UK weather: Rain and snow give freezing start to February

February 1, 2018 1:03 PM|


Severe winters continue to grip most parts of United Kingdom, with the state recording record low temperatures. In fact, temperatures are predicted to plummet further to as low as -10°C for the coming weekend.


According to weathermen, rains could turn into sleet and snow over some areas along with warnings of yellow ice across the entire region of the country.

Motorists were seen facing risky driving conditions as snow fell over some parts of Scotland on Wednesday. As rain and snow is likely to continue for another 48 hours, few roads and railway tracks are likely to be affected by the weather activity. Injuries from slips and falls on icy surfaces are also possible due to the heavy rains.

Meanwhile, a yellow warning of ice has been given for western Scotland, part of Northern Ireland and Wales and central and south eastern England for Thursday. Following this, the mercury on Friday night could fall as low as -8°C over many parts of Scotland.

In fact, possibility of more snow across the hills in Scotland and northern England could be seen on Saturday. Further, the coldest temperatures are forecast for Sunday night, where temperatures of -10°C are possible in some areas.

Although next week would begin on cold and frosty note but some relief is in offing as temperatures are expected to pick up gradually.

Image Credits - Channel4

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