5 weird and unheard allergies

March 8, 2013 11:34 AM | Skymet Weather Team

Can you imagine having an allergy to the thing you desire most? As unbelievable as it may sound, there are many people ­­­who have allergies that are most unknown and unheard of those are not weather related at all, though most people would swiftly blame in on the weather. So next time you see people around you sneezing, coughing or itching, ask them if there might be a strange reason for their allergy! Doctors say an allergy is basically an exaggerated immune response to something that is most commonly not harmful yet causes strange reactions.

In this article we introduce you to five uncommon allergies that happen due to some odd reasons. They are as follows:

Kissing Allergy- It may sound humorous that a person may have a kissing allergy but it does happen to really unlucky individuals. When the person experiences it, he/she suffers from hives, rashes, prickly eyes, blisters on eyelids, puffy lips, and respiration problems. It cannot cause severe danger but passionate kisses can do that sometimes. It's not the act of kissing that causes this allergy, rather it's the allergens your kissing partner has consumed recently. So next time you go crazy clubbing or are going to try a blind date, put on a mask, if you know what we mean!








The Vibration Allergy- People with ultra-sensitive skin, most commonly become the victim of this allergy in which the vibrations of machinery like cars and air conditioners can cause irritation. Just like any other allergy, it is caused by the wrong perception of immune system to harmless objects and thus the immune system responds in defense to that object. Welt, rashes, and other skin reactions immediately appear within five minutes and remain for hours or days. The allergy can be treated by antihistamine or by calamine lotion. Whosoever invented the vibrator mode in phones, wouldn’t have thought of this!




Chocolate Allergy-   Gosh! This one’s the worst allergy ever and a curse for all chocolate lovers! Headaches, hives, an itchy mouth and throat, even a swelling of the tongue can accompany this allergy. Because chocolate includes milk, eggs, and sometimes nuts, it may be another ingredient which is causing your allergic reaction.  The only way to be certain is to check with your doctor.  You will not like this piece of advice but you must avoid overeating chocolates if not completely stop.








Allergy to Water- You might want to use this as an excuse to not bathe in the freezing winter months but don’t forget only one person out of every 23 million people may suffer from it. Aquagenic urticaria, or allergy to water is very bothersome as the patient bears itchy red lumps and soreness for almost two hours. The ions in the non-distilled water are responsible for the reaction, thus the patient has to remain careful about using distilled water only. In the scorching summer months, extreme sweating can also cause painful rashes in the body.





Allergy to Exercising - Exercise is necessary for good health but there are some cases in which many people are found allergic to exercise. This particular type of distress is known as Exercise-induced anaphylaxis (EIA) which is caused by exercise or by food that is taken before exercise. This is a life threatening allergy which happens only when the patient takes the offended food or medication that is not suitable for his health before exercise and works out immediately after it. The fatigue symptoms include heat, itching, redness of the skin, large hives, crumple and faintness.  Don’t take this lightly and visit your doctor immediately so that suitable medication can be prescribed right away.