a while

Things People Do In A Traffic JamIf it’s a serious one, then taking a nap is totally understood. There’s no point observing the confusion around you and getting into awkward conversations with your fellow commuters. Just lay back and snore away for a while. Excessive and desperate honking will wake you up once the mess clears up.

Traffic jam meditation

Things People Do In A Traffic JamHow do you escape the madness around you? Close your eyes, take a deep breath, hold it for a while, and exhale slowly. Keep doing it for a while and think about that spiritual stuff you read somewhere. Let the thought of Karma and soulfulness float through your head. Meditate your way out of a traffic jam if you will. It usually helps you relax and bites time.

Attend calls you’ve been avoiding

Things People Do In A Traffic JamA traffic jam is the best place to take calls. You sound busy even though you have nothing to do. Also, you’re more patient because you’ve probably given up on the traffic clearing up anytime soon. So go ahead and call that annoying person and be done with it.

Stare at fellow commuters

Things People Do In A Traffic JamNo matter how hard you try, you always end up doing this. It’s like a mutual agreement between you and your fellow commuter on the fact that yes we’re screwed for the day. If you’re lucky then a pleasant face may be sitting right next to you in a car. All said and done, keep an eye out!

Girls put on some make-up

Things People Do In A Traffic JamThe rear-view mirror is an asset in every way. Even if you’re driving skills are limited and you hardly use it, the rear view mirror can be used as a dressing table mirror. Girls stuck in a traffic jam obviously want to look good while they’re stuck there. Thus the occasional adjusting of the mirror and a few touch-ups.

Thinking about climate change due to pollution

Things People Do In A Traffic JamWhen dozens of vehicles surround you, all you can see and/or smell is some nasty vehicular emission. So you sit there pondering over environmentalists and the global call for improvement in public transport. You work your way up to climate change issues and when the traffic clears up, you steam ahead in full-throttle, wasting the goods.

Frustrated about taking the shorter route

Things People Do In A Traffic JamIt happens quite often. That underpass or soft turn is too tempting to ignore. You end up taking the shorter route hoping to save some time. But traffic snarls leave you looking like a fool who could have avoided all the trouble. Banging your head on the steering wheel expresses only half your frustration.

(Featured Image: kia-buzz.com) (Main Image Credit: news1130.com)


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