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Organizations to take measures against prevailing heatwave in UK

July 20, 2016 3:04 PM |


Heatwave conditions have blanketed most parts of U.K. with temperature settling around 33°C on Tuesday.  These heatwave conditions are unbearable for most of the Britons especially those laboring under scorching heat.

Heat affects each one individually on the basis of one’s age, weight, prior health conditions etc. and at the same time is uncomfortable at workplace too.

Britain has a law of letting the workers go home if the temperature fall short of 16°C (13°C for rigorous labor work) but the nation has not set any restrictions on the upper end of the scale.

The TUC, (UK Trade Union Center) suggests that workers should be permitted to leave the office premises if the mercury reaches as high as 30°C (27°C for hard labor work).

The General Secretary, Frances O’Grady claims that it becomes uncomfortable and dangerous working in such sweltering weather conditions. Rustic work must be tried to be completed during early morning and/or late afternoon, avoiding the mid-day sun.

In order to avoid workers from coming under the influence of the sultry heat conditions, malleable working hours should be introduced in organizations. This would involve people coming in early or staying up late.

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