UK to welcome New Year with heavy rains

December 31, 2016 2:27 PM|

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After witnessing one of the driest Decembers in a century, New Year is expected to bring heavy rains that might sweep across the UK.

Scotland and the North are expected to witness the New Year with pouring rain while damp streets are exacted at the farther south. Weather warnings have been issued for parts of Highlands where three inches of snow is likely.

On Sunday, temperatures are also expected to witness a rise after this cold spell. Skies could, in turn, bring in cold conditions.

As per Meteorological Department, a session of rain moving from the north through Scotland then towards the south is expected. Sunday will witness damp condition.

As much as 80mm of rain or some amount of snow can be expected on the mountainous terrains of Scotland. Snow accumulation is expected more on the peaks.

By 2017, rain is likely to reach north and would have reached Wales. These rains are likely to reach the South East that may witness half an inch of rain by Sunday morning.

Monday will witness bright and sunny morning. The UK has received three-fifths of the average December rains this month.

England records only two-fifths of the rains that were expected to fall in December while South East Parts of the country not observing more than half an inch of rains. Parts of the country is still dry.

Dry spells signify that even with the heaviest accumulations of rain, flooding is not a possibility in Scotland. The year 2016 began with one of the wettest January, December will end on a rainy note. Moreover, the weekend showers will also lead to curtailing own of fog and ice that had led to travel disruption.

Air and road disruptions were also observed across the South East on Friday morning. Most of the flights were delayed. At least 30 flights were canceled in the morning at the Heathrow Airport.

Image Credit: GRTX

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