8 Little Known Health Benefits Of Drinking Beer

May 27, 2015 4:21 PM|

8 Little Known Health Benefits Of Drinking Beer

While the intelligent lot pursue their debate regarding the social and cultural offerings of beer, the good ol’ ale must be appreciated for its health benefits as well. Beer consumption is taking giant leaps and will probably set a new high by the time you finish reading this article. In India too, beer has become a popular choice. From pubs to rest-o-bars; from hangouts to house parties; a beer bottle can be seen dangling in every hand.

But what about the guilt factor which comes along with beer? We all dread a beer belly. We all avoid getting drunk. And yet, we all crave for a pint or two. So pull out your favorite brew and read about the health benefits of beer.

Helps reduce risk of heart disease

(Image Credit: alliancehealthcarefoundation.org)

8 Little Known Health Benefits Of Drinking BeerA pint of beer a day can gift you a 31% reduced chance of heart disease. As per a study carried out in Italy, beer carries natural anti-oxidants called phenols which are crucial in protecting the heart. But it must be noted that high intake of beer can increase your chances of developing a heart disease.

Lowers risk of diabetes

(Image Credit: telegraph.co.uk)

8 Little Known Health Benefits Of Drinking BeerAs per a study carried out in Harvard, 38,000 middle-aged men who drank one or two beers daily, had a 25% reduction in the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The reason being that alcohol content in beer increases insulin sensitivity which helps in preventing diabetes. Also, beer is a good source of soluble fibre which is important for people suffering from diabetes.

Can help prevent kidney stones

(Image Credit: webmd.com)

8 Little Known Health Benefits Of Drinking BeerHigh water content in beer helps the body in flushing out harmful toxins and reduces the risk of developing kidney stones by up to 40%. Moderate consumption of beer is highly effective in mitigating the risk of developing kidney stones.

Can help protect against Alzheimer’s

(Image Credit: cops.usdoj.gov)

8 Little Known Health Benefits Of Drinking BeerResearchers at Loyola University in Chicago, after analyzing numerous studies, concluded that people with controlled intake of beer were 23% less likely to develop Alzheimer’s. High Aluminum content in the body is considered to be one of the possible causes of Alzheimer’s. Silicon content in beer protects the brain from harmful effects of Aluminum.

Manages your blood pressure

(Image Credit: wedeside.com)

8 Little Known Health Benefits Of Drinking BeerAs compared to other alcoholic beverages, beer is highly useful in managing blood pressure levels. As per a study carried out by Harvard, women (aged 25 to 40) who drank beer in moderate amounts were less likely to develop high blood pressure compared to women who drank some other alcoholic beverage.

Reduces your cholesterol levels

(Image Credit: rediff.com)

8 Little Known Health Benefits Of Drinking BeerBarley used in brewing of beer is made up of a soluble fiber known as beta-glucans which help in lowering cholesterol levels. Simply speaking, regular but moderate intake of beer can help you cut down on your cholesterol levels.

Helps strengthen bones

(Image Credit: mutualofomaha.com)

8 Little Known Health Benefits Of Drinking BeerThere’s a debate about this one as well, but a study carried out at Tufts in 2009 claims that people who drank one or two glasses of beer on a daily basis developed a higher bone density than others. But at the same time, high intake of beer can lead to weaker bones with increased risk of bone fractures.

Farewell Dandruff

(Image Credit: webmd.com)

8 Little Known Health Benefits Of Drinking BeerWhen Park Avenue launched its ‘Beer Shampoo’, most people in India didn’t quite embrace the idea. But beer is globally recognized as one of the best natural treatments for dandruff. Beer contains high amounts of yeast and vitamin B which make your hair shiny and soft. All you need to do is rinse your hair with a bottle of beer every once in a while.

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(Main Image Credit: lifehack.org)(Featured Image Credit: foodbeast.com)

(Disclaimer: Please note that this article is meant for educational purpose only. Skymet Weather does not encourage the consumption of beer or any other alcoholic beverage)


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