Why you Can Selfishly Eat Butter Every Once in a While

April 24, 2016 6:32 PM|

Eating Butter Is Not Bad

Selfish Sunday is back again. On this day you can selfishly do whatever you like. Well, don't you simply love butter? The smooth texture, the melt in the mouth feeling. It's not just you. Most of us love that one dairy ingredient, which has the ability to turn anything into a masterpiece. Well, butter is actually good for you, and we will tell you why.

One of the many benefits that butter provides is Vitamin A, which performs a wide range variety of function for your body. Vitamin A is not only needed for maintaining good vision but it also helps in the functioning of the endocrine system. Butter also contains other fat-soluble vitamins including Vitamin D, E and K.

By consuming butter every once in a while, you give your body a dose of fatty acids, which are beneficial to support your immune system and boost the metabolism. Butter also contains anti-microbial properties, which help in fighting pathogenic microorganisms living inside the intestinal tract. Butter contains arachidonic acid, which improve your brain function, prostaglandin balance, and skin health.

Your beloved butter also contains trace minerals including chromium, manganese, copper, selenium and zinc. Seleium is a powerful antioxidant and butter has more selenium per gram as compared to wheat germ. Also, your favourite butter is also a great source of iodine as well. What more could you ask for?

Did you know that your body does need a certain amount of cholesterol and butter, well, butter contains cholesterol and gives your body the much needed dose. Also, cholesterol is essential for keeping your cellular function healthy. Also, it plays quite an important role in the development of your nervous system and brain.

This greasy delight also contains the Wulzen factor which helps in the prevention of arthritis and stiffness in the joints. Also, Wulzen factor ensures that the calcium is deposited in your bones and not on your joints. Then why would you not eat butter?

However, just because butter is good for you, don't make a habit of having butter everyday. Consuming this dairy delight once in a while does no harm to you. After all, your body does need fat and cholesterol for survival.

Main Image Credit (franchiseopportunitiesjournal.com)

Feature Image Credit (cskfood.com)

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