The heat is upon us and with that comes the bazillions of complaints about the weather from everyone. Here are six reasons why people hate the scorching summer season:
Bills- You hate it when the electric bills go through the roof at the cost of running air-conditioners and coolers to keep your home cool so you don't die of a heat-stroke on your own couch when the mercury touches 45⁰C and above.
Sunburn- Suntan and then sunburn can cause people with fair skin with weeks worth of painful reminders of dull and spoilt skin. Why we say spoilt is because as much as we know the sun is good for us we must also remember it causes dark spots, patchy skin and possibly irreversible skin cancer.
Mosquitoes and Bugs- Bugs will infest everywhere, within a reasonable distance to water. And for those who live near the ocean or near some body of water elsewhere, summer months are a guaranteed mosquito-fest in the house. To add to the trouble, ticks and fleas will plague your animals, especially if you own a dog or are anywhere near horses.
Stink- Body Odor will fill the air everywhere with it's awful stench, especially on hot, crowded subways, metros and buses which many of us have to take to work five days a week, twice a day at least. Your shoes and feet will stink for days and it’s possible that people may want to be away from your sweaty presence.
Rage- Road rage, bike rage, pedestrian rage and stroller rage. You name it, we’re all in it. Once the terrible summer sets in, tempers escalate with the temperature. They should start calling it the fighting season of the year.
Heat- The steamy heat makes you feel sluggish all day and leaves you wide awake all night during spotty power cuts. At the time you’re used to the hum of the air conditioner, long and patience-testing power failures spoil the game. And then there are weeks of sleep to catch up on!