11 Tips that Prove Losing Weight is Easy!

April 27, 2015 3:49 PM | Skymet Weather Team

It’s Transformation Tuesday, the day to put before and after images of yourself on social media platforms. What if there is no after picture? What will you post? Doesn’t it get too difficult to lose weight? It is not easy to simply give up the toothsome treats that the world has to offer. But it is high time now, you need to do something and fit into that dress you once bought. We give you 11 tips which proves that losing weight is not difficult after all.

Eat at The Same Time

We know it is not possible all the time, but you could at least try. Eating at the same intervals every day makes you less likely to crave for more food. Just like our mind, even our body appreciates rhythms, so why not provide it for what it craves? It is always better to fix timings for your food.

Little Things Make a Difference

Feeling hungry? Just grab a fruit and eat as you please. If you have a little time in between work, take a 15 minute walk. Add some extra veggies to that sandwich. These little things make a huge difference. You can shed those extra pounds by following these simple steps and whatever else works for you.

Add Instead of Subtracting

Do you think simply subtracting food items from your daily diet will help you lose weight? No, it won’t. Instead, adding a few healthy items to your daily list will help you. But you need to make sure that you only add the right kind of foods. Add fruits to your in between snacks, add vegetables into rice, soups or simply the simple yogurt with fresh fruits.

Walk Till You Drop

The best way to stay fit and keep a check on your weight is by simply walking. Mind you, there is no defined time to take a long walk. Whenever the weather is good and you feel like taking a stroll amidst nature, put on your running shoes and let the quest to lose weight begin. Don’t forget, even a ten minute walk can make a huge difference.

Lighten the Junk

No, we aren’t telling you to completely stop eating your favourite pizzas and burgers (if you do, you will definitely do yourself a favour). Find healthier alternatives, try out a wheat crust pizza with some low fat cheese. Try low fat ice cream with some fruit toppings that tastes even better. Instead of a glass of beer, try out a glass of wine and swap the fizzy drinks with natural juices.

Hydrate That Body

Before your daily meal, gulp in a glass of water. This will help you keep a watch on what you eat and instead of over eating you will only eat enough to keep your stomach full. Also, whenever you feel the need to have a small snack sip a glass of juice. If you keep yourself hydrated, you are more active all day and can burn more calories.

Tune and Tone

Ladies! What do you love the most? Well it is television and music, isn’t it? Instead of sitting like a couch potato, munching fatty food items, you can tune in to your favourite music channel and dance to the beat. As long as you are up, it doesn’t matter what you do, you are burning calories. You could watch your favourite reality TV show while cycling.

Because Size Matters

Don’t you feel denied when you look at that large plate with just a little bit of food in it? Come on, don’t shy away, we know you do. Here's and idea, try the same helping in a smaller plate, helps doesn’t it? The reason is a small portion on a large plate leaves you unsatisfied while a small plate full of food is way more satisfying.

Boredom is Not your New Friend

Did you know, sitting idle keeps you hungry and you end up hogging whatever you get your hands on. The solution is to keep yourself busy. By busy we don’t mean cooking your favourite meal but you could try your hands on painting instead. Or you could join a dance class. The idea is to not think of food during your free time.

Prepare the Same Food

When you prepare a healthy diet for yourself and an unhealthy meal is demanded from the other side of the room, you are bound to be distracted. Don’t you want your better half to be as healthy as you. Make sure you prepare the same food for the both of you. And of course there are cheat days when you can satisfy your cravings for your favourite food.

App it Up

Just a little more help goes a long way for a weight loss program. If you don’t have the time and the resources to splurge on a personal trainer or a dietitian, you can download weight loss apps to help you stay on track with your diet and daily routine. The best part about these apps is that some of them come free of cost. That is why they say, best things in life are free!







These tips will help you buck up, help you shed those extra pounds and you will definitely see a transformation Tuesday phase. After all, the cereal diet challenge doesn’t always work.