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5 interesting environment friendly foods across the world

March 17, 2015 3:48 PM |

Environmental food

Are we killing the environment or is the environment killing us? In today's world, this question has baffled most of us at some point in time.

Have you ever spared a moment to look at what we eat and the way we grow it? There is ample evidence to suggest that some of the foods we eat tend to damage the environment.

The harmful effects of fertilizers and pesticides on water and wildlife are also well known. The chemicals in the Mississippi River have been flowing down into the Gulf of Mexico forming the largest ‘dead zone’ of more than 8500 square miles. Moreover, factory farms are a huge trouble maker and gravely affect the world weather.

So here are few interestingly grown foods which aim to reduce pressure on the environment.

The Lab-Grown Burger

Lab-grown Burger

Every year around 9 billion animals are raised to be killed in the Unites States of America. Livestock contributes more than 20 per cent of the total methane emissions in the world. Reliable sources also state that the global demand for poultry could grow by 60 per cent by another 30 years.

In August 2013, the first lab-grown burger was unveiled to meet the growing demand for meat production in sustainable ways.

Scientists are believed to have taken cells from a cow and made strips of muscle at an institute in the Netherlands. These strips were used to make the burger patty. This burger might not be very juicy but definitely tastes good. The best part is that even vegetarians can get the taste of meat without any hesitation.

Technology is a sustainable way for meeting the demand for meat but at present it is an expensive affair!

Kelp Noodles

Kelp Noodles

Oceans make up for 70 per cent of the earth’s surface. Nevertheless, they produce merely 2% of its food. Scientists and experts have been exploring the oceans to address the world’s hunger problems and fish is not the only solution as its supply has been decreasing. So, Kelp noodles are one of the solutions discovered as it is made of seaweed. According to media reports, various companies like SeaSnax have been trying to market Kelp globally.

They are rich in nutrients; low in calorie and carbohydrate; gluten and fat-free. It’s the best available substitute for traditional pasta and rice. Kelp is also known to normalize the thyroid gland and helps in weight loss because of the high iodine content. What more do you want?


Algae Snack Bars

Yes, Algae are still a niche snack and have not reached out to people across the world. Though it has been a staple food in Asian countries including Japan, it is at the bottom of the food chain for now.

As algae can feed both humans and animals, its farming could become one of the world's biggest cropping industries and is a good solution for world’s food shortage. Another interesting fact about seaweed is that it grows at an astonishing rate and is undoubtedly  the fastest growing plant on earth.

Invasive species

Jellyfish dish


The best way to control species is to eat them! Miya’s Sushi in Japan has been making dishes with theoretically damaging species like Jellyfish, Asian carp and Green crabs. This is a thoughtful way to battle species which tend to reduce profits of farms and fisheries.

The Miracle Fruit

Miracle fruit

Synsepalum dulcificum, popularly called the miracle berry, is known to trick the taste buds. It makes sour food like lemons and limes, subsequently consumed, taste sweet. This is attributed to the presence of the protein miraculin, commercially used as a sugar substitute.


This West African berry may not contribute to the concept of sustainable development but deserves a place in this category as it serves as a low-calorie sugar substitute and is also said to help chemotherapy patients regain their appetite.




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