The sky was lit with the most spectacular celestial event in a long time. The supermoon of 2016 which was the first of its kind since the year 1948 had a lot of sky gazers to its service. NASA described this rare event as undeniably beautiful, and rightly so. The supermoon was too beautiful to be true and people from across the globe managed to capture this rare beauty.
Check out some of the most stunning images of the Supermoon 2016 shared by Twitterati
breathtaking scenes of this year's#supermoonfrom spain, greece, hong kong and missouri. it's the closest it'll be to earth until 2034!
— dead boyfriend (@unsmokabIe)November 15, 2016
A man stands on his balcony in Madrid to get a glance at the#Supermoonby@ggjulien)
— Darren Rovell (@darrenrovell)November 15, 2016
GORGEOUS! Here are our#Supermoonpictures from tonight. How'd yours turn out?
— WFAA-TV (@wfaachannel8)November 15, 2016
The#supermoonover Boston
— Only In Boston (@OnlyInBOS)November 15, 2016
Get out and see#SuperMoontonite#NYC, gorgeous clear evening, u wont c it again for 70 YEARS,
— M Kop (@mkopNY)November 14, 2016
Amazing pictures of the#SuperMoonaround the
— Reba (@RebaMokgoko)November 14, 2016
The#supermoonis seen rising behind the Soyuz rocket that will launch the next crew to the space station from Kazakhstan on Nov.
— Intl. Space Station (@Space_Station)November 14, 2016
This is phenomenal. Heart heart! Views from different places in
— 한나 (@sabishi_han)November 14, 2016
Witness the enchanting#supermoontonight with the majestic#BurjKhalifaand share your shots with us! By Shadi Al
— Burj Khalifa (@BurjKhalifa)November 14, 2016
Wondering how big#Supermoon(the largest since 1948) can be? Check out photos taken in SW China's
— China Xinhua News (@XHNews)November 14, 2016
Biggest and Brightest: The first glances of rare#supermooncaptured in sensational and stunning
— Snober Abbasi (@snobers)November 14, 2016
The bright#supermoonover#Athenstonight. Kalo Vrathi
— Why Athens (@WhyAthens)November 14, 2016
Image Credit:Burj Khalifa, @IsraelBreaking(Twitter)