Springtime brings allergies in Chicago

February 23, 2017 4:43 PM|

Chicago Spring Allergy

Chicago has been witnessing record high temperatures. Residents are taking full advantage of February’s unseasonably warm weather, but these temperatures this early in the year have a downside. By downside, we refer to springtime allergies.

In fact, the doctors have released the first allergy’s report for the month of February. The weather has already brought out allergens for some patients, because it’s been too warm to snow, and rain carries mold and pollen spores.

The pollinating of the trees has been tremendous due to the weather being warm. Currently, the biggest problems are mold (low) and tree pollen (moderate), which is very unusual for mid-February.

If you’re planning to spend some time outdoors, especially kids who are running around in the grass, as soon as you enter home, rather than sitting down on the couch, hanging out, go take a shower, because then you will be lessening the likelihood of dispersing the pollen in the house. Or just limit the amount of time spent out in the spring-like conditions.

It’s very essential to have the windows closed. The air, the pollen comes into the house and then the person with allergies sneezes and has runny nose, stuffy nose.

Seasonal allergy sufferers are advised to take their medication year round to battle this kind of change in the weather.

Image Credit: citiesobserver.com


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