10 Reasons Why You Should Make Green Tea Your Morning Beverage

April 13, 2016 3:55 PM|

10 Reasons Why You Should Make Green Tea Your Morning Beverage.

It’s Wellness Wednesday again! This day is a reminder to make healthier life choices for a better tomorrow. Looking for a healthier alternative than coffee? Well, green tea, the healthiest drink in the world is here to the rescue. Not only does it have an array of health benefits but it also keeps your mind and soul at ease. We bring you 10 reasons why you should make the ancient Green tea your morning beverage.


Weight Loss Aid

10 Reasons Why You Should Make Green Tea Your Morning Beverage.Gaining some extra pounds? Don't fret my friend. Drink green tea each morning empty stomach and notice the difference in just a few days. Green tea helps in metabolism. It contains polyphenol which works to intensify levels of fat oxidation and the rate at which the food in your body are turned into calories. Check out this article to learn more and find the best green tea for weight loss.


Great For Skin

10 Reasons Why You Should Make Green Tea Your Morning Beverage.Did you know that green tea can also help delay wrinkles and the signs of aging? The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of green tea are a great boon to your skin. Also green tea may help in protecting your skin against sun damage as well. What's the harm in trying?


Fights Depression

10 Reasons Why You Should Make Green Tea Your Morning Beverage.Feeling blue? Why don't you try a cup of soothing green tea. Green tea contains Theanine, which is an amino acid. It provides a tranquilizing and relaxing effect on the body and is greatly beneficial for those suffering from depression. Drink green tea and stay happy.


Regulates Blood Pressure

10 Reasons Why You Should Make Green Tea Your Morning Beverage.If you are suffering from high blood pressure, you must make green tea your morning beverage. Research suggests, regular consumption of green tea decreases the risk of high blood pressure and keeps it under control. Go ahead, drink up!


Reduces Bad Cholesterol

10 Reasons Why You Should Make Green Tea Your Morning Beverage.The best way to get rid of bad cholesterol is to drink green tea every morning. The elements present in green tea are said to reduce the bad cholesterol from the human body and it also improves the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol.


May Lower Cancer Risk

10 Reasons Why You Should Make Green Tea Your Morning Beverage.Green tea is said to protect our body against many types of cancer. It is said to slow the breast cancer growth. Not only this, it also kills the prostate cancer cells. It may also reduce the risk of esophageal cancer. Green tea kills these cancer cells without damaging the healthy tissue around them.


Protects the Brain in Old Age

10 Reasons Why You Should Make Green Tea Your Morning Beverage.The consumption of green tea on a regular basis delays the deterioration caused by Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Green tea protects the brain cells and prevent them from dying. It also restores the damaged brain cells. For a healthier brain, start drinking this magic potion today.


Lowers Diabetes Risk

10 Reasons Why You Should Make Green Tea Your Morning Beverage.If you are a diabetic, you must take a daily dose of green tea. It not only regulates the glucose levels but slow down the rise of blood sugar after eating. Green tea may also prevent high insulin spikes and resulting fat storage. If you regularly consume green tea your sweet tooth may go off to sleep.


Increases Longevity

10 Reasons Why You Should Make Green Tea Your Morning Beverage.Need a longer life? Start drinking a cup of green tea everyday. The elements present in the green tea are said to improve longevity. You not only get a longer life but also a healthier life. Start today!


Has Antiviral and Antibacterial Properties

10 Reasons Why You Should Make Green Tea Your Morning Beverage.If you start your morning with green tea, you are less likely to catch a disease. Right from influenza to cancer, the antiviral and anti bacterial agents are effective for many diseases. Studies suggest, green tea has also inhibited the spread of various diseases.

Wellness Wednesday is all about making healthier choices in life, taking the path towards good health and a happy life. Go ahead, start with a cup of green tea everyday.

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