A winter storm persisting in Southern California continues to produce heavy rain, snow and possible flooding over some of the areas.
By the time the storm will actually move out of Southern California, till then most of the region would have received 1-2 inches of rain.
Los Angeles and Orange regions will possibly observe early morning showers, with partly cloudy skies. Highs will mount to 66 degrees Fahrenheit on Monday. Day temperatures will continue to rise this week, reaching the mid-70s by Thanksgiving.
The valleys and Inland Empire are also expected to observe some rain and thundershowers as temperatures may top 65 degrees.
Moreover, beaches will record rain during early morning hours and western swells up to 5-8 feet. Temperatures will reach 63 degrees Fahrenheit on Monday, which will gradually rise during the week till Thanksgiving brings temperature in the low-to-mid 70s.
The hilly terrains will also witness morning snow with winds gusting up to 45 mph. Here, maximums will reach 40 degrees on Monday; however, temperatures are likely to hit the mid-50s by Thanksgiving.
Meanwhile, deserts will possibly experience a few episodes of rain and wind gusts up to 40 mph. Temperatures will reach 57 degrees Celsius on Monday and will heat up through the week, reaching lows up to 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
Image Credit: dailymail.co.uk